Read the signs, direct your path and get your stride on!
Without emotional contrast, expansion rarely occurs. Embrace your highs and lows to expand your worth, health and strength!
— Mary Tess Rooney
True Stride Podcast
True Stride is that feeling you get when you are aligned with your heart in all that you do, and feel energized and happy with every step you take. This podcast offers thoughtful conversations to help you realize your True Stride at work, at home, during play and with your community.
Ways to Listen and Subscribe
Tune-in every Thursday for wise walks to get your stride on!
(Apple, Spotify, Amazon, Audible, Stitcher and Overcast)
With the idea that realizing your True Stride is a personalized journey, Heart Value expert and fellow Strider, Mary Tess Rooney connects listeners to elevate their value, relationships and joy.

Each weekly episode:
Takes Striders on a Wise Walk to self-reflect and surface their own feelings and beliefs on a topic
Offers stories, perspectives and practical ideas to encourage Striders to make choices and take action with intention
Highlights inspiration and anecdotes to activate more joy and appreciation in your life
Podcast Episodes
EP32: Create Awareness Not Judgment
The purpose of our Wise Walks is to create a self-reflection for the purposes of awareness not judgment. If you graded yourself on our last Wise Walk around Energetic Hygiene and were surprised by your answers and low scores in an area, give yourself some grace. Let’s make a pact right here and now and say that this True Stride podcast is a judgment-free zone.
On today’s Wise Walk, we discuss what we can do to create more awareness in our life and dismiss that judgment. As we stride together, the questions on our minds are: In what ways can grading systems support or harm your mindset? When you have a judgmental thought about yourself or others, what choices can you make to shift that perspective? And if you feel your energetic self-care practices are not where you want them to be, what’s one action or step you’re going to take to move forward in the direction you want to go?
EP31: The Importance of Energetic Hygiene
When I was thinking about how I care for myself and the energetic self-care components that are important to me, nine key factors stand out and energetically make a difference. In no particular order: food, sleep, exercise, alone time, laughter & joy, nature, meditate, contribute, and reflect. Listen, and I’ll give more content on each one, and you can see how these things apply to you or how they don’t, which is fine too.
So as we stride together, the questions on our minds are: For you, what are the benefits of energetic self-care of hygiene? In what ways do you practice energetic hygiene? And when you feel yourself in an energetic slump, how do you recharge yourself?
EP30: Honoring What Is Visible To You
As I reflected on last week’s episode and took a Wise Walk with myself, I realized that at this moment in time, I feel seen and understood by most people in my life, but I’ve worked really hard for this moment in time. I’ve had to make some tough decisions along the way to stay aligned with feeling seen, heard, and understood.
As we Stride together, the questions on our minds are: Where do you take pride in being visible to yourself, for yourself, without needing anyone else to praise or recognize you? Is there a way to increase your visibility to stay motivated, accountable, or get encouragement? Where in your life do you want to take a quality that already exists inside you and make it more visible?
EP29: Ways To Increase Your Visibility
My guest on today’s Wise Walk is one of those phenomenal authors Susan M. Barber, and together we are going to talk about ways to increase your visibility. Susan M. Barber, I’m going to call her Sue because we are buds, is a certified executive coach, a consultant, and an author. Her love for people’s development and her passion for helping companies solve business challenges is what lights her up; this is her Heart Value. She transforms clients to stand out, receive recognition, and reach their ultimate career goals. Her decision to stop playing small in her life led her to write her book, The Visibility Factor, which will be out in the fall.
EP28: Celebrate Your Progress and Milestones
Can you believe six months have passed since we started going on Wise Walks together? I am blown away, and surprised that I didn’t naturally take a moment to appreciate our milestone and think about all that I’ve learned, discovered, and grown as a result of our interaction once a week.
Today, we are going to take a Wise Walk on what in our life is worth celebrating and how we can be more mindful about taking time to honor our milestones, whatever they are, and whenever they are. As we stride together, the questions on our minds are: What is something you said yes to that is requiring your energy, attention, and effort, and what is your plan to celebrate your progress for that something? What are the ways you like to celebrate your milestones, and can you share that excitement and accomplishment with others? Are you conscious of how your ability to celebrate your life’s wins affects others?
EP27: Use Challenges to Spark Your Heart
In this episode, my good friend Leigh P. Farrow is my guest. Leigh is a talented individual in so many ways and the creator of #piecefulpath. She has had an amazing career that has spanned many different industries and businesses. Still, her main thing in life is empowering individuals to lead their lives with creativity, innovation, transformation, and results. Leigh is a great wife, fur mom, author, and speaker, and she runs a series called Animated Wisdom; and she is driven to inform, inspire, and ignite people’s passion on their leadership journey.
EP26: Channel Courage to Say YES
I had two monumental events in the span of five days; we got Trooper, and I sent the unedited manuscript version of my book Heart Value to a small group of advanced readers to get their feedback.
So on today’s wise walk, we think about where we can celebrate our yes milestones that we had the courage to take in our lives. As we stride together, the questions on our minds are: What are you thinking about saying yes to that requires courage? As you commit to your slightly scary yes, did you take time to admire your bravery? And who are the people in your life that challenge and support you no matter if your brave yes goes right or wrong?
EP25: If Not Now, When?
In today’s wise walk, we are talking about where in our life we can ask critical questions of ourselves to reveal more meaningful, heartfelt answers. As we stride together, the questions on our minds are: Do you have a default question that surfaces when you face a new opportunity? Are you aware of trigger questions, those questions that come up as a knee-jerk reaction? After you accept your initial response or trigger, can you get curious and ask different questions?
EP24: Lessons in Honor of Saint Patrick
Have you ever stopped to wonder about Saint Patrick? Who he was, why do we wear green, why do we drink beer, and why is everyone so merry on March 17th.
On today’s wise walk, we are thinking about where in our lives we can ask questions about ourselves or the beliefs and traditions that we follow. So as we stride together, the questions on our minds are: Where in your life can you ask more questions? Is there something you’ve accepted as part of who you are but don’t actually know why? As you get curious, how will your answers and awareness impact your choices and actions? And how can you deepen your understanding of what lights you up and broadens your awareness of what you should celebrate in your life?
EP23: Make Muscle Memory Work for You
In today’s wise walk, we are looking at how muscle memory benefits us and ways to evaluate what muscle memory we need to exercise, develop, or ditch. As we stride together, the questions on our minds are: What muscle memory do you own but take for granted and don’t exercise enough? What muscle memory have you gained but no longer serves you? What muscle memory do you want to learn and develop today and for many years to come?