EP30: Honoring What Is Visible To You

As I reflected on last week’s episode and took a Wise Walk with myself, I realized that at this moment in time, I feel seen and understood by most people in my life, but I’ve worked really hard for this moment in time. I’ve had to make some tough decisions along the way to stay aligned with feeling seen, heard, and understood.

As we Stride together, the questions on our minds are: Where do you take pride in being visible to yourself, for yourself, without needing anyone else to praise or recognize you? Is there a way to increase your visibility to stay motivated, accountable, or get encouragement? Where in your life do you want to take a quality that already exists inside you and make it more visible?

Those conversations where you feel invisible or realize whoever you are talking to or hanging out with are too consumed by their reality to understand what you are trying to accomplish can be very disappointing. But it would be more disappointing if you gave into their limited thinking of what was possible and what was visible in our hearts. For me, it’s about observing and appreciating my internal visibility for myself first and foremost.

My good friend Katie is a fellow Strider, and she posts these great Instagram stories about her daily runs. Her simple and consistent posts are a way that she shows up for herself to be visible for herself and others that matter, like her three amazing boys. Katie’s act of self-care and willingness to share motivates others to get their stride on too. I’ve learned that it is so important to tie your need for visibility back to your feeling goals and what lights you up.

As this podcast airs, my Aunt Teeny and I will be in a massive white truck hauling a six-horse trailer from Oklahoma to northern Florida. We are relocating my Aunt Teeny’s three horses and donkey from California to Florida. My Aunt made the brave choice to relocate herself and her animals to St. Augustine, Florida, to be closer to family, and I agreed to help her because I know it will be an adventure. I am thankful to my sister Heather, who is taking care of Trooper and Cali, so that I am free to support my Aunt.

I am very excited to have this topic of what is visible to me front and center as I make the drive across the country. I want to see the countryside complete with the horse accommodations with fresh eyes. I’m going to be present with my feelings that influence my choices and my actions, and I’m going to look forward to telling you about it.


In this episode:

[00:23] Welcome to the show!

[02:01] Where do you take pride in being visible to yourself, for yourself, without needing anyone else to praise or recognize you?

[02:19] Is there a way to increase your visibility to stay motivated, accountable, or get encouragement?

[02:35] Where in your life do you want to take a quality that already exists inside you and make it more visible?

[02:59] I dated a guy who thought writing my book was a hobby, and his thoughts came out in many ways.

[04:43] I am so proud of myself for not letting his undermining comments change my course.

[06:36] Being an author is way hard, but I feel led to do it.

[07:40] You can recognize and be visible for yourself.

[08:03] Where in your life are you doing something people don’t get, but it doesn’t matter?

[09:53] What I’ve learned is that it is so important to tie your need for visibility back to your goals and what lights you up.

[10:44] Honor what is visible to you, and don’t worry about what others think.

[12:01] As this podcast airs, I will be in a big white truck hauling horses and a donkey from Oklahoma to Florida.

[14:10] As you observe and appreciate your visibility, where are you infusing external visibility to support you?

[15:37] Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “Honor what is visible to you and don’t worry about what others think.” 
  • “Tie your need for visibility back to your feeling goals and what lights you up.” 
  • “It was visible to myself and that was enough.”
  • “I don’t let negative nitwits who don’t get me or take an interest in my dreams derail my progress.” 
  • “Your energy is too valuable to waste on trying to persuade anyone of what you already know to be true for you.”


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


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EP29: Ways To Increase Your Visibility

I am delighted to tell you that I have hit another major milestone in my life that I want to celebrate with you. As you recall, from an earlier episode, I invited a small group of advanced readers to read my book Heart Value, and I got tremendous feedback. I incorporated some of their suggestions, and then I just sent my completed manuscript off to my developmental editor for one more final pass. The other thing that has been so wonderful for me is meeting so many amazing authors in this space. My guest on today’s Wise Walk is one of those phenomenal authors Susan M. Barber, and together we are going to talk about ways to increase your visibility.

Susan M. Barber, I’m going to call her Sue because we are buds, is a certified executive coach, a consultant, and an author. Her love for people’s development and her passion for helping companies solve business challenges is what lights her up; this is her Heart Value. She transforms clients to stand out, receive recognition, and reach their ultimate career goals. Her decision to stop playing small in her life led her to write her book, The Visibility Factor, which will be out in the fall.

As we walk together, the questions on our minds are: Where in your life do you feel invisible? What are some choices that you can make right now or down the road to become more visible in the areas that are most important to you? What’s one action you are going to take this week to get whatever you want on someone else’s radar, or maybe just your own radar?

Sue shares how her lack of visibility inspired her to write a book and why helping others step into their power became a passion for her. She believes people discount the importance of being recognized and visible. She shares an example of what happened with a client who decided he wanted to be bold and gain confidence. Sue also discusses different client experiences on her blog.

Sue shares some things Striders can do to be in a more visible space. For example, take time to understand your work culture, observe others, and learn how to stand out as the person to solve the problem. Get help from people you trust in the organization, people who are willing to give you feedback, because those are the people who are in meetings with you, the people who can help you see what you are doing and how you can shift it. 

Because you can also feel invisible at home, Sue wants everyone to use their voices and share what they feel and what they think about. Keeping that stuff in is just a lot of negative energy, and eventually, it will come out somehow, whether you react to something or physically by getting sick. Once she started talking about what was going on, she says her relationship with her children and husband changed dramatically.

Sue, thank you for sharing the stories and your perspective on how visibility has impacted you and all the clients you work with.


In this episode:

[00:23] Welcome to the show!

[02:47] Where in your life do you feel invisible?

[02:54] What are some choices that you can make right now or down the road to become more visible in the areas that are important to you?

[03:08] What’s one action you are going to take this week to get whatever you want on someone else’s radar, or maybe just your own radar?

[04:51] Thank you for being on the show, Sue!

[05:22] What was it about visibility that inspired you to write a book and help others step into their power?

[08:10] Sue discounted the importance of being recognized for what she did and feeling visible.

[09:25] Sue gives an example from one of her coaching clients. How he wanted to show up made him more confident and changed how people saw him.

[12:13] “Ultimately, it’s about visibility, creating a different kind of visibility.”

[12:58] Sue discusses the other emotions or experiences that bring people to her to help them with visibility.

[14:29] Sue speaks about a client that gained visibility by getting more involved.

[16:07] Sue talks about some questions she asks clients to find out where they want to go next.

[17:59] Sue discusses some things that the Striders can do to help them step into a more visible space in their world.

[20:49] Sue speaks about adding value and showing up the way you want to be seen.

[21:37] Listen as Sue shares how some people can feel like they aren’t visible at home, just like they do at work.

[24:04] Sue talks about how her ah-ha moment and using her voice changed her life at home and in her marriage.

[26:21] What is your why, and why do you want to increase visibility?

[28:29] Sue, thank you for being on the show!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “I discovered that I was being invisible myself in my corporate job.” Susan M. Barber
  • “It’s much easier to get visibility than you realize.” Susan M. Barber
  • “Ultimately, it’s about visibility, creating a different kind of visibility.” Susan M. Barber
  • “Use your voice; please say what you think about, share what you feel.” Susan M. Barber
  • “If we feel like something is missing, the answers are inside of us; we just have to take the time to dig deeper.” Mary Tess Rooney
  • “If we’re encountering a struggle or opportunity at work, it mirrors our home life too.” Mary Tess Rooney
  • “By being vocal you give the people that really need to hear what you have to say the opportunity to get to know you.” Mary Tess Rooney


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram


Susan M Barber Coaching & Consulting LLC

EP28: Celebrate Your Progress and Milestones

Can you believe six months have passed since we started going on Wise Walks together? I am blown away, and surprised that I didn’t naturally take a moment to appreciate our milestone and think about all that I’ve learned, discovered, and grown as a result of our interaction once a week.

Today, we are going to take a Wise Walk on what in our life is worth celebrating and how we can be more mindful about taking time to honor our milestones, whatever they are, and whenever they are. As we stride together, the questions on our minds are: What is something you said yes to that is requiring your energy, attention, and effort, and what is your plan to celebrate your progress for that something? What are the ways you like to celebrate your milestones, and can you share that excitement and accomplishment with others? Are you conscious of how your ability to celebrate your life’s wins affects others?

The episodes that have really stuck with me are the ones where I get feedback from you. I love hearing what stories resonate with you and how you applied them in your life. Like when one Strider was struggling to make a tough career decision, our wise walk questions brought to the surface a clear answer for him, and he took steps to move in the direction that he wanted to go. I’ve also heard some great stories about how conversations are impacting individuals outside of our Strider’s collective. My friend and fellow strider Shandra shared the exercise at the beginning of 2021, what’s your word for the year, with one of her co-workers, and then that co-worker challenged members of his team to think about their word for the year. Our conversations are expanding far outside of this Strider’s collective and impacting others.

I am deeply grateful for you helping me show up and gain momentum in my True Stride. Your support, encouragement, and appreciation for our Wise Walks and time together means more than you know. I am planning to celebrate you, us, and our Strider’s collective with my family and friends this coming weekend because they are always around helping me and cheering me on.


In this episode:

[00:24] Welcome to the show!

[02:03] What is something you said yes to that requires your energy, attention, and effort, and what is your plan to celebrate your progress for that something?

[02:18] What are the ways you like to celebrate your milestones, and can you share that excitement and accomplishment with others?

[02:36] Are you conscious of how your ability to celebrate your life’s wins impacts others?

[04:47] You have helped me continue to use my voice and explore the things that align with my Heart Value.

[05:41] One of my big takeaways from six months of wise walks is that we are all learning and looking for ways to expand as we design our epic adventure.

[06:13] What have you gained from spending time with us?

[07:41] You warmed my heart by wanting to know how trooper, my new puppy, is doing.

[09:08] I’m excited to see where we go from here!

[09:47] With four months into 2021, are you focused on the things that light you up and are important to you?

[10:09] How are you celebrating your ability to show up and do your best every day. 

[11:59] As always, I would love to hear what you took away from today’s show.

[11:17] Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “The best thing we can do for ourselves is take time for ourselves.” 
  • “I can exercise my ability to lead with my heart to self reflect.” 
  • “I am deeply grateful to you for helping me show up and gain momentum in my True Stride.” 
  • “What in our life is worth celebrating?”
  • “Showing up for me and the Strider’s collective week after week has been huge and so inspirational.”
  • “We are all learning and looking for ways to expand as we design our EPIC adventure.” 


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

EP27: Use Challenges to Spark Your Heart

So on today’s wise walk, we are talking about how to honor your made-up rules when you say yes, and as we stride together, the questions on your minds are: When you say yes, are you really clear on your why, and do you hold space to accomplish your why and see what is possible? As you progress, do you pay attention to your feelings, what’s working and what’s not, and do you check in with yourself regularly to celebrate your milestones or pivot if something feels off? In what ways do you use challenges in your life to grow, expand, create some lessons and muscle memory with every yes you take?

In this episode, my good friend Leigh P. Farrow is my guest. Leigh is a talented individual in so many ways and the creator of #piecefulpath. She has had an amazing career that has spanned many different industries and businesses. Still, her main thing in life is empowering individuals to lead their lives with creativity, innovation, transformation, and results. Leigh is a great wife, fur mom, author, and speaker, and she runs a series called Animated Wisdom; and she is driven to inform, inspire, and ignite people’s passion on their leadership journey.

Leigh and I are talking about our experience with the #100dayproject and talking with our striders about how we put ourselves out there, say yes to things, and take some challenges to see what we are capable of. Listen as Leigh shares why she committed to the 100 day project by doing mosaic bricks and what she has gained from the experience so far. Leigh has decided to use her mosaic bricks to build a wall around her garden so it will appear as a vertical mural for everyone to enjoy. At the end of the project, Leigh will have 100 amazing compilations representing so many different parts of her and intentionally represent things that are a passion for her.

Leigh is a woman that always sparks my Heart Vibe, she and I energize and support each other every day, and I feel so blessed to call her my friend, and I’m thrilled that I got to share her with you. 

Challenges are all about holding space and honoring you; your made-up rules however you see fit that fuels what’s inside of you. So whether you do that privately or publicly on Instagram, just honor the artist within you and honor what’s sparking and speaking to you. Whether you do challenges for one day or a hundred days, there is growth and expansion happening each time you say yes.


In this episode:

[00:24] Welcome to the show!

[03:02] My word for 2021 is Heart Vibe, which means feeling the vibration in your heart to guide your inner compass.

[04:41] When you say yes, are you clear on your why, and do you hold space to accomplish your why and see what is possible?

[04:54] As you progress, do you pay attention to your feelings, what’s working and what’s not?

[05:08] In what ways do you use any types of challenges in your life to grow, expand, create some lessons, and muscle memory with every yes that you take?

[06:34] Welcome to the show, Leigh!.

[07:24] Leigh shares why she committed to the 100day project.

[09:01] Leigh’s project was mosaic bricks, and she explains why.

[10:17] Did thinking about doing the project for 100 days overwhelm you?

[12:12] Leigh speaks about photographing her mosaic bricks so that she can post on Instagram.

[13:52] At the end of the project, Leigh is going to use the bricks to build a wall around her garden so that it is a vertical mural.

[15:45] Leigh believes we should be open to the signs.

[17:35] Mary says that she has gotten everything she wanted to from the 100 day project and is living out the intention.

[20:09] Leigh discusses what she has learned from this project and what she will take with her going forward.

[24:02] Mary talks about posting her Heart Vibe sparks on Instagram.

[25:08] Leigh thinks it’s important that everyone recognizes that the way we approach things is different.

[26:21] Leigh shares with the listener something she would encourage them to do and figure out why you are saying yes.

[29:03] Leigh speaks about what her bricks represent and how they let her inner self come out.

[31:10] Thank you for being on the show!

[34:06] Thank you for listening to the show!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “Every day I notice my Heart Vibe highs like a treasure hunt.” Mary Tess Rooney
  • “I need to enjoy what I am crafting and creating and value it for what it is.” Leigh P. Farrow
  • “Life is very much like an adventure.” Mary Tess Rooney
  •  “We all have the ability to play by our own rules.” Mary Tess Rooney
  • “There is no rule, and that’s the amazing thing about it.” Leigh P Farrow
  • “Get playful with it.” Mary Tess Rooney
  • “Whatever you decide to do or not do, the key is to get clear on your why.” Mary Tess Rooney
  • “Every human is unique and we all approach things differently.” Mary Tess Rooney


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


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Leigh P. Farrow’s Book: Leadership Nuts


EP26: Channel Courage to Say YES

On the last episode, I talked about getting a new German Shepherd puppy and if it was the right time to bring one into the family. Well, Cali now has a new little brother named Trooper, and it looks like they are going to be best buds. When I said yes to this pup, I knew it would be a lot of work, but I am thrilled to see them bond. Their playfulness and curiosity have been super fun to watch, and that lights me up.

I had two monumental events in the span of five days; we got Trooper, and I sent the unedited manuscript version of my book Heart Value to a small group of advanced readers to get their feedback. 

So on today’s wise walk, we think about where we can celebrate our yes milestones that we had the courage to take in our lives. As we stride together, the questions on our minds are: What are you thinking about saying yes to that requires courage? As you commit to your slightly scary yes, did you take time to admire your bravery? And who are the people in your life that challenge and support you no matter if your brave yes goes right or wrong?

As a first-time author, I didn’t realize what went into writing or publishing a book. A book isn’t just about a big idea; it’s about crafting your thoughts in a way that meets readers where they are so that you can take them on this personal journey. I worked with a developmental editor, AJ Harper, who is fabulous, and she kept me honest about the structure and flow to benefit readers. AJ’s favorite thing to say is that a book isn’t about something; it is for someone. She challenges her authors to put the readers first and write a book that will change lives, including my own. Writing my book Heart Value has changed my life, and the ways it has changed will be a topic for a different episode, so stay tuned.

Oh, the waiting place. My mom loved the book Oh, The Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss, and she gave it to us all as kids, and she still pulls it out to read from time to time. I will never be too old for Dr. Seuss. My friend Deanna just bought a house in St. Augustine, but she made several offers on different houses before she got a final yes in return. So many times we say yes and we have to wait for the next steps because the ball is in someone else’s court. I feel like I’ve done my best to communicate what’s in my heart, then I have to trust my inner compass to manage the outcome, whatever it is.

Depending on the circumstance, I manage my waiting place by faith, surrounding myself with lots of support and self-praise. Because whether I get what I think I want or not, I will be one step closer to what is right in my heart, and I will not second guess my yes. When I am in this waiting place of getting responses to my manuscript, I have learned to relax, breathe, be present, trust the process and stay focused on my end goal of improving my reader’s experience.


In this episode:

[00:24] Welcome to the show!

[01:00] Welcome to the family, Trooper!

[02:59] What are you thinking about saying yes to that requires courage?

[03:19] As you commit to your slightly scary yes, whatever that is, did you take time to admire your bravery?

[03:31] And who are the people in your life that challenge and support you no matter if your brave yes goes right or wrong?

[04:21] As a first-time author, I had no idea what went into writing or publishing a book.

[06:16] Waiting to get feedback from the advanced readers isn’t easy.

[08:00] I am so grateful to the advanced readers that wanted to read my book.

[08:30] What’s a yes milestone you made recently that took courage?

[08:41] How can you channel your courage to see what’s possible instead of what might go wrong.

[10:41] I can’t control the outcome; I can only control my response to it.

[11:58] I see my life as an adventure.

[14:11] I gave my readers two weeks to read my manuscript and send back their responses.

[16:58] After taking your bold and daring step, how are you handling your mind chatter?

[18:31] Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “A book isn’t about just a big idea, it’s about crafting your thoughts in a way that meets readers where they are.” 
  • “As AJ Harper, founder of Top Three Workshop, states, a “book isn’t about something, it’s for someone.”
  • “I want to empower others to become their own Heart Value experts.” 
  • “I know I can’t control the outcomes; I can only control my response to them.”
  • “Holding on to negative thoughts is not helpful.”
  • “The choice to do nothing is an action.”


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram


Find AJ Harper

EP25: If Not Now, When?

In today’s wise walk, we are talking about where in our life we can ask critical questions of ourselves to reveal more meaningful, heartfelt answers. As we stride together, the questions on our minds are: Do you have a default question that surfaces when you face a new opportunity? Are you aware of trigger questions, those questions that come up as a knee-jerk reaction? After you accept your initial response or trigger, can you get curious and ask different questions?

My Aunt Teeny recently called and asked me if I was interested in a new German Shepherd puppy. Apparently, a friend’s German Shepherd had an unexpected pregnancy, and she ended up with seven puppies. My default response to this question was, oh, puppies are so cute, followed by my default question: Is this the right time to get a puppy? So I decided to take myself on a wise walk to see what other questions I avoided or overlooked by asking this simplified resistance question. 

I knew I needed to go on this wise walk to tap into what my heart was saying and think about whether Cali, my seven-year-old German Shepherd, and I had enough love to give another puppy, and the answer was yes. Then there is the issue of my van. Was it big enough for two hairy, full-sized dogs? I can see the benefit of having two large companions, especially when I venture into unknown areas.

While reflecting on why I should consider this new addition, two thoughts surfaced. Cali would love to have a companion, and I have always wanted to do nose or scent work with a dog. Cali was my first pup, and I never made time to do nose work with her, so could this be my chance? Stay tuned to see if Cali and I get a new friend.

We all have default questions and triggers that surface when faced with something new; it’s just a natural tendency in all of us. We all have these blanket triggers that can hold us back if we let them. So the key is to get curious and ask different questions to explore what is possible.


In this episode:

[00:24] Welcome to the show!

[01:55] Do you have a default question that surfaces in your life when you face a new opportunity?

[02:05] Are you aware of trigger questions?

[02:19] After you accept your initial response or that trigger question that surfaces for you, can you get curious and ask different questions?

[04:17] I took myself on a wise walk to see what other questions I might be avoiding or overlooking.

[06:07] There are benefits to having two dogs, especially when I venture into unknown areas.

[06:53] What’s your default response to new opportunities?

[08:23] The best part of this exercise is that I am training myself to adopt a new default question. If not now, when?

[09:41] Once you ask yourself open-minded questions and self-reflect, are you surprised by your answers?

[10:43] What is in your heart doesn’t have to be logical or make sense to anyone.

[11:58] Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “Where in our lives can we ask critical questions of ourselves?”
  • “We all have default questions and triggers that surface when we are faced with something new.” 
  • “If not now, when?”
  • “We all have blanket triggers that will hold us back if we let them.” 
  • “The key is to get curious and ask different questions to explore what is possible.” 
  • “What is in your heart doesn’t have to be logical or make sense to anyone.”


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

EP24: Lessons in Honor of Saint Patrick

Have you ever stopped to wonder about Saint Patrick? Who he was, why do we wear green, why do we drink beer, and why is everyone so merry on March 17th. 

On today’s wise walk, we are thinking about where in our lives we can ask questions about ourselves or the beliefs and traditions that we follow. So as we stride together, the questions on our minds are: Where in your life can you ask more questions? Is there something you’ve accepted as part of who you are but don’t actually know why? As you get curious, how will your answers and awareness impact your choices and actions? And how can you deepen your understanding of what lights you up and broadens your awareness of what you should celebrate in your life?

Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland, but did you know he was not of Irish descent? Patrick was born a Roman citizen because Britain was part of Rome back then, and his birth name was Maewyn Succat. At the age of sixteen, he was captured and taken to NE Ireland, where he was enslaved as a shepherd. After six years, he escaped or was released and ended up in France, there is much more to his story, but you will have to listen to hear the rest.

My grandparents came to Ellis Island from Ireland on a boat when they were sixteen or seventeen years old. So taking time to celebrate their history, who they were, and where they came from was a really great way for them to feel connected, understood, and supported. St. Patrick’s day as we know it developed over time.

In my family, we have two traditions that my grandma Tess started over fifty years ago, so we almost consider these traditions holidays. We have a Kris Kringle the Saturday before Christmas, and we have a family picnic in July. Pre Covid, we had a great turnout to both because these dates have been honored for my entire life.

Thank you so much for helping me get curious and expand my love of learning. Thank you for helping me stretch outside my comfort zone and learn new things about what lights me up and what sparks my Heart Vibe. For now, I am being called to offer this podcast and go on wise walks with you as a way to honor Heart Value that aligns with my True Stride. 


In this episode:

[00:24] Welcome to the show!

[01:51] Have you ever stopped to wonder who Saint Patrick is?

[03:53] Where in your life can you ask more questions?

[04:01] Is there something that you’ve accepted as a part of who you are and what you do, but you don’t actually know how that came to be?

[04:13] As you get curious, how will your answers and awareness impact your choices and actions?

[04:24] How can you deepen your understanding of what lights you up and broadens your awareness of what you should celebrate in your life?

[06:54] Patrick had a clear calling and went back to the mainland as a missionary.

[08:57] Where in your life are you passionate and filled with purpose?

[09:06] What is the message that you’re being called to share?

[09:52] Patrick is known for using the Shamrock as a tool to teach Ireland about the trinity.

[11:18] A legend says that Patrick chased all the snakes out of Ireland.

[13:46] Did you know the first New York City Parade took place in 1762?

[14:52] What do you hope your legacy becomes?

[16:23] Let me know how you plan to celebrate St. Patrick’s day.

[17:21] I hope you feel my passion for making choices and taking actions that spark my Heart Vibe.  

[18:05] Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “At the end of the day, we are all striding to move forward.” 
  • “I now see the shamrock as a teaching tool.”
  • “I find it interesting that traditions come into existence and then they evolve over time.” 
  • “My grandparents took the boat from Ireland to Ellis Island when they were sixteen years old.” 
  • “The focus is always on our family and the celebration of love.” 
  • “Self-reflect and take time to ask questions.” 


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

EP23: Make Muscle Memory Work for You

In today’s wise walk, we are looking at how muscle memory benefits us and ways to evaluate what muscle memory we need to exercise, develop, or ditch. As we stride together, the questions on our minds are: What muscle memory do you own but take for granted and don’t exercise enough? What muscle memory have you gained but no longer serves you? What muscle memory do you want to learn and develop today and for many years to come?

Do you know the definition of muscle memory? Muscle memory is a skill and ability that becomes our own unconscious response. It’s a movement or pattern that becomes second nature after consistent practice like brushing your teeth or driving. Muscle memory also allows our minds to wander and think about other things without missing a beat. 

I learned to ski when I was really young, and as a result, I don’t have to think about what I am doing when I ski because it all comes so naturally. I became a ski instructor in my twenties, but because snowboarding had just started becoming popular, my ski school instructor, Joe, asked me to learn so that I could teach snowboarding. It was the first time I felt fear when standing at the top of the bunny slope. Did fear stop me? Did muscle memory come into play? You will have to listen to find out.

At the end of January, I committed to participate in the 100 day project, and for the last thirty-two days, I have posted something that sparked my Heart Vibe that day. At first, taking myself on a daily #Heart Vibe hunt was not natural, but it became second nature to me after about twenty days, and my heart took over. It didn’t matter what I was doing when I felt that spark; I took a moment to appreciate the vibration. Like when I recently received an unexpected text from my aunt Ann about how redheads are God’s way of giving the world roses. The test was so sweet, especially because I am a redhead; it was a definite Heart Vibe high.

I love exploring new and old muscle memory that supports me, whether it’s planned or unexpected. It’s been energizing for me to be present and consciously aware of my feelings and moments that spark my Heart Vibe.

You have your own unique way of feeling and honoring what is important to you. As I’ve said before, you are the expert on yourself. How are you getting in touch with your feelings regularly to lead with your heart and develop muscle memory that matters to you?


In this episode:

[00:24] Welcome to the show!

[01:30] Have you named your inner best friend?

[03:08] Practice speaking up for yourself.

[03:40] What muscle memory do you own, but you take for granted and don’t exercise?

[03:49] What muscle memory have you gained but no longer serves you?

[04:06] What muscle memory do you want to learn and develop for today and many years to come?

[04:21] Listen as I share the definition of muscle memory, so we are all on the same page.

[06:03] The more we do something, the more it becomes second nature to us.

[07:50] How Joe convinced me to learn to snowboard.

[10:16] Muscle memory is with us forever.

[11:31] Skiing and snowboarding both spark my Heart Vibe, so I plan to continue doing both. 

[12:28] I struggled to find my voice when I was writing my book Heart Value.

[14:36] Have you outgrown an old muscle memory?

[15:00] I committed to taking part in the 100day program.

[16:23] I just started taking pilates, and with no muscle memory, it was hard at first.

[17:13] Breathing techniques are another muscle memory I want to learn.

[18:16] My word for 2021 is Heart Vibe because I want to get out of my head and honor what is right for me.

[19:31] I would love to hear what you notice as you lead with your heart and develop your muscle memory.

[20:01] Thank you for listening.


Memorable Quotes:

  • “The more I exercise muscle memory, the more it will become second nature to me.” 
  • “Muscle memory will adapt to create a smooth and safe ride.” 
  • “I am thrilled to be exercising this new muscle memory with you.” 
  • “It became second nature to me, and my heart finally took over.” 
  • “My Heart Vibe is happy.” 
  • “Pilates is a type of exercise that I will be able to do at any age.” 
  • “For decades, I led with my head, and now I want to lead with my heart.” 
  • “You are the expert on you.” 


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

EP22: 4 Ways To Spark Your Heart Vibe

Every single thing in life is made up of energy, and every feeling you have influences your choices and informs your actions. I love this simple feel, choose, act reminder. It’s like a mantra for me, and now you can use this Strider Saying too! #FeelChooseAct 

On today’s wise walk, we discuss four ways to spark our Heart Vibe and ride the highs as long as we can. There are more than a handful of ways to manage our lows and cherish our highs, so get creative and decide what works for you and post them on Instagram @truestridebuzz so we can continue to inspire each other.

The thought-provoking questions on our minds during this wise walk are: What activity, person, place, or thing sparks your Heart Vibe? How often do you compliment yourself like you would a best friend? What choices can you make to get your endorphins going? Who in your life fuels your positive energy and increases your Heart Vibe?

Listen to learn ways to make your Heart Vibe happy. For me, it’s activities of all types like card games with my sister Heather and friend Deanna. So explore what sparks your Heart Vibe and brainstorm activities that align with your stride.

People in your life can spark your Heart Vibe as well. I love spending time with my nieces and nephew because they make me laugh so much that I can’t help but be energized. Another person who always brings a smile to my face is my cousin Debbie, who is probably the one person in my life who can talk me into anything like riding a mechanical bull at a bar in Manhattan. Chauncey, the mechanical bull operator, thought it was funny that we called him out on the way he treated women who rode the bull, but you will have to listen to hear that story. The point of this story is, Debbie makes me laugh and always sparks my Heart Vibe.

Places can also spark your Heart Vibe, whether you are home, a restaurant, or just out at a bar with a friend. My friend Jenn used to love going to a bar in SoHo for her weekly dose of fun. 

Things can also spark your Heart Vibe, like essential oils, fresh-cut flowers, or different pictures that remind you what’s important in your life. My family wears a black bracelet that says #Ibelieveinmiracles in support of JT and Aunt Caron who are battling cancer. My niece Micheala and I love crystals and learning about their healing properties. Our shared interest and our conversations spark my Heart Vibe. 

You can spark your Heart Vibe every single day through activities, the people in your life, places, or things that can help you be present and connect with your heart. These things all vibrate energy. 

Are you taking time to notice how those energies make you feel and then making choices and taking actions that intentionally spark your Heart Vibe and move in the direction you want to go?


In this episode:

[00:24] Welcome to the show!

[02:59] What’s an activity, person, place, or thing that sparks your Heart Vibe?

[03:07] How often do you compliment yourself like you would a best friend?

[03:15] What choices can you make to get your endorphins going? 

[03:23] Who in your life fuels your positive energy and increases your Heart Vibe?

[03:41] One thing is to think about is what makes your Heart Vibe happy.

[05:49] Choose activities that spark your Heart Vibe.

[06:56] Laughing at yourself is a great way to release endorphins.

[07:52] What is something you do or want to do that sparks your Heart Vibe?

[08:02] Are you prioritizing fun as you plan your week?

[09:52] I share an example of when my cousin Debbie decided she wanted to ride a bull at a bar in Manhattan.

[12:09] Debbie makes me laugh and sparks my Heart Vibe always.

[13:40] Places can also spark your Heart Vibe.

[15:00] Things are another thing that can lift our spirit and spark our Heart Vibe.

[17:01] What are the things in your life that spark your Heart Vibe?

[18:14] Thank you for listening! 


Memorable Quotes:

  • “When I got into trouble, generally speaking, was when I had too much time on my hands.” 
  • “Choose activities that spark your Heart Vibe.” 
  • “This is your time to do what’s best for you.” 
  • “It feels good to use my body and get going.” 
  • “Brainstorm activities that align with your stride.” 
  • “There are way more than a handful of ways to manage our lows and cherish our highs.” 
  • “People in your life can spark your Heart Vibe.” 


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

EP21: 5 Ways To Get Out Of A Funk

It’s important to look at ways we can support ourselves when we hit a low and are in a funk because that happens to all of us. So on our wise walk today, we are looking at 5 ways to get out of our funk when we have lost our stride and feel uncertain.

As we stride together, the questions on our minds are; when you feel out of sorts, do you listen to what is in your heart and mind without judgment? In what ways do you comfort and reassure yourself like you would a best friend? When you’ve lost your groove for whatever reason, do you stand up for yourself? What are things in your life that help you shift energies?

When I am in a funk, it messes with my head and doesn’t feel good in my Heart Vibe, so I rely on a handful of wellness practices when I need to shift my energies from a negative space to a positive space. For example, I talk to a trusted friend to feel heard and understood, and even if they can’t relate to my experience, their support and voice is always reassuring.

If you named your inner best friend, would it help you prioritize yourself first? If so, come up with a really cool name so that you can bond with them and consider these five strategies when you are feeling a low Heart Vibe. Take an interest in yourself like you would your best friend. Listen without judgment and feel it, don’t fight it. Stand up and speak up for yourself. Change your environment to change your perspective, and last but not least, be kind to yourself. 

If you have ideas or ways you manage your funk or spark your Heart Vibe, please share on our Instagram page @truestridebuzz. This Instagram page is for this podcast only, so I will not post any personal things so that we can focus on our wise walks and this True Stride collective. It’s a space for you to share so that we can communicate with each other more broadly.


In this episode:

[00:24] Welcome to the show!

[01:24] Thank you for your feedback, and special call out to the strider for vulnerably sharing how they are feeling and how this collective helps lift his spirits.

[03:37] When you feel out of sorts, do you listen to what is in your heart and mind without judgment?

[03:48] In what ways do you comfort and reassure yourself like you would a best friend?

[03:57] When you’ve lost your groove for whatever reason, do you stand up for yourself?

[04:09] What are things in your life that help you shift your energy?

[04:22] Talking to my Aunt Teeny always makes me feel better.

[06:35] Aunt Teeny doesn’t try to fix anything; she just reminds me I am doing everything I can right now.

[07:29] How can we support ourselves if your support system isn’t available?

[09:09] Do you have space in your heart to treat yourself like your own best friend?

[10:09] Take an interest in yourself like you would your best friend.

[13:04] Listen without judgment and feel it, don’t fight it.

[14:23] Stand up for yourself like you would a best friend.

[16:16] Standing up for myself takes a lot out of me, but I stood up for myself with a landscaper and got what I wanted.

[19:13] Change your environment to change your perspective and shake off the funk.

[21:10] Be kind to yourself.

[23:16] Here are some ideas on ways to spend time with your inner best friend.

[24:40] Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “Listen without judgement and feel it, don’t fight it.” 
  • “Often when I find myself in a funk, it’s less about what I did and more about what I didn’t do.” 
  • “Do you find it easier to stand up for them (others) than you do for yourself?” 
  • “When I do not speak up for myself, I waste a lot of time and energy.”
  • “Stand up for yourself like you would your best friend.” 
  • “Nature and music are great healers.” 
  • “Forgive yourself as you would your best friend.” 
  • “Prioritize fun and do not take life so seriously.” 


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram