Your value is an accrual of experiences! Embrace the good, the bad, the ugly and the downright complicated to awaken your joy!
– Mary Tess Rooney
Free Resource: Feel-Choose-Act Amplifier
Heart Value Practice
If you feel disconnected from your heart’s calling or confused about what lights you up, I have a valuable gift for you!
EP177: What Are You Manifesting?
Are you creating opportunities to attract what you seek? Sometimes we want a lot from life, but we should give those things space to come in. This episode talks about big and small manifestations.
I was chuckling with a friend recently about how I feel more in alignment with some of the things that I’m seeking and attracting. I shared that I’m in a good groove with manifesting things that are important to me right now, even the little things. One example is manifesting doctor appointments after being told there are no spots left. I hold space for what I envision and it comes to pass.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP177’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. You can set intentions and live in the energy of what you’d like to manifest. If you’ve ever been skeptical about manifestation, take this time to explore what it could look like in your life. There’s nothing to lose.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about putting yourself out there to attract what you are seeking. You have the ability to invite what you’re seeking into your life. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- As you move through your day, are there things you’re trying to manifest and are you expressing yourself?
- Are you turning those wishes into actionable outcomes?
- Are you showing up for your manifestation in a way where others can support you?
- Do you know your manifestation is possible, or do you doubt it?
Invite the Universe, the people around you, and all of life’s resources to support your manifestations. You’d be surprised how well things can align in your favor.
Hold space for your intentions and enter a grateful knowingness that it’s already done. Make room for your manifestations with these Wise Walk questions:
- What is one tangible thing you want to manifest?
- What ways can you express or share the intention for that manifestation?
- Do you feel like a magnet?
- Are you already in a state of gratitude?
- What are some things that hold you back while you’re manifesting?
- How do you proactively create practices to get clarity about your manifestations?
- Are you releasing your ego to fully dream of what you envision?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[02:21] – Are you creating opportunities to attract what you seek?
[04:11] – What is manifestation anyway?
[06:37] – Do you feel like a magnet?
[09:31] – Mary Tess talks about moving towards manifesting bigger things into her life.
[12:16] – What are some things that hold you back while you’re manifesting?
[14:26] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “This knowingness, this ability to be a magnet for the things that we seek, and this ability to express it to people who can help us is a huge game changer.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP176: What Are You Noticing?
When we slow down and check our reality, we get to tap into our internal world and also check how we’re viewing our external world. The way we view our world influences the actions we choose. This episode talks about becoming more aware of what we notice.
This past week I received a book in the mail as a gift from a friend who lives across the country. The book is called Noticing by Kobi Yamada and illustrated by Elise Hurst. I enjoyed a clear message given in the book: “What if you notice the good in yourself and others? What would you see?”
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP176’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. It’s interesting to take more time to look from within our heart to see what’s around us with more awareness and clarity. The path for our True Stride opens up as we take actions to embrace the good that we notice.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about what we are noticing in terms of what is good and possible in our lives. Noticing the good means we are giving attention and energy to positivity and allowing more good to bloom on our path. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- What has been your emotional or energetic space lately?
- Is there an opportunity to look within and notice the good?
- What’s one thing you can do to step further into that goodness?
Regardless of our age or situation, we have the ability to create change, even without something extremely disruptive switching our lives. We can simply embrace a shift.
The universe continues to send us messages to keep following the path that lights us up. Bravely go after the good in your life with these Wise Walk questions:
- What uncomfortable moment in life disrupted your life so much you had to notice your unhappiness?
- Were you able to get curious and notice the good in the situation?
- What are some steps you could take to go after that goodness?
- Is there a change in your life that is calling you?
- Are you ready to go after that change and allow goodness to come towards you?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[02:40] – Tough moments can give us the opportunity to seek change.
[05:16] – Mary Tess talks about situations that forced her to see the disconnect in her life.
[07:56] – In seeking the good, you open a path to meet the good that’s around you.
[09:25] – What uncomfortable moment disrupted your life?
[11:01] – Embracing change.
[14:00] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “If I shy away from the unknown, not willing to get curious and explore it, then I will have regrets. I don’t want to live a life of regrets.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP175: Vulnerable Ebb & Flow
Many of us don’t know what’s going on in each other’s lives. Even conversations with our closest friend don’t cover everything we’re handling. It’s not that people need to know everything, rather, it helps to be more intentional about sharing where we’re at in life. This episode talks about how to embrace a vulnerable ebb and flow.
This past week I had the opportunity to visit with a very dear friend I’ve known since college. That visit was magical in so many different ways, mostly for the fact that we got to spend quality time together being ourselves. We accept each other for who we are and are able to share stories about different areas of our lives.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP175’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. My friend and I talked about family, health, career, dreams, age, and even more. We simply acknowledge this experience of us being in our late 40s and no one preparing us for the changes that happen as we grow older. We’ve supported each other through various ebbs and flows through life during our longtime friendship. I’m grateful we have one another.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about how to embrace a vulnerable ebb and flow. You can find ways to acknowledge how you’re handling life events. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- What’s an area in your life that is surprising you right now, or maybe an area in your life that you’re struggling with?
- Who do you trust to share your inner thoughts with?
- If you don’t have a person, do you have another way to express what you’re feeling and thinking?
- What’s getting in the way of you expressing your thoughts?
- What’s a step you can take to be more vulnerable and honest about your ebbs and flows?
As we recognize our ebbs and flows, it also gives us a chance to relearn ourselves. You get to recall how much you’re grown in the ways you face life events or decide to change from that point on.
Vulnerably embrace life’s ebb and flow. Reconnect to yourself with these Wise Walk questions:
- What is the daily emotional armor you put on by habit?
- Can you name the armor you carry around the most?
- Can you recognize moments where you can put that armor down?
- Where do you want to prioritize your energy instead of your armor?
- Who will you share your energy with (if you choose to)?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[01:41] – How do you release your inner thoughts?
[03:25] – Mary Tess recalls the past six weeks of healing after her surgery. How is she handling her ebbs and flows?
[05:59] – Mary Tess talks about resharing stories with her friend that feel a bit different now that they’ve grown more.
[08:06] – What is the daily emotional armor you put on by habit?
[09:53] – Mary Tess talks about what she’s relearning about herself.
[12:54] – Being honest about where you’re currently at.
[15:44] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “Imperfection is just one trait of being human.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP174: Authentic Connections
True alignment is when our thoughts and intentions match with how we show up. That’s the main reason why “actions speak louder than words.” When we show up authentically, we can create more honest connections with ourselves and others. This episode talks about authentic connections.
I’ve been flooded by different messages and signs about the importance of authenticity. Not simply in a surface-level way, but authenticity that’s the highest frequency and vibration that we can reach. If you don’t know frequency and vibration, it’s the idea that all matter and energy vibrates at a certain frequency. Negative thoughts or feelings are low frequency. Positive thoughts or feelings vibrate at a higher frequency.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP174’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. We as humans have a choice to honor frequencies and vibrations that appear throughout our life. It could be ourselves or what we’re surrounded by. Each of these can impact us in a negative or positive way.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about how to have authentic connections. Allowing yourself to be truly authentic helps you align with and attract a life that suits you. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- Are you aware of the vibration or frequency that you’re feeling and giving off moment to moment?
- How often in your life do you feel authentically aligned?
- Do you feel an unfiltered connection to yourself and how you show up?
- How does authentic alignment make you feel?
- If you have moments where you feel unaligned, do you take responsibility for how you’re showing up?
- Where in life can you love authentically, starting with yourself?
- When you think about feeling the energy of love, can you think about how to amplify that feeling?
I invite you to think about where in your life you can deepen that unfiltered connection to yourself where what you say and do matches to your authentic, high vibrational self and others.
Let’s raise to a higher vibe individually and collectively. Choose authentic connections with these Wise Walk questions:
- How often do you love yourself authentically?
- Can you bravely remain true to you?
- Who is an example in your life of someone whose actions and words are in true alignment?
- How do you feel in their presence?
- How do you feel when they make promises to you?
- What does their energy do for your energy?
- Can you think about promises you make to yourself and if you follow through?
- Are you able to remain true to what’s important to you?
- Are you taking steps to protect what’s important to you?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[02:27] – How does authentic alignment make you feel?
[04:53] – Authenticity is a higher vibration than love, which is already a high frequency.
[06:55] – How often do you love yourself authentically?
[08:18] – “Actions speak louder than words.”
[10:56] – What is important to you?
[13:54] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “If someone is not being true to themselves, not acting and speaking in alignment with who they are, then there’s a disconnect.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP173: Honor Your Experience
Where in our lives can we move into an energy of acceptance vs expectation? Honestly, every experience starts with some expectation and idea of what we think will unfold. That can cause disappointment if we don’t know how to honor what’s happening. This episode talks about how to honor your experience.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about our ability to honor our experiences. To me, honoring our experience means to stay present in each moment and see what’s possible when we engage in our individual and collective experiences. We don’t have to grasp onto expectations so rigidly.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP173’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. I’m realizing that having a rigid expectation can prevent us from really honoring what’s in front of us. Your emotions do well on educating you on what experiences you want to create more of or eliminate in your life. That can be our guiding light.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about how to honor your experience. Honor the experience as it is and give yourself the permission to enjoy the experience. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- Where in your life do you find yourself already thinking, planning, or rehearsing a conversation ahead of time?
- As you think about the future, are there times where you are disappointed that the moment doesn’t play out how you envisioned?
- How can you embrace a habit of not creating that cycle in your life?
Drop into your heart a little bit more. This way you can honor all your experiences in the most unique and special way possible.
Hold space for the possibilities living within each experience. Loosen your grasp with these Wise Walk questions:
- Can you think of an example where your experience was completely different from how someone else saw it?
- Did your different perspectives push you apart or bring you closer together as you shared the moment?
- During that moment, did you hold space for the moment with less rigid expectations?
- How often in life are you completely honest with your experience?
- As you prepare yourself for an experience, do you know why you’re pursuing this experience?
- Can you honor the individual experiences happening around you without losing your own?
- Can you allow and accept without judging?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[03:13] – Mary Tess talks about sharing her love of baking with friends and what moment that brought up.
[05:30] – How often do we build something up to change a moment that’s not ours alone?
[08:52] – Mary Tess talks about giving yourself permission to enjoy the experience.
[11:37] – “Drop into your heart a little bit more.”
[14:16] – Are you also honoring experiences where you’re not happy or feeling upset?
[17:00] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “I love that these Wise Walks and conversations help Striders like you be more of the beautiful, radiant soul that you already are.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP172: Receive What We Need
Your intentions are a beacon of light signaling what you need and what you can give. Through that light, you attract and offer support as you cross paths with other people. This episode talks about receiving what we need.
I just had my 3-week post operative check in with the doctor. The team is pleased and optimistic about my overall healing and results so far. That made me feel really good. The check in was also an opportunity for me to have a good, healthy dialogue with the doctors since my healing path had ups and downs recently.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP172’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. Unfortunately, my family experienced a crisis over the holidays, which caused me to be on high alert. On one hand, I was clear and on top of things for this crisis situation. On the other hand, it took my focus away from my healing during that time. My nervous system was busy with the cortisol spike of dealing with a family emergency.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about being open to receive what we need. Our nervous system is important. We need to know how to self-regulate and recover so we focus more on what supports us. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- Where in your life do you feel like you need extra support?
- Do you feel your resources have shifted, and if so, do you want to shift them back?
- When you notice the direction of your resources and priorities, what feelings surface for you?
- What help do you want to ask for?
- Who can you ask for help?
- How will you set yourself up for success in order to be your best self?
You never know how your needs will be met, who you may meet to support your needs, or how you may be the support of someone else’s needs.
Be more aware of your needs and the infinite ways that support can show up. Stay open to possibilities with these Wise Walk questions:
- What messages are you sending out into the Universe, and are you calling in what you need most?
- Which people have unexpectedly popped into your life to aid in giving you that support?
- How are you showing up to be a beacon of light for what you need?
- Can you picture the ideal scenario of the ideal person you’d like to attract?
- Can you imagine the ways in which they’ll support your healing?
- How can you get even more crystal clear about the needs you seek?
- Can you pay attention to moments where you can support someone else’s needs?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[02:24] – Mary Tess talks about refocusing on her healing after dealing with a crisis.
[05:08] – Where in your life do you feel like you need extra support?
[06:01] – Everything is working out.
[09:02] – Mary Tess talks about receiving confirmation and synchronicities of what we need.
[10:22] – “We attract what we seek.”
[12:57] – Exchange mutual inspiration and support for each other.
[15:21] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “If you put out this beacon of light, you’re going to attract the people that you need most.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP171: Let Go, Feel Flow
A shift in perspective usually gives you more space to receive new energy. That shift can include letting go of what used to work for you. This episode talks about where we can let go and let it flow.
I can’t believe this podcast is over three years old. Each and every year around the New Year, I talk about my consistent practice of choosing a Word for the Year. I’ve had a Word for the Year since 2010, and it’s served me to use “my word” as a guidepost to stay aligned in my choices and actions. This year is a little different.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP171’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. A Word for the Year helped to ground and center me, but this year I haven’t come up with a word yet. I’m exploring if I’d like to let go of the tradition this year or if I should continue by letting it organically present itself and see what happens.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about where we can let go of the things we’ve always done and see what flows as a result. Our expectations influence our traditions, and we can review whether or not they still feel aligned. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- Do you ever feel like you’re forcing something in your life whether it’s a hobby or longtime commitment?
- Do you give yourself permission to let it go if it no longer feels aligned?
- Do you give yourself a chance to reconsider possibilities and choose again?
Flow is the idea of being fully aligned with ourselves, being fully present, and then allowing the Universe to flow what is for our highest good into our life.
Consider all the good that may visit you if you allow for more fluid space in your life. Invite flow with these Wise Walk questions:
- Are you so focused on keeping a consistent practice that you might try and force it anyway?
- How does forcing it feel compared to letting it go?
- Where can we carve out free or unscheduled time to allow flow?
- What can we let go of in our schedule?
- How can we embrace the idea of flow in our life?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[01:40] – Do you give yourself permission to let go of what no longer feels aligned?
[02:54] – What are you doing to add support for yourself?
[05:38] – Mary Tess talks about how expectations influence our traditions and how to review them. PART 1
[08:30] – Mary Tess talks about how expectations influence our traditions and how to review them. PART 2
[10:00] – How can we describe what “flow” looks like?
[11:31] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “There’s this flow that can happen within us and around us if we give it the opportunity to breathe.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP170: Pressure Off, Success On
Distractions and responsibilities can take attention away from keeping up with what’s best for yourself. Take back your power by setting yourself up for success ahead of time. This episode talks about turning pressure OFF and success ON.
If you’ve been listening for a while, you know I scheduled a colon surgery. What you may not know is that I’m recording some episodes beforehand so I can heal without worrying about whether I’ll have enough energy to do it later.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP170’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. I’ll give a postoperative update in the coming weeks, but I decided to record several episodes in advance so I can heal and still show up in a way that feels aligned. While I’m healing, I’ll be prioritizing rest, recovery, and what feels supportive.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about the areas in our life where we can proactively do something to take the pressure off of us. We can give ourselves grace and space to do what we need to do. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- Which areas of life do you feel pressure about showing up for yourself?
- Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you have responsibilities you need to take a pause from?
- How are you managing these areas of life to set yourself up for success?
You have the power to proactively set yourself up for success and communicate your needs. This allows you to feel good and aligned in everything you do.
Set the example for what you will and will not engage. Tap into success with these Wise Walk questions:
- What are the areas in your life where you can overly communicate so that people know what to expect of you?
- How do you take the pressure off of yourself and others?
- Where in your life can you say “NO” nicely, and take things off your plate?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[01:19] – Which areas of life do you feel pressure about showing up for yourself?
[02:25] – Mary Tess honestly shares her decision to record several podcast episodes before surgery.
[05:39] – Mary Tess talks about prioritizing what supports you.
[07:20] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “You can show up more authentically. You can show up more vulnerably. You can show up in the manner that serves you the best.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP169: Schedule Self-Care
As humans, we need a chance to recharge and pull away from the stressors of life. What are the routines that gift you a sense of joy? Can you be more intentional about adding those moments into life? This episode talks about scheduling self-care.
Yesterday, I went and got my hair cut. I forgot how relaxing, energizing, and therapeutic it is to get my hair cut. My amazing hairdresser takes time to wash my hair, style it, and truly care for how she handles my hair. I feel completely restored during and after the process.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP169’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. Getting my hair done this time around stuck out to me since I’ve been extremely busy preparing for my surgery. I didn’t think of any of that while getting my hair done. I got to fully relax.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about where in our life we can schedule self-care. It’s useful to know what makes you feel nourished and renewed. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- What are the activities or the experiences that feel therapeutic to you?
- What are the things that you create or engage in that give you a sense of relaxation or freedom?
- Once you identify those activities, what are you doing to schedule them in your day, week, and month?
- How frequently are you allowing those activities to be part of your essence and to restore and renew you in ways that matter?
When you find self-care that works for you, journal about it and envision carrying out those self-care practices on a regular basis. Think about what that would impact in your life or what it empowers you to do.
Choose to engage spaces and activities that help you release stress and recharge joy, whether you’re with people or alone. Intentionally choose self-care with these Wise Walk questions:
- As you think about your schedule and self-care, what’s a routine you can embrace in this coming year so that you set yourself up for success?
- If you’re having trouble thinking about how to nourish yourself, could you try recalling moments that helped you feel renewed?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[01:43] – What makes you feel renewed?
[02:51] – Mary Tess talks about nourishing yourself with the “small things” in life.
[05:32] – Schedule self-care in ways that support your well-being.
[07:39] – What are things Mary Tess does for self-care?
[09:31] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “I like that I’m already proactively thinking about how to schedule self-care into my future routine.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP168: Defy Autopilot
All of us operate on autopilot when we get too busy. We have a bunch of figurative signs calling for us to pay attention, offering an alternative path. Sometimes we don’t like these detours, but in each moment you can appreciate all the signs around you. This episode talks about being present to defy autopilot.
Last week, I was running errands with a friend and she was craving a cup of coffee. I don’t drink coffee, so I said we could stop by and then continue our day. As we pulled into the parking lot, my friend went to get her coffee and I stayed in the car to people watch. I wanted to appreciate the stillness of life’s small moments.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP168’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. As I was appreciating stillness and people watching, I noticed that every single person that approached the coffee shop would attempt to enter the door that’s on the right-hand side. However, none of these people noticed the BIG, YELLOW, NEON sign that said “Use Other Door” and fought to get the door open. After a few times, they would notice the sign and use the other door.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about being present to defy autopilot. You can disrupt the flow or the “usual” way you do things so that you take in the sights and signs of life. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- Where in your life are you operating on autopilot?
- Where do you feel like you are frantically too busy with a pace that’s preventing you from being present?
- Where can you appreciate the neon signs in your life, slow down, and intentionally take detours?
- Are you ready to take that new path?
- Are you excited to see where this new path may lead you?
- Is it hard for you to shift gears and shift your energy for this new path?
We all find ourselves on autopilot from time to time. Let’s connect with the micro-moments we often don’t notice.
Shift your focus to appreciate what’s going on around you. Defy autopilot with these Wise Walk questions:
- What did you do today where you felt disconnected?
- When you reflect back on that activity, what awareness do you gain that awakens you to do something differently?
- How can you gift yourself that ability to be present and in tune with your senses?
- Where can you let go of the habit of being distracted, and instead, participate in the present moment?
- Where in life can you meditate in the moment?
- Can you let your senses wash over you?
- Can you be more present in stillness and sit with it?
- Is your head in the game?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[02:01] – Where in our life are we operating on autopilot?
[04:17] – Mary Tess talks about what it means to be on autopilot in life.
[07:01] – “Let the activity be the activity.”
[08:36] – “I was zoned out in that moment.”
[11:01] – What did you do today where you felt disconnected?
[12:38] – Take in the sights and senses of the present moment.
[14:25] – Training to be in the moment to moment experience.
[16:16] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “Take in the sights and take in all of the senses of the current moment.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources: