Read the signs, direct your path and get your stride on!
Without emotional contrast, expansion rarely occurs. Embrace your highs and lows to expand your worth, health and strength!
— Mary Tess Rooney
True Stride Podcast
True Stride is that feeling you get when you are aligned with your heart in all that you do, and feel energized and happy with every step you take. This podcast offers thoughtful conversations to help you realize your True Stride at work, at home, during play and with your community.
Ways to Listen and Subscribe
Tune-in every Thursday for wise walks to get your stride on!
(Apple, Spotify, Amazon, Audible, Stitcher and Overcast)
With the idea that realizing your True Stride is a personalized journey, Heart Value expert and fellow Strider, Mary Tess Rooney connects listeners to elevate their value, relationships and joy.

Each weekly episode:
Takes Striders on a Wise Walk to self-reflect and surface their own feelings and beliefs on a topic
Offers stories, perspectives and practical ideas to encourage Striders to make choices and take action with intention
Highlights inspiration and anecdotes to activate more joy and appreciation in your life
Podcast Episodes
EP112: Go Inward & Live Intentionally
Every now and then your energy and attention need to regroup. You can become so busy with the world that you get slightly off track. Checking back in with yourself sets the tone for returning to your True Stride. This episode talks about taking time to go inward and live intentionally.
EP111: Celebrate Your Commitment to You
There’s always signs from the universe coming in and out of our lives, and if we slow down to pay attention, we have an easier time catching them. The more aligned you are with what lights you up, the more you’ll realize the power of your dedication. This episode talks about celebrating your commitment to you.
EP110: Your Path Without Comparison
We can get caught up in wishful thinking when we enter a crisis. We compare ourselves to those around us wishing things could be different. In the middle of wishing, we can’t know what someone else’s path actually looks like and we can’t appreciate our own path. This episode talks about embracing your path without comparison.
EP109: Be YOU and Express Your Needs
You learn more about yourself every day. The knowledge you have of yourself and your needs is what helps you build a more aligned experience of life. When we know ourselves, we can share it lovingly with confidence. This episode talks about knowing how to be you and express your needs.
EP108: What’s Your Recovery Plan?
You have so much good to offer the world. You can offer it when you are at your best. How can you get back to your best after life gets complicated? This episode talks about building a recovery plan after life’s disruptions.
EP107: Run Toward Vs. Away From
We cannot stride forward if we fixate on the past, fear, or anything we’re trying to run away from. Holding our gaze on what we are running towards gives us that extra push to face life boldly. This episode talks about running towards life instead of away from life.
EP106: Shift from Identity Pressure to Peace
If you want to learn how to release and start anew with ease, simply look at nature. Seasonal changes can inspire how we re-engage and refresh our identity in new life phases. This episode talks about shifting from identity pressure to peace.
EP105: Reuniting & Remembering
As we go through life, there are moments we like to remember, or we occasionally circle back to situations. What happens when years or decades pass? This episode talks about the feelings of reuniting and remembering. I talk about my upcoming high school reunion and other things I’m reconnecting with, such as college friends and hobbies. Come with me as we reflect.
EP104: NO is Empowering
A simple “No” is all you need. It can feel awkward sometimes, but what people don’t realize is that “No” can be freeing and thoughtful. Sometimes you have to say “No” or you’ll be giving less than what you’re capable of being. That’s not good for you or anyone else. This episode talks about how saying “No” is empowering.
EP103: Space to Feel the Feels
Some sensations and emotions remain with us long after the moment passes. Are you allowing yourself to release whatever is stored in your body, heart, and mind? This episode talks about giving yourself space to feel the feels. The 21st Anniversary of September 11th recently happened. I’m actually recording this episode on 9/11/22 after commemorating this significant day at the race hosted by the Tunnel to Towers Foundation. It’s my first time participating at the St. Augustine, FL location around new people. During the event I shared laughter and tears among the community of people gathered for the race. Being together reminded me of how we as a community, and humanity, can unite in kindness.