Your value is an accrual of experiences! Embrace the good, the bad, the ugly and the downright complicated to awaken your joy!
– Mary Tess Rooney
Free Resource: Feel-Choose-Act Amplifier
Heart Value Practice
If you feel disconnected from your heart’s calling or confused about what lights you up, I have a valuable gift for you!
EP113: What’s Good and Harvest Ready?
A harvest is an opportunity to reap what we grew, nurtured and cultivated. During this time of harvest, we give thanks and recognize what you brought to life from the past season or year. This episode talks about looking for what’s good and ready to harvest in your life.
Thanksgiving is a symbol of appreciation and abundance. I’m happy to celebrate what we planted, harvested, and gathered as we give gratitude for what we have. There’s a sense of joy and togetherness in sharing what we fostered and stacked up in our Value Vault this past year.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP113’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. While we show gratitude for the year, it’s important that we acknowledge what’s ready and what’s not ready for harvest. You can reflect on where you placed your attention, then decide how that expanded and benefited you thus far. I’m excited for us to go inward, take inventory, and walk an aligned path with a fresh perspective.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about looking at what good we will harvest and taking time to nurture those things from the inside out. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- What are you ready to harvest?
- What have you grown in this past season or in this past year?
- What have you nurtured?
- What are you excited to bring to life?
- What is not ready for harvest yet?
I spent a good amount of time exploring what I gave my attention and love to. I can gladly say that I prioritized relationships with my loved ones. When you look at your inventory, are you nurturing the memories, moments, and connections you imagine for yourself?
You and your world are worth celebrating. Welcome gratitude and serendipity with these Wise Walk questions:
- What are you excited about in your life?
- What are you growing in your life that deserves your attention?
- What are the blessings of the past year that you want to acknowledge and give thanks for?
- What are you proud of and would like to share?
- Can you find the blessing in your circumstances?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[02:13] – What are you ready to harvest?
[05:07] – Mary Tess explains what it means to go inward and explore priorities.
[07:53] – What deserves your attention?
[10:05] – “I feel loved.”
[12:10] – Mary Tess explores her aim to share her Heart Value with organizations, companies and teams.
[14:12] – Welcome serendipity by taking a step forward in your True Stride.
[16:37] – Have you reconnected to your inner compass?
[19:28] – Mary Tess shares a Thanksgiving family tradition that truly embodies gratitude.
[21:06] – “I give thanks for this past year, no matter how challenging things got.”
[23:06] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “I feel loved.” – Mary Tess
- “I need to honor my ability to speak up and communicate so I can continue to manifest those opportunities that are aligned with me.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP112: Go Inward & Live Intentionally
Every now and then your energy and attention need to regroup. You can become so busy with the world that you get slightly off track. Checking back in with yourself sets the tone for returning to your True Stride. This episode talks about taking time to go inward and live intentionally.
We are approaching the end of the year. For me, I always take time to go inward to reflect on my journey in the past year. I’m happy with my choices as I look at this year since I lived intentionally despite surprises along the way. I want to continue to be intentional, so I’m reflecting on how to carry this mindset into next year.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP112’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. We are learning and growing on each and every wise walk. After a year full of perspective, our Value Vault is filled with new information on living as our best selves. You can stay aligned to that truest version of you as you remind yourself how you are prioritizing your needs and choosing what you want to let go of.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about pausing to go inward so we can come out on the other side living more intentionally. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- Do you take time for yourself to go inward and get curious about the path you’re going towards?
- Are you giving yourself time to go inward and be able to live as your best self?
- What was the general vibe of your year?
- Did you reflect on what worked well, what didn’t work well, and what you might do differently?
There are people out here who are feeling deflated, undervalued, or trapped. I want to help them connect and drop into their heart. I want you to know that you can pace yourself to decide what to invest time, attention, and energy into.
This is your story and I’m so honored to be a part of it. Let’s go inward with these Wise Walk questions:
- As you look at your life, are there any opportunities you can outsource that are not fully aligned with you?
- Can you share tasks with your support system to tag team your goals?
- What do you need to say ‘No’ to so that you can live intentionally?
- Do you feel supported when you share what you need support in?
- How are you creating balance in your life?
- Are you using your calendar to create more fulfillment in your life?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[02:54] – Be aligned with your highest self so you can do the work you feel called to do.
[05:08] – Live life to the fullest.
[07:31] – What energizes you?
[10:09] – Mary Tess is easing her way into more intentional living. What does she plan to change?
[13:00] – What are you going to say ‘No’ to?
[15:50] – “This feels right for me.”
[17:30] – While you’re living intentionally, be mindful of how you balance and nurture yourself.
[19:11] – Is there anything in life that you’re ready to change?
[21:12] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “Step into your power and be intentional about all that is ahead of you.” – Mary Tess
- “I’m allowing myself to get creative to look at my days to say ‘How can I balance all of the things that I want to do on this quest of going inward to heal and reinvigorate myself?’” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP111: Celebrate Your Commitment to You
There’s always signs from the universe coming in and out of our lives, and if we slow down to pay attention, we have an easier time catching them. The more aligned you are with what lights you up, the more you’ll realize the power of your dedication. This episode talks about celebrating your commitment to you.
Timing is moving fast. This fall brings the 1 Year Anniversary of publishing my first book Heart Value. I officially published the book on 11/11, which holds a special meaning. As I think back to the significance of 11/11 as a date, and also the number pattern itself, it reminds me of the growth we had over this past year physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP111’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. The synergy and synchronicities of this anniversary are evidence of being on the right path and direction. It comes down to the fact that I had a plan, but more importantly, I had a vision. I could continue in my True Stride while feeling inspired and supported.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about celebrating your commitment to you and all you bring to this world. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- Are you taking time to celebrate those milestones and accomplishments you arrived at?
- If you haven’t reached what you’re striving for yet, are you acknowledging all of the progress that you’re making?
- Are you clear on where you want to go?
- If you haven’t made a commitment to yourself, what is holding you back?
- As you reflect on what you want to go after, how are you showing your commitment to yourself?
- How are you breathing life into your reflection so it becomes actions supportive of your goals?
Stepping into a new awareness allows us to reinvent our path and recommit to showing up as our most aligned self.
Let’s invest in self and stay aligned as we feel our way through life and this adventure. Gain awareness on what truly lights you up with these Wise Walk questions:
- How are you honoring the desire to be your highest self?
- Are you excited about the new opportunities and supportive relationships coming your way?
- How are you holding space for these new resources?
- How are you taking care of yourself and sharing your beautiful heart?
- Do you have faith that you are supported by the universe and those around you?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[01:36] – Take what lights you up to another level.
[03:18] – What ‘s the meaning of 111 in terms of the universe?
[06:16] – Mary Tess shares the highs and lows of book publishing. How did she manage the process?
[09:16] – You get to reinvent yourself and your vision as you learn and grow.
[12:01] – Repeated numbers are a signal to wake up with a new awareness. What new awareness are you facing?
[13:46] – Mary Tess talks about areas in her life where she stepped into a new awareness.
[16:40] – Mary Tess is glad to see you pursuing your dreams.
[18:36] – Mary Tess reflects on reaching new milestones and learning more about herself.
[20:52] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “When we’re able to look at each experience as an accrual of value, that’s just a huge win because we don’t really have anything to lose at that point.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP110: Your Path Without Comparison
We can get caught up in wishful thinking when we enter a crisis. We compare ourselves to those around us wishing things could be different. In the middle of wishing, we can’t know what someone else’s path actually looks like and we can’t appreciate our own path. This episode talks about embracing your path without comparison.
A friend is going through a major life change similar to a situation I had in my journey. This lovely friend shared on social media that she is dealing with a health crisis. After seeing her post, I reached out to offer support in various forms, including listening and sharing my experience since I could relate to some of her situation and expressed concerns.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP110’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. For over two decades, I have managed my medical diagnosis by trying holistic and medical healthcare that align with my needs. Even thinking about it today, it was a process and journey to relearn my body. What I know now is that so much of life is about the mindset of embracing information without judgment.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about how to “be you” on your path. You should accept your baseline before creating a plan to move forward. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- Where in your life are you attached to being “normal”, and are you hard on yourself when you fall short of these standards?
- When you need to make changes for a goal, are you being kind to yourself in that process?
- Are you too focused on comparison to the point you don’t appreciate where you are?
- Are you acknowledging your baseline?
There’s no need to place unrealistic expectations on yourself. There’s also no need to rush results or beat yourself down for not getting the results you want. It takes consistent, kind, incremental effort to get to where you want to go.
Go inward, figure out your baseline, and then choose a direction from that starting point. Invest in knowing yourself and your baseline with these Wise Walk questions:
- Can you look at your life as a garden that you are tending?
- How are you going to make this experience your own?
- Can you eliminate your need to compare yourself to others since your life circumstances are different?
- Will you encourage yourself to make incremental shifts?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[02:29] – Mary Tess talks about managing a disease for over two decades in a way that aligns with her needs.
[04:03] – What is MDS?
[06:24] – Mary Tess talks about the highs and lows of relearning her body to deal with her medical diagnosis.
[08:47] – How do you find your “normal” after a crisis?
[11:13] – Stop comparing yourself to others.
[13:58] – Are you still processing what’s going on with you?
[16:27] – No two journeys are the same.
[19:09] – You may get frustrated from time to time.
[21:50] – Mary Tess encourages you to share with the support around you.
[24:25] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “No two journeys are the same. No two individuals are the same.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP109: Be YOU and Express Your Needs
You learn more about yourself every day. The knowledge you have of yourself and your needs is what helps you build a more aligned experience of life. When we know ourselves, we can share it lovingly with confidence. This episode talks about knowing how to be you and express your needs.
I had a dear friend stay with me for a visit. We see each other once or twice a year, but we remain fully invested in each other’s lives. That’s how our beautiful friendship evolved over the years. During the visit, my friend opened up about being excited to get together, but also shared her needs and tendencies so we can find our harmony.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP109’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. My friend and I are two different people. There are places where our needs overlap and other places that don’t. Gratefully, we are both willing to communicate our needs and figure out what’s best for both of us, even if we must do things separately.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about how to invest in your highest good by expressing your needs. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- Are you investing in your highest good?
- Are you communicating your needs and desires with the support around you?
- Do you know what you need?
- Do you make sure you don’t overwhelm yourself?
- Do you give yourself room to pivot or change your mind?
- How often are you getting to know yourself and proudly sharing your attributes?
As people, we can lovingly support each other even if our needs are not the same needs. Since we understand each other and give context on where we are in life, we’re able to be more flexible with each other.
Embracing the flow of our needs allows us to support each other in new dynamic ways. Find out how you can communicate your needs and support the needs of others with these Wise Walk questions:
- If you struggle to communicate what you need, have you considered doing personality evaluations (like Myers–Briggs)?
- How do we interpret the way others communicate their needs and desires?
- Are you accepting yourself and others as you all evolve?
- Do you know you can’t expect others to intuitively know where you are and what you need?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[02:55] – Do you know what you need?
[03:49] – Do you allow yourself to change your mind?
[06:41] – When we know ourselves, we can share it lovingly with confidence.
[08:55] – Do you know how to communicate your needs?
[11:17] – How do we interpret how others communicate their needs and desires?
[13:45] – Embrace freedom and acceptance as we each evolve as people.
[16:42] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “When we reach our highest good, we all win.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP108: What’s Your Recovery Plan?
You have so much good to offer the world. You can offer it when you are at your best. How can you get back to your best after life gets complicated? This episode talks about building a recovery plan after life’s disruptions.
I have loved ones actively pursuing what lights them up, like doing sports they enjoy. Their passion led to injuries that they’ll need to do physical therapy. The process requires time and dedication to recover from the damage. When you think about it, emotions need the same care and attention. How often do we overlook our need to emotionally heal?
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP108’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. Life is filled with emotional impacts and trauma that can keep you from being your best. Returning to your best means you need a plan to address and heal your emotions.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about organizing a recovery plan and giving yourself grace as you build yourself back up. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- What’s your recovery plan when you experience an emotional, mental, or physical impact in life?
- Do you give yourself time to reflect and heal from the impact?
- Have you recently been through something that you need more time to heal from?
- Where have you had a medical reason to have a recovery plan?
- How did you feel while investing in your recovery?
- What are your takeaways from your recovery experience?
Never get discouraged if your recovery is not happening exactly as you thought it would. Sometimes you need to put short term limits on yourself to regrow your capacity.
Elevate your ability to heal, repair and strengthen with a recovery plan. Imagine your recovery plan with these Wise Walk questions:
- What are moments of challenge or trauma that stand out and would benefit from intentional emotional and physical support?
- What do you do to get yourself on the road to recovery?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[02:38] – Do we acknowledge emotional healing?
[04:36] – Create an emotional therapy plan to help yourself process the emotional impact you experienced.
[07:36] – Sometimes you need to reset your expectations.
[09:52] – What events tend to disrupt life?
[12:40] – Mary Tess reflects on October 15th, which is a significant date in her life journey.
[14:54] – What do you do to get yourself on the road to recovery?
[17:35] – Mary Tess explains how she added transcendental meditation into her emotional healing.
[19:08] – What do you need for your recovery plan?
[22:07] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “Our bodies, emotions, hearts, and minds can heal from trauma if we give it the space and the time to do so.” – Mary Tess
- “We’re all going to go through something. The goal in life is to help each other and help ourselves.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP107: Run Toward Vs. Away From
We cannot stride forward if we fixate on the past, fear, or anything we’re trying to run away from. Holding our gaze on what we are running towards gives us that extra push to face life boldly. This episode talks about running towards life instead of away from life.
Around this time, communities in Florida faced Hurricane Ian. This includes my own area, and I had to make many decisions before the storm even came. At first, it was unclear how significant the storm would be, so I contemplated how to prepare. The forecasts did not get better, which meant I had to figure out a crisis plan for myself and my dogs.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP107’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. I had a lot of questions the week leading up to Hurricane Ian. With a trip already planned, I had to reevaluate what would be right in this situation and adjust. It was not simple, but something I found myself adapting to while figuring it out.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about moving towards a supportive life rather than feeling stuck with what we want to avoid. We can do this by giving space and grace to ourselves before taking action. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- Where in your life do you feel love and support, especially when you’re in a crisis?
- Do you take time to thank and honor people for their support as you figure out what you need to do?
- Are you mindfully running towards something that lights you up versus away from something that gives you anxiety?
- How do you manage your anxiety in a crisis or in unpredictable moments?
If you get tired while running towards life, you can find support. People showing love, care, and checking-in are a few examples of powerful support. It’s something that can come in many forms. When we exchange this support, we acknowledge each other’s struggle and stride towards better.
As you consider what you’re running towards or what you’re running away from, rethink your plans with these Wise Walk questions:
- Do you readily accept help and acknowledge the help given?
- Are you grateful for that support in your life?
- Do you ever find yourself shying away from help?
- Where in your life do you need to shift your mindset as running towards something instead of fixating on what you’re running away from?
- As you run forward, do you see your confidence growing and how does that make you feel?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[02:55] – Mary Tess shares how she prepared for Hurricane Ian as the storm approached her area.
[05:53] – Mary Tess describes the 14hr-straight drive she took to get to a better environment.
[07:37] – What are ways Mary Tess saw people show up for each other during these times?
[10:13] – What was the aftermath of Hurricane Ian?
[11:44] – The power of supporting someone can come in many forms.
[13:47] – How did Mary Tess find a place to stay while traveling with her two dogs?
[16:40] – Mary Tess recalls how her dogs accidentally locked her out when staying with a friend. PART 1
[19:14] – Mary Tess recalls how her dogs accidentally locked her out when staying with a friend. PART 2
[21:06] – What unexpected lesson did Mary Tess get out of Hurricane Ian?
[23:44] – What actually matters in times of crisis?
[25:33] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “I want to run towards something that’s good for me. I don’t want to just spend my life running away from something that scares me.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP106: Shift from Identity Pressure to Peace
If you want to learn how to release and start anew with ease, simply look at nature. Seasonal changes can inspire how we re-engage and refresh our identity in new life phases. This episode talks about shifting from identity pressure to peace.
Recently, I received messages from two Striders going through major transitions in their lives. One Strider is selling their long-standing, successful law practice. Another Strider is a stay-at-home mom preparing to go back into the workforce. Huge transitions can come with uncertainty and confusion. I could feel from their messages that they are exploring clarity and what path lies ahead of them. Both Striders expressed what I think of as identity pressure.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP106’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. Starting a new phase of life can be liberating. There’s benefits to being a beginner. From the phases of life to the gaps in between, we continuously add to our Value Vault as we share our Heart Value and grow through Expansion Experiences. We should aim to transition into our new identity gracefully without forcing it and give ourselves grace for the times we stumble into one.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about how to welcome your new transition of life. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- Whatever season of life you’re currently in, how can you shift your energy from identity pressure to identity peace?
- As you think about your current transition, how can you enjoy it more?
- As we consider what’s calling us, can we embrace our restart and release the outdated identity?
- Where can you get excited about starting as a beginner again and building new expertise?
I really appreciate the emails I got from our fellow Striders expressing their concerns about clarity and life phases. I’m very optimistic that I’ll hear back from you with news of how you embraced your next chapter.
You don’t have to figure everything out right now. Embrace your refresh identity with these Wise Walk questions:
- Have you taken time to celebrate how far you’ve come with all the experiences that make you YOU?
- How do you intend to carry all of the people that you impacted with you?
- How do you want to honor the previous parts of you?
- How are you going to thank and release the previous parts of yourself that are no longer serving you?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[02:09] – How do we relate our identity to the phases of our life?
[03:32] – Are you ready to be a beginner again?
[05:48] – Mary Tess shares the time she became a snowboard instructor.
[08:49] – Release the unrealistic expectations you put on yourself.
[11:10] – Every single season of life brings its own experience.
[14:11] – Mary Tess recalls this graduation gift her mother gave her that reminds her of the gaps between life phases.
[16:29] – Be kind with yourself as you refresh your identity.
[19:05] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “The reality is that anyone who loves you just wants you to be happy, feel fulfilled, and have that high energetic vibration and frequency that they know is possible for you.” – Mary Tess
- “Trust that you don’t have to figure out all the answers before you transition.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP105: Reuniting & Remembering
As we go through life, there are moments we like to remember, or we occasionally circle back to situations. What happens when years or decades pass? This episode talks about the feelings of reuniting and remembering.
This weekend I have a high school reunion. It’s been several decades. I went to a catholic high school in Delaware that was small and intimate, graduating with a class of 90 individuals. Thinking back, I played volleyball, softball, and was on the bowling team. I enjoyed my time there, even the times I got in trouble. My high school years gave me space to expand and grow while around supportive people.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP105’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. The word “reunion” is tied to a meaning of strengthening a connection or remembering as we reunite. You can reconnect with people, places, hobbies, or anything that contributed to your life. Before my high school reunion, I wanted to explore what this word means to me and what it could mean to you, my fellow Striders.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about my upcoming high school reunion and other things I’m reconnecting with, such as college friends and hobbies. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- Where in your life do you want to have a reunion?
- Is there an activity or group of people that you want to strengthen the connection with?
- Is there an area of your life that you want to remember or acknowledge how it helped you change or evolve?
- Are there people that you want to gather with who have been on your mind?
What makes reunions so special is that they are a chance to peek into our life archive. We get to appreciate the different outlook that we’ve taken on as a result of the different phases of our life. Reunions show an evolution from where we were to where we are to sharing dreams for our future.
Remember your roots and your transitions with these Wise Walk questions:
- Is there something in your life that you have had a reunion experience with that you cherish?
- Are there people you can celebrate these milestones with?
- Where in your life can you bring something together again?
- Can you take action to support your need for what lights you up?
- Is there someone in your life that you want to create that reunion-like quality with so you both show up in these phases of life?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[03:17] – What is the definition of reunion?
[05:34] – Who do you want to reconnect with?
[07:43] – Mary Tess talks about getting back to running with a runners club. How has it been so far?
[10:30] – Connecting with like-minded individuals is important to see what’s possible in ourselves.
[12:17] – Mary Tess plans to meet up with a friend from college. It’s one of the few times per year they reconnect.
[15:08] – Reunions are a chance to give gratitude to those who inspire us.
[17:39] – Mary Tess talks about growing and expanding as we move through life, even when things get awkward.
[18:46] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “I am going to show up, be open, and see what comes my way.” – Mary Tess
- “Every phase of life, every individual, and every experience is just adding value to everything that we do.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP104: NO is Empowering
A simple “No” is all you need. It can feel awkward sometimes, but what people don’t realize is that “No” can be freeing and thoughtful. Sometimes you have to say “No” or you’ll be giving less than what you’re capable of being. That’s not good for you or anyone else. This episode talks about how saying “No” is empowering.
Empowerment is a feeling of being aligned with our intentions. In life, there are moments where you need to say “No” to stay in tune with your authentic self. You communicate a clear intention with “No” that tells people what you will or will not engage.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP104’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. The most powerful part of “No” is that it’s a complete statement. Saying “No” is a very healthy boundary that keeps you aligned and frees you up to receive better aligned opportunities. A “No” can save you from wasting time or draining your energy.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about why “No” is empowering and ways to communicate “No” if you feel hesitant. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- How often do you use “No” in your life?
- Do you find yourself explaining your “No” because you feel like you owe people a reason?
- What’s the feeling that arises in you when you know you have to say “No” to something?
- Are there times in your life where you feel a “No” is in your best interest?
- If you hesitate to say “No”, does that cause friction since the other person is not able to make their next choice?
When something is presented to you and it doesn’t feel right, you can say “No”. What you say “Yes” or “No” to will create ripples in your life. You should want those ripples to reflect your true self.
Confidently say “No” without over-explaining. A few clear and kind responses include:
- No, but thank you for including me (or thinking of me).
- No, but I’m sure you can work through that or get additional resources you need.
- No, but I appreciate your offer.
Create personal boundaries with these Wise Walk questions:
- Can you exercise your ability to say “No” so that it becomes easier for you?
- Why are you triggered by saying “No”?
- What feelings or explanations surface when this happens?
- How can you shift your energy to express your feelings in an empowering and confident way?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[02:21] – Saying “No” can be energizing.
[04:17] – Mary Tess points out how we never explain a “Yes” the way we do a “No.”
[05:47] – Mary Tess shares how you can intentionally express your support without feeling guilt or obligation.
[07:30] – Saying ‘No’ can free you up and free others up as well.
[09:36] – We can all move on from a “No.”
[11:02] – Are you doing what’s best for you?
[13:52] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “Every time we create those personal boundaries without explanation, or clearly and lovingly expressing what our hearts are saying, then people can respond in-kind. They can receive it, take that information, and make the best decisions for their life too.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources: