As a child, I avoided running. I was active, athletic and competitive, but I generally chose sports and their respective positions by the least amount of running required. In soccer, I was the goalie. In softball, the catcher. When I had to choose between field hockey and volleyball, well… I chose volleyball. By the time I got around to really trying running, it was because I had to, not because I wanted to. My focus was on fitness, not fun.
Where do you listen to podcasts? Is it taking a walk around the neighborhood, while working out on a stationary bike or elliptical, maybe mowing the lawn or just sitting in a tranquil spot where you can fully immerse yourself? Wherever it is, podcasts have captured our attention by delivering education, information and entertainment.
Well, I’m excited to introduce you to the True Stride Podcast!
“If your career was like the Olympics, what event would you win the gold?”
That was my favorite interview question in my corporate roles.
Sometimes, the candidate would just look perplexed, so I’d offer, “For example, I’d win the gold in managing cross-functional, diverse teams because I excel at empowering each team member to use their unique gifts to achieve personal and business personal successes.