Your value is an accrual of experiences! Embrace the good, the bad, the ugly and the downright complicated to awaken your joy!

– Mary Tess Rooney


Free Resource: Feel-Choose-Act Amplifier

Heart Value Practice

If you feel disconnected from your heart’s calling or confused about what lights you up, I have a valuable gift for you!

EP03: Invest in Your Value Vault

Once you’ve recognized your true stride and heart value, it’s crucial to share your story, invest in what lights you up, and expand your value vault. Not sure what a value vault should contain? Join me as I share a practical way to honor your heart value and reclaim your power!  


In this podcast episode, I share: 

  • What we can learn from failure and expansion experiences 
  • What a value vault is and why you need one  
  • Strategy for creating your own value vault listing your own accomplishments 
  • Advice for displaying your value vault 
  • Understanding why voicing your value is necessary 
  • The difference between knowing your value vs. what others consider your strengths 
  • The power of speaking up and sharing your heart value 
  • The importance of knowing the impact of your value
  • Why your value vault should include non-work contributions, failures, and lessons

Memorable Quotes:

  • “The answers for realizing your true stride are within you.” 
  • “True stride is something I’m always striving for and something I take time to celebrate.” 
  • “Honoring my value is now a priority.” 
  • “Your value is your story to tell so honor it by investing in your value vault.” 
  • “Too often, we let big defining moments define our value.” 

Links Mentioned:

Mary Tess Rooney

True Stride Podcast

EP02: Your Heart Value Wins the Gold!

Are you clear on what creates a fire in your heart? What aspect of your life could win you an Olympic gold medal? Take a moment to turn inward as I discuss what heart value is and what it means to you, and why you should ignite more heart value in your life! 


In this podcast episode, I share: 

  • How true stride and heart value are interconnected  
  • The power of playing to your “gold medal events and passions”
  • The difference between work-life balance vs. heart value awareness
  • Why you should clarify, communicate, and nourish your heart value
  • Why you need to create a “gut check” process for yourself 

Memorable Quotes:

  • “Heart value is that energetic and emotional connection to what lights you up and impacts others, and it doesn’t have to be work-related.” 
  • “The answers for your best life are inside of you.” 
  • “In order to support you, others need to know your ‘gold medal passions’”. 
  • “You have a responsibility to use your heart value exactly as you are.” 

Links Mentioned:

Mary Tess Rooney

True Stride Podcast

Podcast Buddy 

EP01: What is True Stride?

What actions fuel your mind, body, heart, energy and soul? What do you do in your daily life that truly allows for heart-felt flow, natural rhythm and transformation to occur? Join me in a wise walk as I explain 3 practical ways you can discover your true stride today!   


In this podcast episode, I share:

  • What “True Stride” means
  • The power of showing up—even when you’re uncomfortable
  • How running creates an alignment of power, peace, and connection 
  • Where you can find your true stride outside of running  
  • 3 Benefits of Wise Walks: Slow down, Check your current reality, Engage your inner compass
  • 3 Practical Ways to Discover Your True Stride:
    • Trust your inner compass
    • Cherish the contrast
    • Fuel your joy frequency
  • What your inner compass means and how to follow it 
  • Why we need to experience both highs and lows in life
  • How increasing your joy frequency raises your vibration 
  • Suggestions for how to determine if you’re trusting your heart and inner compass to direct your actions   

Memorable Quotes:

  • “I keep taking steps, however small, to follow my inner compass and move forward.” 
  • “I realized if I kept showing up, I’d see pleasure beyond the pain and realize my true stride.” 
  • “You have to start somewhere to create momentum and shift from resistance to forward movement.” 

Links Mentioned:

Mary Tess Rooney

True Stride Podcast

Discover Your True Stride

Discover Your True Stride

As a child, I avoided running. I was active, athletic and competitive, but I generally chose sports and their respective positions by the least amount of running required. In soccer, I was the goalie. In softball, the catcher. When I had to choose between field hockey and volleyball, well… I chose volleyball. By the time I got around to really trying running, it was because I had to, not because I wanted to. My focus was on fitness, not fun.

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Introducing the True Stride Podcast

Introducing the True Stride Podcast

Where do you listen to podcasts? Is it taking a walk around the neighborhood, while working out on a stationary bike or elliptical, maybe mowing the lawn or just sitting in a tranquil spot where you can fully immerse yourself? Wherever it is, podcasts have captured our attention by delivering education, information and entertainment.

Well, I’m excited to introduce you to the True Stride Podcast!

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What’s Your Olympic Gold Event?

What’s Your Olympic Gold Event?

“If your career was like the Olympics, what event would you win the gold?”

That was my favorite interview question in my corporate roles.

Sometimes, the candidate would just look perplexed, so I’d offer, “For example, I’d win the gold in managing cross-functional, diverse teams because I excel at empowering each team member to use their unique gifts to achieve personal and business personal successes.

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Start here

Realizing your True Stride means moving forward in alignment with you heart, mind, body, energy and soul. This podcast offers thoughtful conversations to help you discover your groove at work, at home, during play and with your community. Empowerment coach, author and fellow Strider, Mary Tess Rooney, inspires heart-centered views to elevate your Heart Value, relationships and joy. Tune-in every Thursday for wise walks to get your stride on!

True Stride, LLC was formed to empower each individual to honor their unique stride as they navigate life’s interesting, complex and eventful journey. When we take the time, reflection and attention to channel our true stride… we enjoy our truest ride.”

– Mary Tess Rooney

“Mary’s straight forward approach and authentic style inspires rapid results in individuals and teams alike.”

– Next Incredible Person
SVP Special Violet Petals

“The idea of having a personal vision map is exciting, and the way the True Stride team creatively crafted the exercise to connect and organize action items into digestible steps is priceless.”

– Leigh Farrow