Read the signs, direct your path and get your stride on!
Without emotional contrast, expansion rarely occurs. Embrace your highs and lows to expand your worth, health and strength!
— Mary Tess Rooney
True Stride Podcast
True Stride is that feeling you get when you are aligned with your heart in all that you do, and feel energized and happy with every step you take. This podcast offers thoughtful conversations to help you realize your True Stride at work, at home, during play and with your community.
Ways to Listen and Subscribe
Tune-in every Thursday for wise walks to get your stride on!
(Apple, Spotify, Amazon, Audible, Stitcher and Overcast)
With the idea that realizing your True Stride is a personalized journey, Heart Value expert and fellow Strider, Mary Tess Rooney connects listeners to elevate their value, relationships and joy.

Each weekly episode:
Takes Striders on a Wise Walk to self-reflect and surface their own feelings and beliefs on a topic
Offers stories, perspectives and practical ideas to encourage Striders to make choices and take action with intention
Highlights inspiration and anecdotes to activate more joy and appreciation in your life
Podcast Episodes
EP12: What Do Your Gifts Communicate?
‘Tis the season for gift giving, but what does that actually mean for your heart? It’s important to remember not all gifts can be bought with money; some are purchased or spent with time, love, and energy. As you think about the gifts you want to give others, don’t forget to make space to do the same for yourself!
EP11: Relationship Investments to Get Your Stride On
Take a moment to think about the relationships in your life. What do they bring to you? What do they take away? Allow yourself to really reflect on which relationships might be a one-way street and which ones support your True Stride!
EP10: How Letting Go Creates Space for New Dreams & Goals
What ways can you make space for better things to come into your life? What are you carrying around that no longer lifts you up? Have you fully let go of your old dreams to make space for that new vision? Chances are, you have more to release than you realize—both physically and emotionally. Join me as I share some simple ways to hold and create space for your EPIC Adventure as you honor your Heart Value!
EP09: What Does Gratitude Mean to You?
Just because your Thanksgiving gatherings might be different this year, doesn’t mean they have to feel different. What traditions do you have that add to your Heart Value? What new experiences can add to your Value Vault that you can lovingly recall for years to come? I invite you to join me and reflect on all the different ways we can be grateful as we embrace our True Stride!
EP08: How to Give Thanks for the Value You Offer!
Thanksgiving means a season of harvest and gratitude! 2020 has certainly been full of challenges, but if you look back, can you see moments where you’ve grown? What seeds have you planted that are ready for harvest? Take a moment to pause and reflect on 4 important questions with me as you explore the path of your True Stride!
EP07: Design Your EPIC Adventure
How would it feel to focus on what energizes you and lights you up instead of only doing what’s expected of you? What doubts are holding you back from letting your Heart Value guide you to your True Stride? Rather than feeling stuck in uncertainty, listen in and learn the 4 steps of living your EPIC adventure and how your Heart Value can help you design a life where you feel excited and pulled to do what you care about regardless of what others say!
EP06: The Freedom to Choose
Do you fully appreciate your power to choose? Have you ever considered what gets impacted by not making a choice? Whatever decision you’re facing, you can make a choice to move forward and honor your Heart Value. Join me as I share different ways to make choices aligned with your needs and how choosing a different path as many times as you want can lead to your True Stride!
EP05: Your Life’s Work and Priorities
How many of your priorities are dedicated to truly taking care of you instead of others? What would it feel like to Prioritize Fun in your life the same way you prioritize work? If you’ve been taught fun is a reward and not a requirement, it’s time to start paying attention to what increases your Joy Frequency and Heart Value so you can walk in your True Stride!
EP04: The Power of Emotional Contrast
Are you making choices that please others but make you cringe inside? Do you know what energizes you and what makes your heart truly happy? Your Heart Value is determined by you and you alone, and I’m excited to show how your feelings can help you make informed choices so your True Stride and Value Vault will be less cringeworthy and more proud-worthy!
EP03: Invest in Your Value Vault
Once you’ve recognized your true stride and heart value, it’s crucial to share your story, invest in what lights you up, and expand your value vault. Not sure what a value vault should contain? Join me as I share a practical way to honor your heart value and reclaim your power!