Read the signs, direct your path and get your stride on!

Without emotional contrast, expansion rarely occurs. Embrace your highs and lows to expand your worth, health and strength!

— Mary Tess Rooney

True Stride Podcast

True Stride is that feeling you get when you are aligned with your heart in all that you do, and feel energized and happy with every step you take. This podcast offers thoughtful conversations to help you realize your True Stride at work, at home, during play and with your community.

Ways to Listen and Subscribe

Tune-in every Thursday for wise walks to get your stride on!

(Apple, Spotify, Amazon, Audible, Stitcher and Overcast)

With the idea that realizing your True Stride is a personalized journey, Heart Value expert and fellow Strider, Mary Tess Rooney connects listeners to elevate their value, relationships and joy.

Each weekly episode:

  • Takes Striders on a Wise Walk to self-reflect and surface their own feelings and beliefs on a topic

  • Offers stories, perspectives and practical ideas to encourage Striders to make choices and take action with intention

  • Highlights inspiration and anecdotes to activate more joy and appreciation in your life

Podcast Episodes

EP213: Upcycle Love

On this Wise Walk, we’ll slow down and reflect on how this idea of upcycling applies to all areas of life—our relationships, our emotional well-being, and the way we move forward.

EP212: What Is Also True?

As I reflect on the impact of storms in life, I’ve been thinking about the idea of ‘what else is true?’ Because crises like hurricanes have a way of triggering our fears, scarcity mindsets, and anxiety. It brings out so much raw emotion, and all of that is real and deserves to be acknowledged.

EP211: What’s Weighing You Down

Today, we’ll discuss how to let go of those weights, reclaim our vitality, and go on with an open heart. So, lace up your shoes, because we’re about to go for a Wise Walk and think on what’s holding us back—and how we might let go of those burdens forever. 

EP210: Practice Gratitude

Often, when I coach a client, we begin the session with three breaths. These breaths are meant to align our rhythms and heartbeats, and to allow us, as individuals, to release anything that happened before we came together.

EP206: The Difference A Year Can Make

Birthdays have always been a big deal to me. I love to take myself on Wise Walks to reflect on what I was doing last year, who I was with, what my priorities were, and how I was feeling. I’ve always looked at these birthday milestones as a way of reflecting on whether I’m moving in the direction I want to go.

EP205: Shining a Light on Beacons

For today’s Wise Walk, I’d like us to take a moment to consider this metaphor. Let’s explore some questions about how we embody the qualities of a lighthouse in our personal and professional lives. 

EP204: What’s Fueling Your Mood?

In this episode, we’ll slow down, check our reality, and focus on what’s fueling our moods. Join me as we embark on another Wise Walk, exploring practical ways to lighten our emotional load and move forward with renewed purpose.

“Mary’s unique perspective, ‘that we’re constantly gaining value as we age’ is brilliant! I now see my value in the ‘sum of all of my experiences, not just my professional accomplishments and personal achievements.’ It’s been a game changer Mary!”

– Jeffrey Shaw
Host of Creative Warriors podcast, TEDx speaker and bestselling author of LINGO: Discover Your Ideal Customer’s Secret Language and Make Your Business Irresistible.

“I love Mary’s mindful shift from how the external world perceives your value to how you internally feel about your value. It’s refreshing and empowering!”

– Next Incredible Person
SVP Special Violet Petals

“The wisdom beyond my years portion of Mary’s podcast gives me simple phrases and candid examples that ground me to better handle situations in my own life, and they are fun to pass on to my kids when it’s fitting.”

– Anonymous