Your value is an accrual of experiences! Embrace the good, the bad, the ugly and the downright complicated to awaken your joy!
– Mary Tess Rooney
Free Resource: Feel-Choose-Act Amplifier
Heart Value Practice
If you feel disconnected from your heart’s calling or confused about what lights you up, I have a valuable gift for you!
EP143: Lifted By Light
Sometimes you run into moments that lower your vibe. We don’t have to let those things define the vibrations we know are available to us. Give yourself permission to radiate. You are meant for something higher and better. This episode talks about how to be lifted by light.
Over 5 years ago, I had a traumatic experience that awakened me. When I look back now, I can have this conversation with you in this full, radiant, light energy, but back then it was really hard on me. I entered a negative, dark space. I share this story today not to relive the trauma, but for people who I think the story can help, especially after having recent conversations about dealing with mean energy.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP143’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. My story involves working with individuals who I thought were friends only to learn they had a hidden agenda. Similarly, you may find yourself surrounded by people, places, or experiences that distract you from living your best life. Let’s remember that we are capable of rearranging our life to fully support our True Stride.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about how to be lifted by light. I share ways to bring yourself back into the alignment that supports your higher vibration. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- What are the ways we can release a traumatic experience and get lifted by light?
- If you’re feeling down, can you shift your energy so you can be lifted to the light?
- Where in your life are you struggling with life’s highs and lows?
- Can you explore the idea of noticing moments when you drop to a vibration that doesn’t match your highest self?
Perhaps you like to sing, dance, hike, play games, sculpt, or prove math theorems to shift your energy to a higher vibrational state. What helps you feel like you?
We hold the key to our hearts and our minds. Keep your vibrations high with these Wise Walk questions:
- What activities, people, and places naturally raise your vibration towards your naturally radiant self?
- How can you keep that momentum and continue to live near your highest vibration?
- Do you have a list of what helps you shift from darkness into the light?
- How can you find ways to minimize the stress in your life?
- If you notice your energy is down, can you give yourself the freedom to choose again?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[02:32] – Stop giving negative experiences energy.
[04:59] – What can you do to support your higher vibration?
[07:36] – Mary Tess talks about bringing yourself back into alignment to support your higher vibration.
[10:04] – Do you have ways to reduce the stressors in your life?
[12:56] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “I want to keep channeling my energy, my vibration, and my frequency to the highest best possible self.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP142: Magnify What Matters
It’s true that not everything deserves our attention. Sometimes our focus becomes blurry, but we can get back on track if we remind ourselves of the important things in life. This episode talks about how to magnify what matters.
I am the proud new owner of reading glasses. I have reached this milestone of life where I need support to read menus and other tasks. It’s a whole new world of wearing and carrying around glasses. This made me reflect on the way I view the world and how our vision of our True Stride can become fuzzy at times.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP142’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. Sometimes when we are in a rush or feeling the pressure of constraints, we’re not able to show up as our best selves. There’s so much available to us that we ignore. Resources are waiting for us to magnify our focus and redirect our attention.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about how to magnify your focus and hone in on what matters. Focus helps you notice what surfaces and becomes clear as a result of intentionality. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- Where in life are things out of focus?
- Where can you get supportive new equipment to help the blurred vision get clearer?
- What do you really want to focus on in life?
- How can you allow what you envision to be seen and acknowledged clearly?
- How are you being intentional about your focus on whatever task or experience is right in front of you?
- As you’re in the moment of intentional focus, can you distance yourself from the distractions around you?
When you focus on what matters, you realize there is so much to explore. You can go inward, slow down, and expand into more of what actually aligns with your True Stride.
Shift your reality and energy so you can step into a new perspective on what really matters. Inspire intentionality with these Wise Walk questions:
- How does meditation support you to get greater clarity on the things that really matter?
- What meditation are you doing on a regular basis that allows you to exist authentically?
- Are you able to step away from distractions to recenter yourself?
- Where in your life can you sharpen your vision and seek additional clarity?
- How can you magnify the information that’s right in front of you so you can focus on all that’s available to you?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[02:14] – Mary Tess talks about a new balance mindset she’s incorporating into her life these days.
[03:53] – Practice being intentionally present with one thing “in focus” at a time.
[06:12] – Can you get yourself to be fully focused and fully present?
[07:56] – Mary Tess talks about how meditation helps you to deepen experiences.
[09:44] – Connect deeper within so you can expand and show up as your best self.
[12:21] – Are you able to step away from distractions to recenter yourself?
[14:24] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “Each of us has to be authentic to ourselves in order to feel aligned.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP141: Be Present, Not Perfect
Perfectionism is a tricky trait. We can convince ourselves that it increases our worth without noticing how it can drain our zest for life. This episode talks about being present, not perfect.
I worked in Corporate America for decades and had a great gig. Early in my career, I was a bit of a perfectionist. I really worked hard to make any project the absolute best it could be. I had a vision, and I thoughtfully followed through with it to make that vision a reality. That high level of performance came with an unnecessary set back that I’d like to talk about today.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP141’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. I got attached to the identity of making things seem perfect. My perfectionism was so visible that my boss shared a quote with me that changed my view of what’s “good enough.” The conversation we had about the quote helped me reflect on how perfectionism can stand in the way of what good we are already doing.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about being present, not perfect. It’s okay to be honest about where you are in the moment and appreciate what you have to offer at that time. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- Where in your life are you holding onto unrealistic expectations that you set for yourself?
- How can you make more room for being present without heavy expectations?
- Where in your life have you been holding back because of unrealistic expectations?
- How would it feel if you could release what’s holding you back?
- Do you feel lighter when releasing those expectations?
- Where can you let go of the ideal of perfection?
- How can you protect “the good” from perfectionism?
Perfectionism can be heavy. Don’t let perfectionism hold you back from sharing and experiencing life.
Think of “good enough” as whatever is realistic for you to tackle at the moment. Release unnecessary expectations with these Wise Walk questions:
- Where can you free yourself from the idea of perfectionism projected on you by society?
- What really matters to you?
- Where in your life can you stop apologizing unnecessarily?
- Can you let go of your inner critic?
- Where can you give grace for the messiness of life?
- Can you reevaluate if you’re putting unrealistic expectations on others?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[02:22] – Where in your life are you holding onto unrealistic expectations that you’re setting for yourself?
[04:41] – Mary Tess talks about improving on the art of being present.
[06:30] – What is “good enough” for you today?
[09:24] – Let go of unrealistic demands.
[12:20] – Mary Tess reflects on the habit of saying “sorry” more than needed.
[14:39] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “It is good enough if this is all I can do today.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP140: Coming Back to Center
We sometimes show up as our own worst critic. As soon as we feel off we’re quick to give it meaning instead of taking a step back from it. This episode talks about coming back to center.
A buddy of mine recently confessed an experience he had when he went surfing. He told me how he couldn’t find his balance for some reason. He was wondering why he felt off, and came to the conclusion that it was not his day. Once he came back to shore, he realized his board was missing the center fin. He chuckled to himself realizing why he couldn’t find his center and was relieved that it wasn’t his fault.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP140’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. My buddy has me thinking about how many times we have self-doubts, limited beliefs, and questions towards our capabilities on any given day. When we’re not performing in the way we know we can, we question ourselves. We get critical without looking around us.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about giving yourself space to come back to center. There’s no need to criticize or doubt yourself the moment you feel off. You can change from day to day. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- Where in your life can you laugh at this story because some of it reigns true?
- Are you able to laugh at yourself when you find yourself in similar situations?
- Can you look at the bigger picture to shift your energy in the direction you want to go?
- Where in your life are you wanting to accept a new identity?
Thinking about it, there are so many distractions that come our way. It’s natural for us to slow down and check our reality to get back into alignment.
Every single experience creates expansion and you are constantly gaining value. Come back to center with these Wise Walk questions:
- How do you want to release past performance expectations that no longer feel aligned in the present?
- How can you embrace this present moment and explore your current capabilities?
- If you’re having an identity shift, how can you come back to center and release emotional triggers?
- What triggers surface when you think of coming back to center?
- What are you facing in life and how can coming back to center serve you and those around you?
- What experiences help you feel aligned versus experiences of people pleasing?
- How can you reclaim your power?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[02:44] – Can you look at the bigger picture to shift your energy in the direction you want to go?
[04:08] – Release past expectations and surrender to how you can show up today.
[07:09] – “I’m still me.”
[10:09] – Are you embracing what feels aligned in the moment?
[12:37] – Honor where you are as you navigate life.
[15:05] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “Coming back to center means we fully appreciate whatever is happening on that day, whether that’s internally or externally influencing how we show up in the world.” – Mary Tess
- “Every single experience creates expansion and you are constantly gaining value.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP139: What Vows Inspire You?
Fully committing to an intention shows deep care. Stepping into a declaration sparks a new chapter in your life. This episode talks about vows that inspire you.
We’re quickly approaching the time of year where it seems like weddings are upon us. I know I have two weddings this summer, and I’m so excited for these individuals. I look forward to hearing them say their vows to one another and to the community that will gather together to support them in the promises they’re declaring. Thinking about the sincerity of vows has me reflecting on the promises we make to ourselves.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP139’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. Wedding vows represent promises of what is meaningful to couples in the moment and carries forward. It’ll serve as a guidepost in the relationships of the couples. Self-promises act in the same way, allowing you to stay connected to your values and your True Stride.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about vows that inspire you to become more of yourself. We can find freedom in the declarations and promises we’re making to ourselves, for ourselves. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- What vows are you making for yourself that you intend to honor?
- Would you consider sharing these vows?
- How have pledges you made in life served you?
- Do you want to tweak any of your pledges?
- As you hold space for that commitment, how does it make you feel?
- Where do your commitments show up in life?
More often than not, the promises we make to ourselves become milestones or landmarks in our journey. They symbolize a shift in the way we navigate the world.
You can always tweak a promise or change your mind if you realize it’s no longer serving you. Embrace your current intentions with these Wise Walk questions:
- What vows have you made that light you up?
- What vows have you taken that led to evolution or self-realization?
- As you live out your commitments, what are you noticing in yourself?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[01:48] – How have pledges you made in life served you?
[03:47] – Mary Tess explores the vows and commitments that help you become more of yourself.
[06:27] – Mary Tess says she’s committed to loving and honoring the health of her body.
[08:00] – Mary Tess talks about her commitment to Striders and the True Stride podcast.
[10:11] – What vows have you made that light you up?
[13:02] – Which path are you choosing to live?
[15:49] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “Whatever I’m going through, I can give myself love and give myself self-care.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP138: Accepting Where You Are
There’s nothing wrong with admitting you’re not feeling your best. Life doesn’t require you to be everything to everybody all the time. This episode talks about accepting where you are in each moment.
I’m managing health challenges lately and feeling better. During this journey, I felt like crap from time to time, but this path taught me a lot about my changing needs and availability. The ups and downs gave me the opportunity to accept where I am in each moment.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP138’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. Accepting where you are means that you communicate your needs and priorities with those who are around you. Starting to embrace where you are also means you learn to be present whether you’re by yourself or loved ones. Your needs change, the moment you acknowledge a change is a step towards honoring your priorities.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about accepting where you are so that you can take care of yourself. Honestly, I’m witnessing my own evolution as I navigate the medical issues and release expectations. You can offer yourself the same grace as you continue your True Stride. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- Where in your life can you apply the lesson of accepting where you are, from moment to moment?
- What are you filling your calendar with and are those activities bringing you joy?
- Do you have opportunities to give yourself grace and release expectations?
- How are you honoring yourself in this moment so your future self can be even stronger?
Doesn’t it feel great to get in touch with your best self? When you pay attention to self care, you’re more likely to have other opportunities to embody the best version of yourself. If you don’t pay attention, you stay out of alignment longer than needed.
Give yourself permission to honor yourself and your condition in this moment so your future self can be even stronger and freer. Take care of yourself with these Wise Walk questions:
- Are there opportunities to release self-limiting beliefs?
- Can you be more vulnerable to receive support?
- If you have plans coming up, are they aligned with your #1 priority?
- Are you honoring your priorities with healthy boundaries?
- In what ways are you taking care of yourself in each moment?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[02:17] – Be in this moment.
[03:42] – Mary Tess looks back on not showing vulnerability while growing up.
[05:55] – How can you communicate what you’re experiencing at the moment?
[08:13] – Give yourself permission to see things play out.
[10:01] – Do your plans support your priorities?
[12:58] – Are you honoring your priorities?
[14:20] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “There are so many different priorities that each of us hold in different moments in time.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP137: Your Best Advocate is YOU!!
People speak from what they’ve seen in their life or what they’ve accepted as true. Being open-minded can be useful, but there are times when people share things that are true in their experience and not yours. This episode talks about why your best advocate is YOU.
I recently went through a medical situation where I needed to self-advocate. It reminded me of the importance of advocating for yourself and how speaking up can shift the outcome. We don’t have to take what the world hands to us. Honestly, we can choose what aligns to us over and over as we make a new path forward.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP137’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. Self-advocacy often starts from seeking to understand yourself. One of the best things about understanding yourself is that you build a storehouse of answers so you can design the best course of action for yourself.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about why you are your best advocate. Even when you evolve and change your mind, your conscious intention to choose differently is self-advocacy. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- Do you know yourself better than anyone?
- Do you take time to self-reflect and listen to your own heartbeat?
- Do you pursue your intuition with curiosity?
- If you recognize that you’re constantly evolving, do you give yourself permission to choose again?
- Do you seek to understand yourself on a deeper level?
- As you identify your truths, are you communicating them to advocate for yourself?
It’s important to learn about yourself and practice making conscious decisions so it’s easier to stay in alignment from moment to moment. As it becomes more natural, you’ll find it easier to communicate your truth.
Remember to stay true to yourself as you navigate the path towards your goals, your dreams, and your aligned life. Reflect on your truth with these Wise Walk questions:
- Are you taking time to self-reflect when something feels off?
- When you notice unalignment, do you take time to research what would be in better alignment with you?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[01:26] – Do you seek to understand yourself on a deeper level?
[03:27] – The more we practice the better we get.
[05:30] – “I am the best advocate for myself.”
[07:52] – Better late than never. How can you use self-advocacy to pivot?
[10:48] – Know what works and doesn’t work for you.
[12:34] – Where in life do you feel you need to self-advocate?
[14:11] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “I am the best advocate for myself.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP136: Surprise Yourself!
Children hold an inherent wonder towards the world. They constantly surprise themselves as they learn new things. In many ways, we all still have that childlike wonder that can reignite within us. This episode talks about surprising yourself.
Lately, I thought about planning vs spontaneity and how we structure our calendar. I even asked people around me, and one thing that came up often was the phrase, “I surprised myself.” This phrase sparked my curiosity about why surprises delight us, why they bring us joy, and what even constitutes a “surprise.”
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP136’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. Surprises can happen at any time, especially if we make room for them. We invite new experiences when we don’t have expectations, move with an open heart and go with the flow. We can have experiences that are beyond what we knew was possible.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about making room for the spontaneity of surprises in your life. Surprises prompt the light within us to shine. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- When was the last time you heard yourself say, “Wow, I surprised myself” at something that happened?
- During that time, was it planned into your schedule or was it a moment of spontaneity?
- Does that phrase light you up?
- How can you call in more of those moments?
- When was the last time you dropped into your inner child and had time to play without worry or an agenda?
- How do you feel when you let your imagination surface?
- How do you want to share that moment with others?
- How do you want to capture that moment for your present and future self?
The spontaneity of surprises extends into our interactions with others. Who knows where life will take you or what life will gift you when everyone brings their own sense of joy and exploration to an experience?
It’s fine to embrace the sense of awe and curiosity in surprises. Give yourself permission to explore with these Wise Walk questions:
- Are there opportunities for you to bring out your inner child to explore new, joyful experiences?
- How can you set aside time for these moments?
- Are you exploring experiences that aren’t the norm for you?
- Are you inviting moments that can surprise you and others around you?
- Are you staying present in those moments?
- Where will you give yourself a chance to have more surprises?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[02:34] – Surprises prompt the light within us to shine.
[04:12] – Mary Tess rides horses and takes lessons to tap into her inner child.
[07:09] – Play, explore, and get creative in your imaginative moments.
[09:24] – Give yourself permission to honor your heart and to stay aligned moment to moment.
[12:09] – What feels right for you?
[13:49] – We can make room for surprises in our interactions with others.
[15:36] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “Let your imagination surface and see what unfolds.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP135: Clearing & Getting Clear
There isn’t enough room to appreciate life’s present moment if our minds are cluttered with distractions. What are you doing to stay away from distractions and stay in alignment? This episode talks about clearing and getting clear.
We have the ability to feel energized and happy with each and every step that we take. It’s possible, but we also know it’s not a constant feeling in life. That’s okay since any lows or moments of un-alignment remind us of what’s really important, along with reminding us of the freedom to choose again. We start to want something new that will bring us back into harmony with ourselves. From there, we figure out where we want to go next.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP135’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. As I evolved, I learned to embrace the lows as much as the highs. It’s a signal to pay attention to what’s happening in life. I’m not saying it’s the most enjoyable experience, but there’s always a piece we can leverage for our greater good. It’s a chance to ask, “What’s happening for me in this moment, and what do I need to do to get back in alignment?”
On our Wise Walk, I talk about clearing your heart, your head, and your space. You begin to see choices and actions that align with your True Stride. By looking inwards, you can get clear on what helps you feel in alignment, then start to attract more of that. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- What are you holding onto and why?
- Is what you’re holding onto serving you?
- Are you prepared to let it go if it’s not helpful?
- If it’s too hard to let it go, can you reflect on why you think you need it in this present moment?
Getting clear can also mean making room. You have space to make more mindful decisions once you release what’s no longer serving you or change your schedule to match your current energy availability.
You get to honor yourself when you notice what is and is not aligned with what you envision for yourself. Get intentionally clear with these Wise Walk questions:
- How can you recycle, pass on, or give away energy that no longer serves you?
- What can you shift to help elevate another person’s energy?
- As you look at your calendar, is everything on there really needed?
- Is there anything you can postpone?
- Can you give yourself grace and space to clear your calendar more?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[01:38] – Mary Tess explains why she embraces life’s lows and much as life’s highs.
[03:26] – How does Mary Tess get clear on what she wants to do in this moment?
[06:11] – Mary Tess talks about clearing clutter to create more space in life.
[09:01] – How can the act of letting go benefit others around you?
[10:58] – Are you creating the optimal experience for yourself and how you live through life?
[13:40] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “We’re constantly ebbing and flowing; and everything that comes in, we receive as information. That information makes us powerful.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP134: Reflect, Remember & Honor
We all have our ups and downs in life. Sometimes those moments create a ripple that carries forward and alters how we move through the world. This episode encourages you to reflect, remember, and honor transitional experiences.
This past weekend marked the one year anniversary of my Aunt Caron’s death. If you’ve been listening for a while, you know Aunt Caron meant a lot to me. We spent a lot of time living near each other, having similar hobbies, and she was just an amazing human being overall.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP134’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. People who knew my aunt will mention how she made each person feel special. She exudes this radiance of confidence, support, love, and understanding. We still miss my Aunt Caron, so the anniversary of her death is both beautiful and hard.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about taking time to reflect, remember, and honor how we are healing so far as we think on milestones of loss or significant moments in life. I was able to celebrate my Aunt Caron with loved ones and came away from the gathering with thoughts on how people honor the journey of life. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- What is an anniversary that is near and dear to your heart that you are looking forward to celebrating?
- What are you doing to reflect upon your own growth or your struggle?
- If you feel you’re struggling, have you thought about asking for help?
- As you reflect, what are you carrying forward and bringing with you to express yourself?
Each of us deserves to be seen and honored. Acknowledging the impact of a transitional experience in our life allows us to express that to ourselves and others.
Honor your truth and how you personally evolved in the time that’s passed so you can become conscious of the direction you’re heading. Process your reflection with these Wise Walk questions:
- As you process the reflection, what are the ways you will hold space for that experience?
- Will you create enough space and vulnerability to uncover and release the feelings you need to?
- As you celebrate the anniversary, what personal stories are you willing to share to vulnerably connect?
- Can you hold space for someone else to share their truth with you?
- How can you nurture that connection to form deeper relationships?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[02:56] – How are we honoring the impact of a transitional experience in our life?
[05:08] – Mary Tess shares how she and her family celebrated Aunt Caron’s Angel-versary.
[07:25] – “Grief is a very complex emotion, and there’s no reason we should have to process our grief alone.”
[10:25] – Let’s honor all of the light and love that helps us get through the darkness together.
[12:58] – This anniversary transformed into an exchange of stories about our life experiences.
[14:50] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “Grief is a very complex emotion, and there’s no reason we should have to process our grief alone.” – Mary Tess
- “You deserve to be honored for where you are, in this moment, right now.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources: