Your value is an accrual of experiences! Embrace the good, the bad, the ugly and the downright complicated to awaken your joy!
– Mary Tess Rooney

Heart Value
Feel Appreciated in Ways That Matter and Discover Your True Stride
Available on Audiobook, Paperback, and eBook.
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Have you ever felt undervalued, overlooked or unappreciated? Are you successful by societies standards, but feel deflated inside? Are you settling for less than you deserve? Do you desire success, happiness and recognition?
If your heart longs for more but you don’t know how to achieve it, Heart Value is the path for you. This book empowers you to honor your truth as you make choices and take actions to elevate your value, relationships, fulfillment and joy. Through stories and self-discovery practices, you are invited to:
- Prioritize fun to elevate your joy
- Follow your heart to awaken your inner guidance
- Reclaim your power by voicing what truly matters to you
- Expand your value by honoring your unique experiences and talents
Heart Value is a gift for your soul. Make an investment in yourself and what lights you up personally and professionally! Your inner compass knows what’s calling you. It’s time to follow your heart, direct your path and discover your True Stride!
Trade Reviews
With the encouraging tone and clarity of a good coach, Rooney offers highly practical, career-oriented guidance for people in a situation where they might not expect that practical guidance is possible. Heart Value aims squarely at those with “a voice deep inside you, tugging at your heart strings, reminding you that you want something and deserve something more.” Drawing on her experience in the corporate world and some private matters, too, Rooney invites readers to identify that something that the heart values but currently lacks, to embrace the adventure of finding it, to make “resonant choices” while striding toward it, and to voice their value and “activate appreciation” at work and in life. Above all else, she encourages “Striders” to “realize our truth and groove in all that we do.”
Rooney’s system for “getting your stride on” is flexible but not vague. It’s steeped in original terminology (the heart vibe; the “value vault” made up of all the experiences, good or bad, that make you you) and tools (the Feel-Choose-Act Amplifier, the Joy Frequency Grid) crafted to reveal what truly lights a reader up—and what steps to take to prioritize those findings in life. These coinages don’t just reveal Rooney’s acuity for branding. At the end of chapters, Rooney continually demonstrates how her simple, intuitive Feel-Choose-Act Amplifier offers a route to transforming a feeling or desire (“I felt frustrated that …”) into action steps (“I made a choice to …”) and results.
The many original anecdotes—from Rooney’s own life, her coaching clients, and others—are relatable, relevant, and resonant, illustrating principles like “Schedule Joytime” and “Value Unique Over Same,” and her encouraging tone (“You are constantly gaining value. With age, your expansion experiences and value add up.”) feels steeped in wisdom rather than cloying. Still, what stands out most here are the shrewd tips, insights, and points for reflection that close each chapter, always connected to the essence of her message: appreciate your value and what you value.
Takeaway: A highly encouraging and practical guide to appreciating your value and your desires, especially in the workplace.
Great for fans of: Jen Sincero’s You Are a Badass, Gretchen Rubin’s The Happiness Project.
Production grades:
Cover: A
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A-
Marketing copy: A
Foreword Clarion Reviews by Melissa Wuske
Clarion is part of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Books whose mission is to publish authors and illustrators across all platforms to entertain, inform, and connect with readers everywhere.
“Heart Value . . . makes joyful living seem like an adventure: exciting, exhilarating, and worth the hard work of getting there.”
“Built on the premise that too many people are trapped in work and life, feeling drained and undervalued, the book asserts that life doesn’t have to be that way.”
“Positive and warm in voice and tone, the book backs up each of its assertions and affirmations with practical tools and real-life examples.”
IndieReader by Anthony Aycock
IndieReader has been providing professional book reviews to indie and self-published authors since 2009. Their reviewers include working journalists, editors, librarians and published writers.
“Reading [Mary Tess Rooney] is like listening to an old friend, one whose judgment you’ve learned to trust. She makes everything sound doable, which is the best quality a self-help book can have . . .”
Part how-to guide, part why-are-we-here manifesto, Heart Value is a worthy addition to the self-help canon.
Kirkus Reviews
An American book review magazine founded in 1933.
“An outspoken blueprint focuses on finding true passion in life.”
– Kirkus Reviews
“A lively, if familiar, guide that urges readers to embrace their inner compasses.” – Kirkus Reviews
“(Mary Tess) fills each energetic chapter with vivid anecdotal stories, inspirational quotes, and exercises she calls ‘checkpoints’. . .”
– Kirkus Reviews