On our wise walk today, I thought it would be fun to share a very special guest with you, my little sister JJ Thomas. JJ is the owner of Primal Physical Therapy, the creator of Primal Performance Systems, and a trainer for GMB Fitness. JJ has spent her life focusing on the body and it’s development to really optimize performance. But most of all, JJ is a wonderful mom to my three niece and nephews, a great wife, sister, daughter, and more.
On this episode, we discuss 5 ways to align your True Stride physically, emotionally, or energetically and as we stride together, the questions on my mind are: are you wasting energy on things that aren’t helping you? In what areas of your life do you feel centered, and where do you want to make changes? For any changes you want to make, are your goals realistic and attainable? Are you open to resetting your expectations to regress to progress? How are you integrating balance in your life to support your overall wellbeing and achieve what you really want?
JJ believes you need to work on your attainable goals, refine them, and train beginner moves as if they were advanced. Take a fundamental piece of your goal, work it and perfect it, and from there, the growth is exponential instead of reaching for that unattainable goal. JJ breaks down the components any athlete needs to make them good and efficient at what they do without breaking down: strength, flexibility, mobility, power, explosiveness, and balance by knowing where you are in space at any given time.
I know most of our analogies for this wise walk were movement and physical progression examples. Hopefully, you were able to take the broad themes and focus your energy, stay centered, be realistic, be kind, and find balance in everything you are currently working on because all of those things apply to everything we do to realize our True Stride. In almost everything we do, physical, emotional, or psychological, we need to trust our inner compass, find our center, and seek balance.
We all need and benefit from support physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically, and sometimes spiritually. The key is to pay attention, ask for help when we need it, and trust our inner compass to direct us. As you think about what will empower you to get your game on right now, remember to focus your energy on what really matters, stay centered, be realistic, be kind to yourself, and last but not least, find your balance.
In this episode:
[00:24] Can you believe we are over a month into 2021 already?!
[03:00] JJ’s Heart Value is massive.
[04:20] Where are you focusing your energy? Are you wasting energy on things that aren’t helping you?
[04:40] What areas in your life do you feel centered, and where do you want to make some changes?
[04:50] For any changes you want to make, are you clear on your goals, and are they realistic and attainable?
[05:00] Where can you ease up on what you expect of yourself?
[05:23] How are you integrating balance in your life?
[05:49] Welcome to the show, JJ!
[06:45] True Stride is about channeling your best self and moving forward in alignment with your heart and your head.
[07:40] JJ shares how she sees the body’s progression and optimizes the body’s best movements.
[08:56] JJ speaks about a person she saw running on the beach and how inefficient their gate was.
[11:55] Build some kindness into what you are doing.
[13:31] JJ believes you need to regress to progress.
[14:41] JJ helps me with my hip flexibility and says the fundamental positioning is the most important part of the exercise.
[17:08] JJ shares how she imparts on her clients the importance of balance and stability.
[18:44] Each component is different but important to feed the other components.
[19:39] Amazingly, our bodies know most of what we need intuitively.
[21:25] Thank you so much for being on the show today, JJ!
[22:44] Are there areas in your life where you are overstriding, where you are giving a lot of effort but losing forward momentum?
[23:07] Where in your life are you wasting time?
[23:22] How does balance play a role in what you want to accomplish?
[25:16] Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “Our gifts help you reconnect to what is important to you.” -Mary Tess Rooney
- “It’s important to set realistic attainable goals for your vision.” -Mary Tess Rooney
- “Build in some kindness into what you are doing.” -Mary Tess Rooney
- “Regress to progress.” -JJ Thomas
- “Work on your attainable goal and refine it.” -JJ Thomas
- “Train beginner moves as if they were advanced.” -JJ Thomas
- “If you want to head in a new direction, you have to head that direction.” -JJ Thomas
- “It’s amazing that our bodies know most of this intuitively.” -Mary Tess Rooney
Links and Resources:
Mary Tess Rooney
Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram
Connect with JJ Thomas
Primal Physical Therapy
GMB Fitness
Instagram | Facebook
Today we talk about #HeartVibeHunt and explore how you treasure and hunt those things that you want to attract in your life. On this wise walk, we slow down, check our reality and consider: what do you treasure and want more of in your life? How can you proactively go after it? What is your current vibration and how do you take time to celebrate it?
My friend Leigh Farrow is working on 100 mosaic stepping stones for her project; follow her at #piecefulpath. Leigh shares that for her, it’s about the feeling she gets when she is creating, and how it allows it to let her mind wander. My goal with #HeartVibeHunt is to get out of my head and tune into my heart vibration throughout the day and capture moments when I have a high Heart Vibe.
If we choose to experience life from just our brain, then we lose that vital experience from our hearts. When we honor our heart’s response, then it is a full experience. Sure, our brains play a role, but we would all benefit if we follow our hearts’ feedback first. I am looking at my Heart Vibe hunt based on what feelings surface for me during the 100 days, and I will share my positive Heart Vibes with you because that’s what I want to attract more of in my life.
I recently had a Heart Vibe moment when I cooked red peppers and onions in my cast-iron skillet because it reminded me of my Aunt Teeny, who always cooks them for me. Another Heart Vibe moment was when I passed a nail salon named Nails So Happy because they kicked my friend Meredith out of the salon when they didn’t like the questions she was asking, and that story still makes me giggle.
Our wise walks contain conversations and questions for you to self-reflect and hunt for your unique answers so that you can feel, choose and act with intention because the key to any meaningful discovery or treasure is to seek and attract what really matters to you and what’s going to make your heart happy.
In this episode:
[00:25] Welcome to the show!
[00:52] To learn more about my 100-day project, go to #HeartVibeHunt.
[01:48] What do you treasure and want more of in your life?
[01:58] How can you proactively go after it and make it fun like a treasure hunt?
[02:08] What’s your current vibration as you seek it?
[02:28] Leigh is creating 100 mosaic stepping stones for her 100-day project, follow her at #peacefulpath.
[04:05] The thing I treasure now is the opportunity to get out of my head and be in a feeling state.
[04:57] Your Heart Vibe is unique for each of us.
[05:41] It’s interesting that we can live without brain waves, but we literally can not live without our hearts.
[05:53] Once a day, I will share what fuels my Heart Vibe.
[08:41] Horseback riding completely energizes my Heart Vibe when I ride once a week.
[09:37] When you feel a high or low Heart Vibe, do you take time to notice what your feelings are communicating to you?
[09:48] What are ways that you get out of your head and listen to your heart?
[09:56] Are you open to seeing what Heart Vibe surfaces and informs your choices and actions as you move forward?
[10:41] One of my all-time favorite movies is The Goonies, which fuels my love of treasure maps.
[11:33] Heart Value is your understanding of who you are, what lights you up, and how it energetically and emotionally connects with others.
[12:46] I really love treasure hunts and adventures because you always have short and long checkpoints along the way.
[14:04] Are you hunting your ideal Heart Vibe?
[17:00] My big hope for you is that you wake up excited each morning.
[17:33] Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “Once I realized I could leave space for spontaneity, I felt relieved and excited.”
- “My Heart Vibe hunt allows me to track heart-centered feeling experiences that spark joy and happiness in me.”
- “Paying attention to what you feel is so powerful.”
- “It’s not the mind that is informing our emotions.”
- “If we choose to experience life from just our brain, we are missing out on that vital experience from our heart.”
- “When you honor your heart’s response, then it is a full experience.”
- “When we see what lights us up, we find that synchronicity because we are hunting for it.”
- “If you hunt for what energizes you, you will attract more of that.”
Links and Resources:
Mary Tess Rooney
Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram
The Coaches Training Institute (CTI) reinforces the idea that we are all naturally creative, resourceful, and whole. And YOU are, just as you are!! On today’s wise walk, we are slowing down and considering ways to nurture our creative genius, imagination, and ideas. We also invite you to consider participating in the 100-Day Project to let your creative imagination and ideas flow.
As we stride together, the questions on our mind are: What creative talent do you want to exercise? Is there something new you are interested in? Will you carve out time to let your creative gifts soar? Remember, your brain incorporates creativity in almost everything you do.
Michael Bierut, an acclaimed graphic designer, and author created the 100-Day Project in 2007 as a workshop for the graduate graphic design students at the Yale School of Art. Lindsay Jean Thomson now facilitates the100dayproject.org, which in 2021 takes place January 31 – May 10. You can find additional information at @lindsayjeanthomson or #the100dayproject.
If the 100-Day Project resonates with your heart, I would love for you to join me, other Striders, and the thousands of others who are taking part around the world. There are no rules, so you do you, and even if you don’t take part, please follow to cheer us on.
Would you like some interesting ideas on things you can do? Check out Liz Young on Stacy Julian’s podcast Exactly Enough Time and see her approach to managing her photos or if mosaic stepping stones are more your thing, follow Leigh Farrow @LPFarrow or #PiecefulPath.
No matter what you choose to do, remember to document your adventure and put it in your Value Vault, you deserve this investment in yourself, your creativity and the artist within you.
In this episode:
[00:09] Welcome to the show!
[02:36] Our brains incorporate creativity into almost everything we do.
[04:31] Today, we will slow down and discuss ways to nurture our creative genius.
[04:47] What creative talent do you want to exercise and make stronger?
[04:56] Is there something new that you are interested in or want to learn?
[05:03] And how will you carve out time to make space for your creative gifts and abilities to flourish?
[06:00] Listen as I discuss what the 100-day Project is.
[09:11] What do you want to get out of the 100 days, and why is it important to you?
[11:35] You can pick something simple and repetitive, or something that is meaningful to you and sustainable.
[13:45] We are all artists!
[15:32] Take time today to brainstorm ideas that support your creative side.
[17:03] Follow my friend Leigh at #piecefulpath and see what she is doing for her challenge.
[17:55] Whatever you decide to do, be sure to document every day and put it in your Value Vault.
[18:36] Thank you so much for listening!
Memorable Quotes
- “We are all naturally creative, resourceful and whole just as we are.”
- “I had limited thinking on what creativity was.”
- “Every single thing we do is a creative element.”
- “Our brains incorporate creativity into almost everything we do.”
- “We are all artists; the key is to believe in ourselves and make time for your imagination and ideas to flow.”
Links and Resources
Mary Tess Rooney
Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram
“Every time we test our abilities and embrace the support around us, we develop confidence.” On today’s wise walk, we take a deeper dive into who and what boosts our confidence.
We start today with three very thought-provoking questions to determine which people and activities in your life boost your confidence, what the reactions are around you when you try something new, who in your life supports you and gives you strength, and what makes you feel stronger and more confident and allows you to get past your limiting beliefs.
When we are looking to build confidence in an area, we need to pay attention to the people that energize us and boost our confidence to do things outside of our comfort zone. When a baby takes a big fall, they look to you for a reaction so they can decide whether to cry or get up and try again. How you react can impact their self-belief and confidence and forever change their ability to get back up again.
Listen, Striders; this part is very important! If you fall in front of someone that screams and panics instead of encouraging you to get back up again, do not let their energy shake your confidence or prevent you from trying again. While falling is hard, getting back up again is a really good feeling.
Confidence is so important in our lives; it roots us to believe in ourselves and take chances. So, embrace your childlike intuition to evaluate the people and the activities that build your confidence, strength, and muscle memory. You will not know what’s possible for you until you try; you might surprise yourself most of all.
In this episode:
[00:06] Welcome to the show!
[01:24] What people and activities in your life boost your confidence and self-belief?
[01:27] When you try to do something difficult or new, do you notice the reactions around you?
[01:48] Who are the people in your life that support you, encourage you, and give you that strength that you need?
[02:10] What activities make you feel stronger and more confident to push past your limiting beliefs and get through the struggle?
[04:39] I sometimes evaluate my choices by what I will regret more.
[04:50] Not trying Chain Stretcher wasn’t an option for me; it was something I had to do.
[07:31] My childlike intuition of doing what I could at each section allowed me to cross the finish line.
[09:33] Where in your life have you felt scared to try something new, but someone’s voice or presence encouraged you to do it?
[ 09:46] Who are the people in your life that cheer you on and build you up?
[09:55] When you experience difficult terrain, do you see how each step gets you closer to your destination?
[11:42] We can learn a lot from the baby analogy we used in the last episode.
[13:32] Who is in your corner constantly cheering you on?
[14:37] If a baby becomes too scared to try, walking will not be possible.
[16:25] No one intentionally means to be negative, but you need to protect yourself.
[17:13] I am so grateful for the positive people in my life.
[19:11] We are wired to pay attention to people’s reactions.
[20:25] Thank you, fellow striders, for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “If I felt afraid or was doubting my abilities on any level, I almost challenged myself to do it scared.”
- “I sometimes evaluate my choices by what I will regret more.”
- “We are all affected by the energy around us.”
- “When it comes to supporting kids, we are really good at allowing for struggle, because it’s part of the self-belief and confidence building process.”
- “If a baby becomes too scared to try, then walking won’t be possible.”
- “The missteps are part of gaining confidence to move forward in life.”
- “How people respond can either positively influence the confidence we have or will negatively affect us.”
- “When I fall and take a misstep, the discomfort will pass.”
- “You will not know what’s possible for you until you try.”
Links and Resources:
Mary Tess Rooney
Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram
Did you know that we begin building our self-belief at birth? In this True Stride episode, we take a wise walk to discuss the importance of self-belief and confidence in our lives.
Our confidence grows every time we test our abilities, and as babies, those struggles allow us to feel the rush of satisfaction when our efforts pay off. Babies learning to walk is a great analogy for our wise walk today, because the more we fearlessly go after what we want, the more value, self-belief, and confidence we gain.
We have to trust our intuition like babies do and know that real growth comes from putting ourselves out there and trying again and again. Every time we try, fail, and pick ourselves back up, we gain self-belief and confidence. Building self-belief and confidence are like building muscles; you have to use them every day. Your big strider’s call to action is to embrace your child’s intuition and follow what is calling you.
I invite you to test your abilities, see struggle as expansion, and lean on your self-belief to start small. This approach applies to anything new in your life, whether it’s a new job or a new role, or a new relationship. When you show up, embrace expansion, and try, you will learn, grow, and make strides. Be patient with yourself; self-belief doesn’t happen overnight.
In this episode:
[00:06] Welcome to the show!
[02:13] If babies didn’t struggle, they wouldn’t feel that rush of satisfaction when their efforts paid off.
[02:44] When you think about the areas of your life that you feel confident in, did you struggle before you succeeded?
[02:53] What is something you really want to do?
[02:57] How can you build self-belief and stay positive?
[03:05] Where in your life can you adopt a child’s fearless intuition to test your abilities and find your stride?
[04:17] Watching babies is so inspirational, because they know that they can do more.
[07:03] We have to trust our intuition like babies do to see that real growth comes from putting ourselves out there and trying again and again.
[08:23] Every time we try, fail, and pick ourselves back up again, we gain self-belief and confidence.
[10:12] The feelings of lacking self-belief and confidence are what holds us back.
[12:10] Building our self-belief and confidence is like building muscle; we have to use them every day.
[13:21] Our efforts and choices today support our overall growth and confidence.
[14:25] Children will rise up to your expectations, so don’t put limits on them.
[15:58] What stands out in your value vault that lights you up?
[17:13] Our big strider’s call to action is to embrace our child’s intuition and follow what’s calling us.
[18:36] Thank you so much for listening.
Memorable Quotes:
- “The more we fearlessly go after what we want at any age, the more value self-belief and confidence we gain.”
- “We need the struggle to expand, know what’s possible, and to want more for ourselves.”
- “Our babies are masters at trusting their inner compass, so they naturally follow their intuition to move, feel, choose, and act.”
- “I know how easy it is to get overwhelmed when we look at the long game.”
- “Our efforts and choices today support our overall growth and confidence.”
- “Confidence is powerful.”
- “As a baby, and even in our childhood years, we don’t have the distractors or negative nitwits putting limits on us.”
- “Regardless of your secret something or what path you are on, trust your childlike inner compass to show up, stand up, and get your stride on.”
Links and Resources:
Mary Tess Rooney
Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram
Can you believe we’re already one week into 2021? If you’ve selected a Word of the Year or even if you haven’t yet, listen in as I share why I chose Heart Vibe and where I hope it guides my True Stride in 2021!
In this podcast episode, I share:
- Why I chose Heart Vibe for my word in 2021
- Recognizing what you want from your Word of the Year
- Top Heart Vibe activities for 2021
- Word of the Year and Mantras from the True Striders Collective
- Understanding if your word is proactive or reactive
Memorable Quotes:
- “We all have the ability to feel, choose and act with intention, because our True Stride—it’s our own. We are all unique and only we know what matters to us.”
- “I want to consistently check in with myself and my Heart Vibe to make sure even when I’m exhausted, that my Heart Vibe is still high and happy, and if it’s not, then I can give myself the freedom to choose again.”
- “Remember: This is your word. You’re the expert on you and only you can interpret your feelings, make informed choices, and take actions that align with your heart.”
Links Mentioned:
Mary Tess Rooney
True Stride Podcast
True Stride Instagram
True Stride Facebook
What do you really want for yourself in 2021? Can you sum up that feeling, that goal, that desire in just one or two words? As 2020 comes to an end, join me in reflecting on how just one word can support your Heart Value and guide you as you seek out your True Stride for the New Year!
In this podcast episode, I share:
- Choosing one word for the year vs. a New Year’s resolution
- The benefit of having a strategic focus for the whole year
- What I learned from my first “Word of the Year” practice
- How your Word of the Year can support your Heart Value
- Suggestions for picking a Word of the Year
Memorable Quotes:
- “I used to believe in New Year’s resolutions, but now I stick to just one word that is my guiding star to illuminate my path or challenge me to expand in new ways.”
- “For the resolutions that were tactical where my heart wasn’t in it, they ended up just being a mental waste of space for me.”
- “If you think there’s room to improve, what choices and actions support what you really want, create positive feelings or eliminate those low vibration feelings?”
Links Mentioned:
Mary Tess Rooney
True Stride Podcast
True Stride Instagram
True Stride Facebook
Do you trust your Inner Compass and follow the signs life gives you? The classic story of the Three Wise Men includes them following signs, but how did they know that’s what they should do? For this very special Christmas Eve episode, my mom, Cullen Rooney joins me and we discuss why taking time for yourself is actually a way to give to others, why failure isn’t always the end, and how to follow your Heart Value and find your True Stride, no matter where you are!
In this podcast episode, we share:
- Why slowing down to check in with yourself is important
- Recognizing your priorities and putting yourself first to give more to others
- Different ways to take time for yourself
- Embracing rough patches in life as expansion experiences
- Living with intention to be able to see the signs and take action that lights you up
Memorable Quotes:
- “This process of really taking time for myself and slowing down has become essential in my life.”
- “Once you feel good about yourself, the dividends are just doubling over and over again…then you have more to give other people.”
- “Spend your time and your focus on the things that are really the most important to you.”
- “If you don’t take time for yourself, then you’re going to miss the signs.”
Links Mentioned:
Mary Tess Rooney
True Stride Podcast
True Stride Instagram
True Stride Facebook
‘Tis the season for gift giving, but what does that actually mean for your heart? It’s important to remember not all gifts can be bought with money; some are purchased or spent with time, love, and energy. As you think about the gifts you want to give others, don’t forget to make space to do the same for yourself!
In this podcast episode, I share:
- Understanding the gift of thoughtfulness
- Giving the gift of time and memory makers
- Sharing your natural gifts with others
- Showing yourself generosity and elevating your Joy Frequency
Memorable Quotes:
- “Every gift that we give or that we receive—that creates a vibration in our heart.”
- “When it comes to acknowledging gifts in your life this season, think outside the box and honor all of the gifts that surround you.”
- “Your relationship with yourself, it matters because it’s going to set the tone for how everyone else treats you.”
Links Mentioned:
Mary Tess Rooney
True Stride Podcast
True Stride Instagram
True Stride Facebook
Take a moment to think about the relationships in your life. What do they bring to you? What do they take away? Allow yourself to really reflect on which relationships might be a one-way street and which ones support your True Stride!
In this podcast episode, I share:
- Recognizing when disconnection happens in your relationships
- What it means to have a “one-way friend”
- Treating your relationships like investments
- Redirecting your time and attention to your two-way relationships
- Letting go of negative relationships to make space for relationships that align with your Heart Value
- Why Heart Value relationships are transformational vs. transactional
- The natural exchange of energy that can help you find your True Stride
- Cherishing the relationships that light you up
Memorable Quotes:
- “When you value a relationship, none of us want to short-change our friends. But if they are short-changing you, sometimes you have to reconsider that investment.”
- “It takes two engaged people to make a relationship work.”
- “Be intentional with who benefits from your Heart Value and what you offer.”
- “You deserve to give yourself permission to release relationships that no longer serve you and invest in the ones that do or will.”
Links Mentioned:
Mary Tess Rooney
True Stride Podcast
True Stride Instagram
True Stride Facebook