Your value is an accrual of experiences! Embrace the good, the bad, the ugly and the downright complicated to awaken your joy!

– Mary Tess Rooney


Free Resource: Feel-Choose-Act Amplifier

Heart Value Practice

If you feel disconnected from your heart’s calling or confused about what lights you up, I have a valuable gift for you!

EP163: Shift with Seasons

All around us are signs of nature shedding the heat of summer to embrace the coolness of winter. Likewise, we’re also entering a new season in our own journey. This episode talks about how to shift with the seasons.

The very brisk weather has officially made its appearance here in Florida, and it’s easy to feel that the seasons have changed. We can witness the changes in how people dress or how the trees look. Personally, I was reminded about the shifting seasons and their meaning metaphorically (and literally) when I recently learned about a Celtic festival called Samhain.

I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP163’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. Samhain is associated with death, and the festival honors this transition from saying goodbye to summer’s end and ushering in the winter months. I realize it’s very similar to the holiday events we have in fall that reference death, like Hollow’s Eve or Halloween. It’s a way of honoring the reality of death that’s making room for a new harvest.

On our Wise Walk, I talk about how to shift with the seasons. It’s time to allow yourself rest, so you can regain energy and take care of your current self. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:

    • What do the cycles of life mean to you?
    • Can you step back and appreciate the cycles of life and death to honor the transition of life?
    • Where can you express gratitude for the blessings during the summer and fall months?
    • What do you need to let go of or shed in order to have peaceful and restful winter months?

Maybe some things are not part of the next season of life. Give yourself the ability to be in rhythm with nature and what you currently need.

Honor what you need to get you through the long winter months. Enter this time of rest and preparation with these Wise Walk questions:

    • What are you doing to prepare yourself and your surroundings for the upcoming winter months?
    • How do you feel in this current season and do you feel like you need to rest more?
    • What does rest look like for you and how will you embody that?

Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.


In this episode:

[00:23] – Welcome to the show!

[01:27] – We’re entering a season of rest.

[04:00] – Mary Tess says she often wishes she was a farmer. What’s the reason?

[06:26] – A natural death to things that no longer serve you.

[09:10] – Rest is followed by thriving.

[11:48] – Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “We’re allowing the prior seasons to die in certain ways so that we can release all of the things that don’t serve us.” – Mary Tess


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

Heart Value

EP162: Rites of Passage

Have you ever made a promise to change your life? Sometimes that promise takes us on a journey where we’ll come out better on the other side. This episode talks about rites of passage.

I’m super excited because next week I get to gather with my family to celebrate my nephew Finnigan’s Confirmation. It’s a religious and social milestone; similar to events like a bat/bar mitzvahs or quinceaneras. The occasion is a chance to fully commit to being in a community and belonging to something bigger.

I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP162’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. One of the cool aspects of a public commitment is doing it in a setting where you feel supported. Anytime we’re going through a rite of passage or say “Yes” to a commitment, there may be challenges. Connecting with others during this time can really give us the strength to show up for ourselves.

On our Wise Walk, I talk about the meaningful life milestones, like rites of passage. Everyone gets to witness and honor the ability to say “Yes” to your rite of passage. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:

    • What stage of life are you currently in?
    • Where do you have an opportunity to express a commitment publicly?
    • What choices are you currently making in life that deserve that public commitment?
    • Can you take time to celebrate your public commitments?

As you go through different rites of passage, you’ll unlock experiences that open new versions of what it means to show up for yourself.

Own the phase of life or transition you are in. Shine light on your rite of passage with these Wise Walk questions:

    • What is one thing that you’re working on and really proud of?
    • Who do you want to be surrounded by as you explore your rite of passage?
    • As you go on your rite of passage, is there an example you can pull inspiration from for guidance?
    • How will you act on the inspiration you gain from the example?

Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.


In this episode:

[00:23] – Welcome to the show!

[02:36] – What stage of life are you currently in?

[04:03] – Mary Tess recalls rites of passage she experienced while growing up in a Catholic community.

[06:58] – What are you working on?

[09:14] – What is one thing that you’re working on and really proud of? PART 1

[11:10] – What is one thing that you’re working on and really proud of? PART 2

[13:06] – Following inspiration.

[14:36] – Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “We all want to feel belonging.” – Mary Tess


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

Heart Value

EP161: Process Decisions from Your Heart

Life’s horizon holds many new chapters. It’s not always easy to choose which path we’ll follow, but we can evaluate our options so that we feel more aligned. This episode talks about how to process decisions from your heart.

We all have those moments in life where we can feel or sense a big decision is brewing. We feel out of alignment somehow or we’re noticing signs and signals that a change is coming. It’s up to us to decide which way the change takes us, but ultimately, we know when we see a crossroad on the horizon. I have one coming up that I want to talk with you about.

I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP161’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. Over the past year, I’ve been focused on healing a recurring illness naturally, while the doctors highly recommend surgery. Since they raised some good points, and I never want to make a decision in crisis mode, I’ve visited multiple doctors to gather information. I’m prioritizing my intention to make decisions from a more peaceful state of mind.

On our Wise Walk, I talk about how to process decisions from your heart. Whatever big change is brewing, let’s slow down to really engage where your heart is leading you. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:

    • What change is brewing?
    • What’s calling you to pay attention and reevaluate options?
    • What is your decision-making process?
    • What life goals can help you balance your decisions and your priorities?
    • Do you stand behind the decisions you make?
    • Are you open to seeking and encouraging a support system for your decision?

All the energy you’re putting into embracing the change that’s coming towards you could set the tone for the next part of your journey.

Be proud of your heartfelt decisions and be ready for what you may need to support them. Honor your decisions with these Wise Walk questions:

    • Are you crystal clear on your life goals?
    • Are you exploring all your options to achieve your goals and the realistic requirements that may get you there?
    • Can you take yourself on a Wise Walk to find the top decisions you need to make?
    • Will you be proud of your decisions and recruit the support and resources to set yourself up for success?

Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.


In this episode:

[00:23] – Welcome to the show!

[01:57] – Is a change brewing in your life?

[05:00] – “Let’s get everything out on the table.”

[07:24] – Mary Tess talks about weighing your options when exploring which decisions to make.

[09:48] – What’s the practical side of decision making for you?

[12:20] – Mary Tess refers to her life goals and how they’ve guided her decisions this year. PART 1

[14:17] – Mary Tess reflects on her life goals and how they’ve guided her decisions this year. PART 2

[16:52] – How can you manage decisions when there may be stress around?

[19:49] – What support will give you the best shot at your decision?

[22:48] – Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “I love the fact that I’m taking the time to do my own due diligence, and I’m doing this when I’m not in a crisis.” – Mary Tess


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

Heart Value

EP160: Partners in Growth

Some things cannot be replicated or faked; like the supportive bond we have within the Striders community. While on our individual journeys we still wish each other well and support one another when we have the capacity. This episode talks about being partners in growth.

There are so many things that I have grown to cherish about our time together. Each and every Thursday, we go on these Wise Walks, reflect, take time for ourselves, slow down, and check our reality. Then every once in a while, I also have the benefit of hearing from YOU. It’s usually an email, DM, or phone call that opens these magical conversations that happen after an episode airs.

I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP160’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. What continues to delight and surprise me is that your comments, suggestions, “aha” moments, and reflections are always from the heart. It’s always meaningful to me because your perspective just gives back that awareness and growth on whatever we discussed for that episode.

On our Wise Walk, I talk about recognizing each other as partners in growth. I’m grateful to you for being vulnerable and sharing what came up for you during our Wise Walks. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:

    • What type of growth are you seeking right now for yourself?
    • What ways can you honor the growth that you seek in this present moment?
    • If you don’t know what growth you’re seeking, can you think about what has changed or evolved for you as we’ve gone on our Wise Walks with fellow Striders?
    • Where has your evolution of growth brought you to?
    • Do you have a vision of what kind of growth you seek for your future?
    • How can you be intentional about honoring and supporting your growth?

Let’s continue to hold a sacred space for each other where we can ask important questions. It allows us to be present with ourselves and see what honest answers come up.

I truly cherish you, my fellow Strider, as a partner in growth. Move towards growth with these Wise Walk questions:

    • Who are your partners in growth?
    • Who are the people that are rallying around you as you step outside your comfort zone?
    • Are you being present with your growth partners in the ups, downs, and everything in between?

Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.


In this episode:

[00:23] – Welcome to the show!

[02:05] – Mary Tess talks about becoming more transparent while recording the podcast.

[04:12] – Partners in Growth.

[06:16] – Do you have a vision of what kind of growth you seek for your future?

[08:57] – What growth muscle is Mary Tess exercising these days? PART 1

[10:23] – What growth muscle is Mary Tess exercising these days? PART 2

[12:22] – Embracing a growth mindset.

[14:22] – Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “Your vulnerability helped me with my growth.” – Mary Tess


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

Heart Value

EP159: Detour Worthy

Naturally, you could feel that having a direct path to your goals would be nice, but what about the times it’s not? Most people don’t mind taking the long way if it means fulfilling the end goal. Is there a goal in your life that’s worth a longer journey? This episode talks about finding what’s detour worthy.

Good news: I’m home from the hospital! There were a couple rough days. I encountered a few challenges where I needed to self-advocate in the middle of trying to focus on recovering. We may go on a Wise Walk about that topic later, but what’s on my mind today is the power of detours when we choose to take them.

I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP159’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. Choosing a detour could be the best option for you when you realize it supports your overall well-being. There really are times where a detour is what you need, so the actual concern is about knowing which detours are worthy versus the detours you can ignore.

On our Wise Walk, I talk about figuring out what experiences and which relationships are detour worthy. It depends on what you define as worthy and weighing the effort you think you can handle. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:

    • What detours in your life are you choosing to take?
    • What detours support your overall goals?
    • Are you aware of those detour worthy moments in your life?
    • Do you make time for the experiences that light you up?
    • Can you plan a new experience that’s important and supportive for you?

Striders, you are detour worthy as far as I’m concerned.

It’s okay to explore the more scenic or more supportive detour of your overall journey. Choose your detour worthy route with these Wise Walk questions:

    • Who are the people in your life that are detour worthy?
    • If you need support, can you be honest and ask for help?
    • Can you embrace who is willing to show up for you?

Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.


In this episode:

[00:23] – Welcome to the show!

[02:45] – Mary Tess shares how she determines what’s detour worthy in her life.

[05:34] – Do you make time for the experiences that light you up?

[07:47] – Mary Tess recalls this funny habit of spontaneous detours with her mom.

[10:40] – Are there people in your life that are detour worthy?

[12:29] – “I am detour worthy.”

[15:28] – “In every crisis, there is the opportunity to grow together.”

[17:12] – Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “In every crisis, there is the opportunity to grow together.” – Mary Tess


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

Heart Value

EP158: Surrender & Receive

You can have a lot more help if you’re ready to ask for it. You’d be surprised how willing people are to show up for you. This episode talks about learning to surrender and receive.

In full transparency, I think this episode might be a little different. Tomorrow morning I am going to be admitted to the hospital. It took me some time to surrender to the idea of being admitted for 4-5 days, and I want to share how empowering a sense of surrender can be for our True Stride.

I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP158’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. When speaking with the doctor, most of my thoughts were on managing the responsibilities and commitments in my life, like my pups and Striders. However, I reached out for support and people are showing up wonderfully. I’m going to the hospital with peace of mind knowing that I’m prioritizing my health and will show up much stronger for these relationships.

On our Wise Walk, I talk about allowing surrender and being open to receiving support. Sometimes we overthink situations, and removing obstacles that hold us back can help us fully surrender. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:

    • What do we need to surrender in order to be fully present?
    • What’s holding us back from dealing with our #1 priority?
    • What opportunities are available to us once we surrender?
    • Is there a big decision in your life that you are grappling with right now, and do you feel resistance?
    • Is the resistance physical or emotional?
    • What is the resistance about?
    • Is it an obstacle you can accept or make peace with?
    • Can you notice what becomes available when you address that obstacle?

Find ways to stay open for what flows to and through you from surrender. This allows you to gain a wealth of resources and move forward with an open heart.

Be vulnerable enough to seek new solutions. Empower your surrender with these Wise Walk questions:

    • Are there areas in your life where you’re leaning into your ego or not asking for help?
    • Can you surrender your ego?
    • Where in your life is there an opportunity for you to ask for help?
    • As you ask for help, can you be open to how people are able to show up?
    • Where in life can you benefit from expert help?
    • Are you open to expert help?
    • Can you see this surrender as an investment in yourself?

Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.


In this episode:

[00:23] – Welcome to the show!

[02:43] – What’s holding us back from dealing with our #1 priority?

[05:17] – Mary Tess shares how her community is stepping up as she prepares for the hospital.

[08:02] – Surrender the part of you that doesn’t like to ask for help. PART 1

[10:32] – Surrender the part of you that doesn’t like to ask for help. PART 2

[12:56] – Be open and inquisitive in communicating your needs and letting people show up for you.

[15:18] – Are you open to expert help?

[16:59] – Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “All of us need help from time to time.” – Mary Tess


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

Heart Value

EP157: Embrace Your Anomalies

No two people are the same, so of course, our traits and experiences are slightly different from each other too. What makes this interesting is that we all have something that makes us rare. This episode talks about embracing your anomalies.

In 1998, I was living in California, training for an Alaska Anchorage marathon. My physical fitness was in top shape at the time. I had just finished a 20-mile long training run from San Francisco to Tiburon. I was actively playing soccer while training with the Leukemia Society’s marathon TNT team. My Leukemia Society coaches warned me to stop playing soccer, but I didn’t listen to their advice. Not long after, I experienced an injury that was a super rare fracture. 

I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP157’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. I had to go to multiple doctors to have a few opinions. Turns out the fracture was so rare that many medical professionals had zero experience with this type of injury. Luckily, I found one doctor who had one isolated case. I’m happy it turned out well, and actually, it reminded me that this doctor and I are people who share this unique one in a million experience.

On our Wise Walk, I talk about embracing your anomalies. We all have rare experiences in one form or another that shape what we consider to be our own normal. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:

    • Where in your life are you unique and can see the beauty of it?
    • Do you have rare behaviors or habits?
    • Can you own your extraordinary anomaly?
    • As you look at your unique traits, do you know the baseline for your specific experience?
    • Can you get more clarity around your norms?
    • Can you accept your norm and gather the support you need?

Always feeling like an outlier can be uncomfortable until you learn the importance of defining and communicating your norm. 

Recognize your own unique experiences to create your own baseline. Embrace your uniqueness with these Wise Walk questions:

    • How can you shift to a better norm if you don’t feel your best?
    • Where in your life are you defying what’s considered “normal” by most standards?
    • Do you take time to appreciate or honor the anomalies in your life?
    • Can you be supportive of other people’s unique traits?
    • Can you encourage others to step into their rare experiences?

Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.


In this episode:

[00:23] – Welcome to the show!

[03:18] – Do you have rare behaviors or habits?

[05:50] – Mary Tess talks about the importance of defining and communicating YOUR norm.

[08:03] – Can you get more clarity around your norms?

[09:40] – Mary Tess talks about finding what works for you.

[11:40] – “Wow, I didn’t know that was possible.”

[14:31] – Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “Each of us is unique in so many ways.” – Mary Tess


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

Heart Value

EP156: Signs, Needs & Actions

“HEADS UP!” If you heard this from any direction, you’d immediately be on alert. You respond quickly to signs that seem loud or urgent, but there are quieter and seemingly neutral signs that call for just as much attention. This episode talks about signs, needs, and actions.

I recently saw a video where two brothers were interacting with each other. The two are toddlers and the younger brother is upset about something while the older brother tries to figure it out. The younger isn’t saying exactly what’s wrong, so the older brother is observing the situation. In the end, the brothers came to a good conclusion since the older brother asked questions about what the younger brother needed.

I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP156’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. In the interaction of the two brothers, the older brother’s attention to his younger brother’s needs helped him understand how to show up as someone who cares. The video was a sweet and short reminder of being curious about how we can support each other’s needs and our own.

On our Wise Walk, I talk about signs, needs, and actions. You decide what gets your attention and what doesn’t. It’s helpful if you give attention to signs that guide you towards alignment. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:

    • What signs are showing up in your life right now?
    • Do you understand the root cause of your needs?
    • Are you taking action to support your needs?

Once you recognize a sign, and take action, it may take you on a new journey. Sometimes the results we get change life in beautifully unexpected ways. 

Give yourself a moment to notice the signs around you. Understand how the signs are guiding you with these Wise Walk questions:

    • Do you understand the signs that are appearing in front of you?

Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.


In this episode:

[00:23] – Welcome to the show!

[03:20] – Mary Tess talks about paying attention to the signs and being proactive.

[05:51] – Not all signs look the way we expect them to.

[08:32] – Signs appear to us for a reason, but do we understand them?

[11:32] – Sometimes the results we get change life in beautifully unexpected ways.

[13:36] – “This is the new me!”

[16:12] – Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “I want to be my best self not just here in the present, but for my future self.” – Mary Tess


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

Heart Value

EP155: Relationship Rides & Intuition

Communication involves energy, especially in dynamics where you don’t speak. Learning to communicate within a dynamic can change the level of trust everyone develops. This episode talks about relationship rides and intuition.

If you’ve been listening to this podcast for a little while, you know that I love horses. I started taking lessons a few years ago, and I’ve been riding on and off. These days I’m comfortable with my skill set. Each time I interact with the beautiful horses, I learn something new about myself.

I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP155’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. Anytime I work with a new horse, I go into it knowing we have to build trust in this relationship. Horses have a heightened sense of intuition to help them survive, so there is a period of getting to know each other. It almost feels like I’m being held accountable for my energy as I interact with them.

On our Wise Walk, I talk about relationship rides and intuition. Each participant brings an energy into the dynamic, and it helps to be mindful of how that energy shows up. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:

    • How are you showing up to your different relationships?
    • Are you using your intuition?
    • If you are using your intuition, do you hold yourself accountable for the energy you bring to the dynamic?
    • Do you take time to ask questions when a dynamic feels off?
    • If you’re energy is off, can you communicate where you’re at clearly?

If something in a dynamic feels off, trust your intuition to ask questions. You can open a conversation to uncover what’s possibly happening. 

Let’s be open to remaining fully present and communicating in relationships. Trust your feelings and communicate clearly with these Wise Walk questions:

    • What types of relationship rides are you seeking and inviting into your life?
    • As you show up in that relationship, do you keep an open heart for honest communication?
    • Are all participants in the dynamic listening to each other?
    • As you get in alignment, are you acknowledging the good of keeping open communication?

Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.


In this episode:

[00:23] – Welcome to the show!

[02:14] – How are you showing up to your different relationships in life?

[04:32] – Mary Tess talks about when dynamics start to shift in relationships.

[07:21] – Do you take time to ask questions when a dynamic feels off?

[09:23] – Trust is essential in relationships.

[11:44] – Mary Tess talks about figuring out new ways to communicate when dealing with different dynamics.

[14:24] – Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “All relationships are this give and take. We have to trust our feelings. We have to be willing to read the situation with an open heart and open mind.” – Mary Tess


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

Heart Value

EP154: Explore Your Reactions

Situations throughout life can stir a reaction from people. It could be a pleasant or unpleasant experience, but how you respond to your own reaction is more important. This episode talks about exploring your reactions.

Last week, I had a lot of dental work so the dentist gave me numbing agents while there. As I was sitting in the chair, my heart started pounding, my hands were shaky, and I felt like I was freezing. I had a reaction to what was administered, and I didn’t know why until I looked into it later, finding out the exact agent that doesn’t work well with my body. Now, I know to check for it the next time I go to the dentist.

I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP154’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. What was interesting was that the dentist originally asked me if the reaction I had was from anxiety or something similar. It wasn’t, it was physical. Still, emotions can cause strong reactions from us, so I started thinking of how reactions show up differently in our daily lives.

On our Wise Walk, I talk about exploring your reactions. Exploring your reactions includes recognizing where the triggers and reactions exist. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:

    • When you feel yourself having a reaction, do you slow down to ask yourself questions about the reaction?
    • Do you know what’s triggering you or what brought the trigger in?
    • Do you trust that you recognize triggers and reactions?
    • Can you share and communicate what support you need?

As you work on your reactions, you’ll notice they can be healed or managed. You can step into your personal power to face your reactions and responses.

“You can come to your own rescue.” Explore your reactions with these Wise Walk questions:

    • Can you be honest about if you’re reacting to something in your present or from your past?
    • Can you describe what you’re feeling?
    • Can you approach your reactions and triggers from a place of self love?
    • Are you open to exploring your responses?
    • What will help your body heal from the reaction so you can be your best self?
    • Do you distance yourself from anything?
    • Can you identify the real issue behind your reactions?

Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.


In this episode:

[00:23] – Welcome to the show!

[02:00] – Do you trust that you recognize triggers and reactions?

[04:13] – Mary Tess talks about her journey of getting more focused on bodily health.

[06:37] – Mary Tess talks about emotional reactions and emotional triggers.

[09:02] – Use self-love to get curious about understanding yourself.

[11:54] – Are you open to exploring your responses?

[14:38] – Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “Just get curious.” – Mary Tess
  • “You can come to your own rescue.” – Mary Tess


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

Heart Value

True Stride, LLC was formed to empower each individual to honor their unique stride as they navigate life’s interesting, complex and eventful journey. When we take the time, reflection and attention to channel our true stride… we enjoy our truest ride.”

– Mary Tess Rooney

“Mary’s straight forward approach and authentic style inspires rapid results in individuals and teams alike.”

– Next Incredible Person
SVP Special Violet Petals

“The idea of having a personal vision map is exciting, and the way the True Stride team creatively crafted the exercise to connect and organize action items into digestible steps is priceless.”

– Leigh Farrow