Your value is an accrual of experiences! Embrace the good, the bad, the ugly and the downright complicated to awaken your joy!

– Mary Tess Rooney


Free Resource: Feel-Choose-Act Amplifier

Heart Value Practice

If you feel disconnected from your heart’s calling or confused about what lights you up, I have a valuable gift for you!

EP13: Merrily Following Your Heart

Do you trust your Inner Compass and follow the signs life gives you? The classic story of the Three Wise Men includes them following signs, but how did they know that’s what they should do? For this very special Christmas Eve episode, my mom, Cullen Rooney joins me and we discuss why taking time for yourself is actually a way to give to others, why failure isn’t always the end, and how to follow your Heart Value and find your True Stride, no matter where you are!    


In this podcast episode, we share: 

  • Why slowing down to check in with yourself is important 
  • Recognizing your priorities and putting yourself first to give more to others
  • Different ways to take time for yourself 
  • Embracing rough patches in life as expansion experiences
  • Living with intention to be able to see the signs and take action that lights you up  

Memorable Quotes:

  • “This process of really taking time for myself and slowing down has become essential in my life.” 
  • “Once you feel good about yourself, the dividends are just doubling over and over again…then you have more to give other people.” 
  • “Spend your time and your focus on the things that are really the most important to you.” 
  • “If you don’t take time for yourself, then you’re going to miss the signs.” 

Links Mentioned:

Mary Tess Rooney

True Stride Podcast

True Stride Instagram

True Stride Facebook

EP12: What Do Your Gifts Communicate?

‘Tis the season for gift giving, but what does that actually mean for your heart? It’s important to remember not all gifts can be bought with money; some are purchased or spent with time, love, and energy. As you think about the gifts you want to give others, don’t forget to make space to do the same for yourself!   


In this podcast episode, I share: 

  • Understanding the gift of thoughtfulness 
  • Giving the gift of time and memory makers  
  • Sharing your natural gifts with others 
  • Showing yourself generosity and elevating your Joy Frequency

Memorable Quotes:

  • “Every gift that we give or that we receive—that creates a vibration in our heart.” 
  • “When it comes to acknowledging gifts in your life this season, think outside the box and honor all of the gifts that surround you.” 
  • “Your relationship with yourself, it matters because it’s going to set the tone for how everyone else treats you.” 

Links Mentioned:

Mary Tess Rooney

True Stride Podcast

True Stride Instagram

True Stride Facebook

EP11: Relationship Investments to Get Your Stride On

Take a moment to think about the relationships in your life. What do they bring to you? What do they take away? Allow yourself to really reflect on which relationships might be a one-way street and which ones support your True Stride! 


In this podcast episode, I share: 

  • Recognizing when disconnection happens in your relationships 
  • What it means to have a “one-way friend” 
  • Treating your relationships like investments
  • Redirecting your time and attention to your two-way relationships
  • Letting go of negative relationships to make space for relationships that align with your Heart Value
  • Why Heart Value relationships are transformational vs. transactional 
  • The natural exchange of energy that can help you find your True Stride
  • Cherishing the relationships that light you up

Memorable Quotes:

  • “When you value a relationship, none of us want to short-change our friends. But if they are short-changing you, sometimes you have to reconsider that investment.”  
  • “It takes two engaged people to make a relationship work.” 
  • “Be intentional with who benefits from your Heart Value and what you offer.” 
  • “You deserve to give yourself permission to release relationships that no longer serve you and invest in the ones that do or will.” 

Links Mentioned:

Mary Tess Rooney

True Stride Podcast

True Stride Instagram

True Stride Facebook

EP10: How Letting Go Creates Space for New Dreams & Goals

What ways can you make space for better things to come into your life? What are you carrying around that no longer lifts you up? Have you fully let go of your old dreams to make space for that new vision? Chances are, you have more to release than you realize—both physically and emotionally. Join me as I share some simple ways to hold and create space for your EPIC Adventure as you honor your Heart Value!  


In this podcast episode, I share: 

  • A mindset of releasing things to give them new life with someone else 
  • The power of releasing to create physical and emotional freedom in your Value Vault 
  • Creating space in your environment:
    • What items can be donated to others?
    • Is there a charity or a family that might benefit from your barely used items?
    • What are the benefits to you and others as you begin to let go? 
    • What are you creating space for, and how do you plan to get there, and by when?
    • Can you think about what you release not just as a stuff, but as physical and emotional baggage?
  • Creating space in your identity: 
    • Observing what physical things you own that may no longer serve you
    • Recognizing the emotional benefits of purging items that are taking up mental and physical space
    • Releasing attachment to “Made Up Rules” created by society 
    • Following and appreciating your Heart Value 
  • The value of recalibrating your True Compass and knowing what’s meaningful to you  
  • Designing your EPIC Adventure for 2021and embracing the energetic shift 

Memorable Quotes:

  • “Sometimes this idea of letting go—it’s scary—because we’ve been carrying things around for so long, that we almost forgot that we have the freedom to choose again.” 
  • “There’s a ton of power in knowing what doesn’t deserve our time, attention, and space anymore.” 
  • “For what it’s worth, I used to care a lot about what people thought about me, but I don’t care anymore. I’m the expert on me.” 

Links Mentioned:

Mary Tess Rooney Website

True Stride Podcast

True Stride Instagram

True Stride Facebook

EP09: What Does Gratitude Mean to You?

Just because your Thanksgiving gatherings might be different this year, doesn’t mean they have to feel different. What traditions do you have that add to your Heart Value? What new experiences can add to your Value Vault that you can lovingly recall for years to come? I invite you to join me and reflect on all the different ways we can be grateful as we embrace our True Stride!  


In this podcast episode, I share: 

  • 4 Themes that make Thanksgiving special:
    • Preparation and thoughtfulness that creates an experience where others feel loved and special
    • An inclusive attitude of the “more the merrier” that’s fully embraced
    • Food prepared, served, and received with a loving mindset tastes better
    • The memories we choose to make during this time can last days or years  
  • Ways to create an experience of love during Thanksgiving 
  • Memory makers, traditions, and thoughtful touches that make giving thanks special 
  • How food contains either our stress or our energy as we prepare and eat our meals
  • The power of community and gathering together in thanks   

Memorable Quotes:

  • “Sometimes, you have to release the old in order to create space for new memories and new experiences to occur.”
  • “…I buy, prepare, and serve everything with love.” 
  • “Whatever you are doing this Harvest Feast, do it with love, because that is far healthier for you…” 

Links Mentioned:

Mary Tess Rooney

True Stride Podcast

True Stride Instagram

True Stride Facebook

EP08: How to Give Thanks for the Value You Offer!

Thanksgiving means a season of harvest and gratitude! 2020 has certainly been full of challenges, but if you look back, can you see moments where you’ve grown? What seeds have you planted that are ready for harvest? Take a moment to pause and reflect on 4 important questions with me as you explore the path of your True Stride!   


In this podcast episode, I discuss: 

  • Four Harvest Questions:
    • What seeds or priorities do you want to plant and grow? 
    • How will you nurture and care for your priorities?
    • Who energetically and emotionally connects with your harvest, aka your Life’s Work?
    • How will you celebrate and give thanks for your blessings? 
  • Recognizing your priorities for the present moment   
  • Trusting your Inner Compass to nurture your priorities and find your True Stride
  • Knowing if it’s a season for sowing or a season for reaping 
  • Celebrating with those who energize your Heart Value and Joy Frequency 
  • Giving thanks, no matter what your harvest is 

Memorable Quotes:

  • “Once you plant, grow, and reap what you sow, there is an energetic and emotional satisfaction that occurs.” 
  • “You are in control of how, and who you share your Heart Value with, not to mention why and when you do it.”
  • “You have so many amazing gifts to share, so please take the time to reflect, give thanks for your many blessings and celebrate the value you offer. What you do matters.” 

Links Mentioned:

Mary Tess Rooney

True Stride Podcast

True Stride Instagram

True Stride Facebook

EP07: Design Your EPIC Adventure

How would it feel to focus on what energizes you and lights you up instead of only doing what’s expected of you? What doubts are holding you back from letting your Heart Value guide you to your True Stride? Rather than feeling stuck in uncertainty, listen in and learn the 4 steps of living your EPIC adventure and how your Heart Value can help you design a life where you feel excited and pulled to do what you care about regardless of what others say! 


In this podcast episode, I share: 

  • The difference between being pushed or pulled by your Heart Value 
  • How to reframe your thoughts from what you don’t want to what you do want
  • What EPIC Adventure means and why it’s crucial to your True Stride 
  • 4 Steps of the EPIC Adventure Process :
    • E:Envision where you want to go based on how you feel
    • P:Plan and outline realistic milestones to direct your path
    • I:Implement and apply your time, money, resources to execute on your plan
    • C:Cherish your progress and choose again if the road you’re traveling no longer resonates with you   
  • Advice for each phase of your EPIC Adventure 
  • The power of living by your Heart Value and choosing your own adventure  

Memorable Quotes:

  • “I am my happiest and best when I have an emotional and energetic connection to who I am, what lights me up, and the value I offer.”  
  • “Take the time to understand what feelings are driving you toward that vision and then be sure to define success on your terms.”
  • “Your Heart Value awareness combined with how you want to feel puts you in the best position for success.” 
  • “Time is too precious to rationalize or justify a wrong fit.” 

Links Mentioned:

AJ Harper 

Mary Tess Rooney

True Stride Podcast

EP06: The Freedom to Choose

Do you fully appreciate your power to choose? Have you ever considered what gets impacted by not making a choice? Whatever decision you’re facing, you can make a choice to move forward and honor your Heart Value. Join me as I share different ways to make choices aligned with your needs and how choosing a different path as many times as you want can lead to your True Stride!


In this podcast episode, I share: 

  • The powerful tool of choice and how we use it every day 
  • How it feels when you choose to share your Heart Value with others
  • Why you should make informed choices, give grace, and allow yourself to choose again when necessary
  • The beauty of comparing your life to an adventure full of choices 
  • Knowing what you want vs. what you don’t want 
  • Understanding risks vs. regrets so you can follow your True Stride 

Memorable Quotes:

  • “You always have a choice—trust your Inner Compass and as we Stride together, give yourself permission to choose again, especially if the path you’re on just doesn’t feel right.
  • “I don’t want to live a life with regrets, so sometimes I make choices based on what I will regret more.” 
  • “There is no shortage of choices if you pay attention to the possibilities.” 
  • “As long as you take aligned Heart Value action, there’s no right or wrong way. Be at choice and trust the process, and then have fun with it.” 

Links Mentioned: 

Mary Tess Rooney

True Stride Podcast

EP05: Your Life’s Work and Priorities

How many of your priorities are dedicated to truly taking care of you instead of others? What would it feel like to Prioritize Fun in your life the same way you prioritize work? If you’ve been taught fun is a reward and not a requirement, it’s time to start paying attention to what increases your Joy Frequency and Heart Value so you can walk in your True Stride!  


In this podcast episode, I share: 

  • The value of being vs. doing
  • The mixed message of work-life balance
  • Practicing self-care by putting your oxygen mask on first
  • How shifting your priorities impacts your Heart Value relationships  
  • Why you should Prioritize Fun and fuel your Joy Frequency
  • Adding more fun to your calendar vs. only to-do items 
  • Shifting your mentality to what was fun today 

Memorable Quotes:

  • “Since reclaiming my power, I put my life ahead of my work and I focus on my Life’s Work every single day.” 
  • “Be your own best advocate and make decisions and execute plans that makes your heart happy—you deserve it.”
  • “Life is fragile, and at the end of our life, none of us will say, ‘I wish I would have worked more’.” 
  • “Work-life balance is backwards. Your life has to come first always, and use your Heart Value to stride towards your Life’s Work.” 

Links Mentioned:

Mary Tess Rooney

True Stride Podcast

EP04: The Power of Emotional Contrast

Are you making choices that please others but make you cringe inside? Do you know what energizes you and what makes your heart truly happy? Your Heart Value is determined by you and you alone, and I’m excited to show how your feelings can help you make informed choices so your True Stride and Value Vault will be less cringeworthy and more proud-worthy!   


In this podcast episode, I share: 

  • The benefits of investing in your Value Vault 
  • What “Emotional Contrast” means and what it allows you to do
  • Why it’s not always an issue to understand the real issue when you’re energetically dissatisfied 
  • How your Heart Value choices impact your relationship with yourself and others 
  • Advice for eliminating or managing negative energy 
  • Why you should know who benefits from your value and how that relationship makes you feel 
  • The power of feelings, choices, and actions  

Memorable Quotes:

  • “Everything we do creates an emotional response in us. The key is to notice the emotional contrast and use it to advise your adventure.”  
  • “When you can visually see what value you offer and how that makes you feel, you accept what’s true for you right now, in this moment.” 
  • “You energetically and emotionally suffer when you let your heart value down.” 
  • “You are in control of how and who you share your Heart Value with.” 

Links Mentioned:

Mary Tess Rooney

True Stride Podcast

True Stride, LLC was formed to empower each individual to honor their unique stride as they navigate life’s interesting, complex and eventful journey. When we take the time, reflection and attention to channel our true stride… we enjoy our truest ride.”

– Mary Tess Rooney

“Mary’s straight forward approach and authentic style inspires rapid results in individuals and teams alike.”

– Next Incredible Person
SVP Special Violet Petals

“The idea of having a personal vision map is exciting, and the way the True Stride team creatively crafted the exercise to connect and organize action items into digestible steps is priceless.”

– Leigh Farrow