Your value is an accrual of experiences! Embrace the good, the bad, the ugly and the downright complicated to awaken your joy!

– Mary Tess Rooney


Free Resource: Feel-Choose-Act Amplifier

Heart Value Practice

If you feel disconnected from your heart’s calling or confused about what lights you up, I have a valuable gift for you!

EP118: What’s YOUR 2023 Vision?

As we head into the New Year, have you thought of how you will support the next version of yourself? You may find all the answers you need when you reflect on what your heart, mind, and soul show you. This episode talks about exploring YOUR 2023 Vision.

I hope you’re gearing up for your transition into the New Year! I spent time thinking about what that looks like for me. I asked myself some basic questions: What went well? What would I like to change? What would I like more of in my life? What could I do without?

I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP118’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. As I approach 2023, I intentionally made a card, like a vision board, that I can use as a guide post for myself and also share with others. It’s important to me since one of my overall goals for 2023 is to be more visible with things that matter. I want to be more vulnerable and share in an inspirational way.

On our Wise Walk, I talk about going after our year with gusto by getting clear on our vision. Let’s ask ourselves questions about what we envision as the main themes of our upcoming year. I specifically share the seven themes of my vision so far in hopes that it will get your creativity flowing. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions inspired by themes for 2023:

  1. Meaningful actions, Joyful wins.
    • What’s a theme that resonates with you for how you want to show up?
    • What’s something that’s calling you that can guide you or get you back on course?
    • How do you imagine this theme will play out in different parts of your life?
  1. Exercise creativity.
    • Where in your life are you being called to express yourself in a different way?
    • What is the way you choose to express yourself as you move forward in 2023?
  1. Self-care and zen living.
    • Where in your life are you going to prioritize self-care and zen living?
    • What does support you?
    • What are intentions you can set to feel more fulfilled?
  1. Cherish soulful energies.
    • Who in your life fills your soul?
    • Can you draw in those energies and cherish them?
    • How can you be intentional about attracting those energies?
  1. Seek adventure.
    • As you envision what you want in the coming year, where do you want to incorporate this idea of seeking adventure in your life?
    • What specifically about adventure feels aligned with you?
    • Is there a different theme that you want to put out that relates to adventure?
  1. Expect miracles.
    • Where in your life can you expect miracles?
    • If you want something different, what’s a theme that emulates that idea of you calling in something you are wishing for?
    • How can you articulate this intention so that it is a guidepost for you in the upcoming year?
  1. Frequency matters.
    • What’s a theme that might remind you to elevate your frequency and notice your energy as you pursue all that you want in life?
    • How will this guidepost keep you grounded?

Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.


In this episode:

[00:23] – Welcome to the show!

[03:16] – Mary Tess explains how she finds direction for her vision. How does she organize her vision once she knows where she wants to go?

[05:44] – Mary Tess wants her actions to lead to joyful wins. 

[08:35] – Mary Tess plans to explore different outlets of expression to exercise creativity.

[10:01] – For 2023, let’s minimize the clutter of our lives and eliminate distractions.

[11:32] – Mary Tess wants to cherish the soulful energies that help light her up and seek adventure.

[14:13] – Mary Tess explains why you should expect miracles and why frequency matters.

[15:19] – Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “Every time I hear from you about something that’s resonated with you on this podcast, you inspire and encourage me to continue to do what I’m doing in terms of following my heart.” – Mary Tess
  • “I am going to expect miracles and I cannot wait for them to unfold for me and for you.” – Mary Tess


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

Heart Value

EP117: Wrap & Unwrap Surprises

Spontaneity and serendipity are like gifts in our lives. They represent the intersection of our True Stride and life’s surprises. All we need to do is be open to the moment. This episode talks about getting ready to wrap and unwrap surprises.

As we approach the close of 2022, I decided to take a walk down memory lane. I had a lot of events happen this year that added to my personal growth, my joy, and my wisdom. I started to look at pictures from this past year and connect with the whole set of experiences that have made me who I am in this moment.

I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP117’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. Looking at the pictures, I saw there were so many significant moments that I forgot. The memories came rushing back with each image. Then, I realized there are times I didn’t have pictures of certain events. All this inspired me to be even more intentional in how I appreciate experiences.

On our Wise Walk, I talk about getting ready to wrap and unwrap surprises, whether it’s an actual gift or an event. We help give life’s surprises and we also receive them, which is why knowing how to embrace these moments makes each interaction special. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:

    • What’s the intention that you’re holding as you are wrapping a gift for someone else?
    • If you’re not wrapping something tangible, can you offer heartfelt gratitude and express your appreciation for the individual?
    • Can you gift them something that makes the person feel valued and seen?
    • Can you be open to being surprised by their response?

Surprises can communicate care, intention, and thoughtfulness for the person receiving the gift. You want to allow yourself and others to experience that joy.

We’ll be starting a new year of moments and surprises soon. Get ready to step into the next version of yourself with these Wise Walk questions:

    • Where in life can you wrap and unwrap surprises?
    • Can you hold space for surprises?
    • Can you look back and admire your progress with appreciation and encouragement?

Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.


In this episode:

[00:23] – Welcome to the show!

[01:45] – Mary Tess recalls events from 2022 that she’d almost forgotten.

[03:46] – A lovely thank you note.

[06:17] – Mary Tess talks about high frequency gestures to make others feel special.

[08:10] – Where in life can you wrap and unwrap surprises?

[10:30] – Mary Tess thinks back on how she invested in her Value Vault this past year and appreciates her growth.

[12:42] – Be mindful of holding onto expectations too tight.

[14:20] – Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “We have to hold space for where we are and where we are headed without expectation.” – Mary Tess


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

Heart Value


EP116: What Awareness or Shifts Are You Gaining?

Sometimes we feel we have an answer until a moment, situation, or new information prompts us to change our mind. It’s like when you change your restaurant order after seeing a delicious plate delivered to another table. Can you playfully laugh at your evolution as you choose again? This episode talks about what awareness or shifts you gain as you evolve.

The holidays are upon us, and I am having a blast! This past weekend, I had the honor of celebrating and spending time with two different groups of friends. I went to a birthday celebration and a luncheon. On top of this, I heard from more Striders about their Word of the Year. Actually, I have an update about my Word of the Year.

I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP116’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. I recently experienced a moment that inspired me to rethink my Word of the Year. As of now, I shifted my Word of the Year from Freedom to Flow. I talk about what incident sparked this ripple effect and why I chose this new word. Striders, this is the Four Step Process in real time.

On our Wise Walk, I talk about how we can explore the new awareness and shifts that come up as we experience life. When we recognize what new paths we want to consider, we bring a new energy into our journey. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:

    • What are you holding space for so that you can draw in what you really want?
    • Which word can fully communicate the intention you want to send out to the universe?
    • As you feel your way through your word options, are you reminding yourself that it’s okay to choose again?
    • What’s the energy that surfaces as you play with your word options?

New perspectives surface as you play with each word. You have the opportunity to choose again if you find a previous word no longer fits your aims or if a new word comes up that seems to suit your intentions more.

Intentions communicate your resolve and readiness for a new start. Let’s flow and grow together with these Wise Walk questions:

    • As you test each word out in your reality, do you feel a shift in your own vibration?
    • How does the energy you receive from each word feel?
    • What are the possibilities if you keep heading down that path?
    • Where can you let go and communicate that you’re ready to step into a new word?

Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.


In this episode:

[00:23] – Welcome to the show!

[02:16] – What intention does the word “Freedom” have for Mary Tess?

[04:50] – Recently, Mary Tess took a romantic leap. What happened?

[06:46] – Mary Tess thinks her Word of the Year may change to FLOW. 

[09:11] – What intention does the word “Flow” have for Mary Tess?

[12:02] – Flowing into 2023.

[13:35] – Can you playfully laugh at your evolution as you choose again?

[15:06] – Openness creates new energy in the world around you.

[17:21] – You can hold space for new intentions and priorities.

[19:48] – Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “It’s worth taking the time to get the word right so that it supports you in all aspects of your life.” – Mary Tess


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

Heart Value

EP115: Choose a Guiding Word & Intention

The more we grow and expand, the more we enter new dimensions that have room for the version of ourselves that we currently embrace. Likewise, this upcoming New Year gives us another chance to commit to the next phase of our True Stride. How can we be sure we stay aligned on the next part of our path? This episode talks about choosing a guiding word and intention.

I got an email from a Strider about reflecting on the Word of the Year. This person was curious about what this year’s conversation would bring since it’s a tradition for Striders (and for me personally the past 13 years). I didn’t give it much thought yet, but saw this as a great opportunity to start now, so thank you.

I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP115’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. Each year we pick a word or phrase to act as a mantra, mirror, or intention for the year (instead of a New Year’s Resolution). The word choice happens in a Four Step Process:

  • 1. Ask: What is the intention you want to create?
    • Example: What do I want to create or manifest?
  • 2. Ask: How does the word feel when you try it on and does it encompass all the areas of your life?
    • Example: How does the word apply to you personally, professionally, financially, spiritually, in relationships, etc.?
  • 3. Act: Envision all the possible applications and how it makes you feel.
    • Example: Envision how this word could influence your decisions, especially when at life’s crossroads.
  • 4. Act: Apply it and take action.
    • Example: Apply it to your life before the New Year to play around with how the word feels in real time.

On our Wise Walk, I talk about how your Word of the Year is your personal guiding star that will support you and help you get to where you want to go. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:

    • What is a word or a phrase that will help you stay grounded in the experience and the feeling that you want to create?
    • How are you going to use that word to motivate you or to check that you’re in alignment?
    • How can that word help you readjust if you get off course?
    • How can you explore ways to incorporate this word right now to remind you to move forward in alignment?

Whatever word you choose, it should support your overall well-being. You deserve to evolve and grow in all areas of your life.

As we enter a new year, let’s keep encouraging each other and supporting each other to show up in our True Stride. Continue your evolving journey with these Wise Walk questions:

    • What’s a word that easily comes up for you as a possible guiding star or mirror that you can use to consistently reflect on and continue moving in an aligned direction?
    • What’s a word that’s calling you that you feel will support you even through challenges?
    • When you hold space for that word, what emotions does it bring up?
    • If you need inspiration, are there people you can discuss a Word of the Year with to bounce ideas off each other?

Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.


In this episode:

[00:23] – Welcome to the show!

[02:49] – Mary Tess talks about how her first Word of the Year shifted her life.

[04:49] – Last year’s Word of the Year was Gift.

[07:11] – What are some words that Mary Tess will consider for the upcoming year?

[09:42] – Mary Tess shares the Word of the Year choices from fellow Striders and what intentions they are prioritizing.

[11:48] – Is there a word calling out to you?

[13:30] – Mary Tess reflects on one of her possible words: Freedom.

[15:40] – Embrace the freedom of doing what lights you up in a supported way.

[18:16] – Mary Tess speaks about how a new Word of the Year could motivate her to show up and share her Heart Value more visibly on social platforms.

[21:05] – Congratulations for all your efforts as we continue to evolve. 

[23:58] – Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “You deserve to evolve and grow.” – Mary Tess
  • “Keep following that big heart of yours.” – Mary Tess


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

Heart Value

EP114: The Practice of Being

There’s no need to rush. You have absolute permission to slow down and check your reality. Taking time to go inward helps you process perceptions with a new lens and stay aware of what really matters. This episode talks about going inward, creating stillness, and practicing being so you naturally foster more creativity, bliss, and intelligence.

Personally, I’m committed to establishing a consistent meditation practice, but there are days when it feels like one more task to remember. I trust that the more I practice, the more natural and second nature it will become. The benefits of meditation—like feeling inner peace, alert, rested, energized and connected to what truly matters in each moment—are powerful and worth the investment so I hope you incorporate the practice of being in your life too.

I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP114’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. Mediation gets you into a state of being since it connects to an honest look at your unfiltered inner space. Internally, you sort out the choices and actions that feed how you show up in the world. You can use that time to redefine or reaffirm your inner space.

On our Wise Walk, I talk about committing to a practice of being to make full use of stillness and reflection. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:

    • Where in your life do you have a focus on being?
    • Do you allow yourself to honor the moment in that space?
    • As you meditate, no matter the time length, have you felt a sense of silent, peaceful bliss wash over you?
    • What do you think you need for you to release any inner restlessness?

Mediation will inspire more creativity, innovation, and overall well-being. View it as a type of nourishment and self-care as necessary as exercise.

Being is the ultimate way to support your future vision. Live your purpose in a more radiant and fun way with these Wise Walk questions:

    • What choices no longer feel aligned, and can you let them go?
    • Where in your life can you let go so that you can BE more?
    • Where in your life do you want to release something that doesn’t serve you to create space for spontaneity?
    • How does that allow you to move and show up differently?

Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.


In this episode:

[00:23] – Welcome to the show!

[02:12] – A calmness you’ve never experienced before.

[04:27] – Mediation is about creating the space and intention to allow yourself to BE.

[06:33] – Mary Tess always looks to maximize her calendar for activities. Why did she change her habit during Thanksgiving? 

[08:57] – How do you explore the idea of letting go?

[11:03] – Mary Tess says that not traveling during Thanksgiving gave her time to go inward and focus on self-care.

[13:38] – “We have all of this abundant creativity and energy and resources within us.”

[16:29] – Leave room on your calendar for stillness.

[19:20] – Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “Allowing myself to be present in the moment creates a calmness and an inner peace unlike anything else I experienced.” – Mary Tess


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

Heart Value

EP113: What’s Good and Harvest Ready?

A harvest is an opportunity to reap what we grew, nurtured and cultivated. During this time of harvest, we give thanks and recognize what you brought to life from the past season or year. This episode talks about looking for what’s good and ready to harvest in your life.

Thanksgiving is a symbol of appreciation and abundance. I’m happy to celebrate what we planted, harvested, and gathered as we give gratitude for what we have. There’s a sense of joy and togetherness in sharing what we fostered and stacked up in our Value Vault this past year.

I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP113’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. While we show gratitude for the year, it’s important that we acknowledge what’s ready and what’s not ready for harvest. You can reflect on where you placed your attention, then decide how that expanded and benefited you thus far. I’m excited for us to go inward, take inventory, and walk an aligned path with a fresh perspective. 

On our Wise Walk, I talk about looking at what good we will harvest and taking time to nurture those things from the inside out. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:

    • What are you ready to harvest?
    • What have you grown in this past season or in this past year?
    • What have you nurtured?
    • What are you excited to bring to life?
    • What is not ready for harvest yet?

I spent a good amount of time exploring what I gave my attention and love to. I can gladly say that I prioritized relationships with my loved ones. When you look at your inventory, are you nurturing the memories, moments, and connections you imagine for yourself?

You and your world are worth celebrating. Welcome gratitude and serendipity with these Wise Walk questions:

    • What are you excited about in your life?
    • What are you growing in your life that deserves your attention?
    • What are the blessings of the past year that you want to acknowledge and give thanks for?
    • What are you proud of and would like to share?
    • Can you find the blessing in your circumstances?

Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.


In this episode:

[00:23] – Welcome to the show!

[02:13] – What are you ready to harvest?

[05:07] – Mary Tess explains what it means to go inward and explore priorities.

[07:53] – What deserves your attention?

[10:05] – “I feel loved.”

[12:10] – Mary Tess explores her aim to share her Heart Value with organizations, companies and teams. 

[14:12] – Welcome serendipity by taking a step forward in your True Stride.

[16:37] – Have you reconnected to your inner compass?

[19:28] – Mary Tess shares a Thanksgiving family tradition that truly embodies gratitude.

[21:06] – “I give thanks for this past year, no matter how challenging things got.”

[23:06] – Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “I feel loved.” – Mary Tess
  • “I need to honor my ability to speak up and communicate so I can continue to manifest those opportunities that are aligned with me.” – Mary Tess


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

Heart Value

EP112: Go Inward & Live Intentionally

Every now and then your energy and attention need to regroup. You can become so busy with the world that you get slightly off track. Checking back in with yourself sets the tone for returning to your True Stride. This episode talks about taking time to go inward and live intentionally.

We are approaching the end of the year. For me, I always take time to go inward to reflect on my journey in the past year. I’m happy with my choices as I look at this year since I lived intentionally despite surprises along the way. I want to continue to be intentional, so I’m reflecting on how to carry this mindset into next year.

I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP112’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. We are learning and growing on each and every wise walk. After a year full of perspective, our Value Vault is filled with new information on living as our best selves. You can stay aligned to that truest version of you as you remind yourself how you are prioritizing your needs and choosing what you want to let go of.

On our Wise Walk, I talk about pausing to go inward so we can come out on the other side living more intentionally. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:

    • Do you take time for yourself to go inward and get curious about the path you’re going towards?
    • Are you giving yourself time to go inward and be able to live as your best self?
    • What was the general vibe of your year?
    • Did you reflect on what worked well, what didn’t work well, and what you might do differently?

There are people out here who are feeling deflated, undervalued, or trapped. I want to help them connect and drop into their heart. I want you to know that you can pace yourself to decide what to invest time, attention, and energy into.

This is your story and I’m so honored to be a part of it. Let’s go inward with these Wise Walk questions:

    • As you look at your life, are there any opportunities you can outsource that are not fully aligned with you?
    • Can you share tasks with your support system to tag team your goals?
    • What do you need to say ‘No’ to so that you can live intentionally?
    • Do you feel supported when you share what you need support in?
    • How are you creating balance in your life?
    • Are you using your calendar to create more fulfillment in your life?

Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.


In this episode:

[00:23] – Welcome to the show!

[02:54] – Be aligned with your highest self so you can do the work you feel called to do.

[05:08] – Live life to the fullest.

[07:31] – What energizes you?

[10:09] – Mary Tess is easing her way into more intentional living. What does she plan to change?

[13:00] – What are you going to say ‘No’ to?

[15:50] – “This feels right for me.”

[17:30] – While you’re living intentionally, be mindful of how you balance and nurture yourself.

[19:11] – Is there anything in life that you’re ready to change?

[21:12] – Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “Step into your power and be intentional about all that is ahead of you.” – Mary Tess
  • “I’m allowing myself to get creative to look at my days to say ‘How can I balance all of the things that I want to do on this quest of going inward to heal and reinvigorate myself?’” – Mary Tess


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

Heart Value

EP111: Celebrate Your Commitment to You

There’s always signs from the universe coming in and out of our lives, and if we slow down to pay attention, we have an easier time catching them. The more aligned you are with what lights you up, the more you’ll realize the power of your dedication. This episode talks about celebrating your commitment to you.

Timing is moving fast. This fall brings the 1 Year Anniversary of publishing my first book Heart Value. I officially published the book on 11/11, which holds a special meaning. As I think back to the significance of 11/11 as a date, and also the number pattern itself, it reminds me of the growth we had over this past year physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP111’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. The synergy and synchronicities of this anniversary are evidence of being on the right path and direction. It comes down to the fact that I had a plan, but more importantly, I had a vision. I could continue in my True Stride while feeling inspired and supported.

On our Wise Walk, I talk about celebrating your commitment to you and all you bring to this world. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:

    • Are you taking time to celebrate those milestones and accomplishments you arrived at?
    • If you haven’t reached what you’re striving for yet, are you acknowledging all of the progress that you’re making?
    • Are you clear on where you want to go?
    • If you haven’t made a commitment to yourself, what is holding you back?
    • As you reflect on what you want to go after, how are you showing your commitment to yourself?
    • How are you breathing life into your reflection so it becomes actions supportive of your goals?

Stepping into a new awareness allows us to reinvent our path and recommit to showing up as our most aligned self.

Let’s invest in self and stay aligned as we feel our way through life and this adventure. Gain awareness on what truly lights you up with these Wise Walk questions:

    • How are you honoring the desire to be your highest self?
    • Are you excited about the new opportunities and supportive relationships coming your way?
    • How are you holding space for these new resources?
    • How are you taking care of yourself and sharing your beautiful heart?
    • Do you have faith that you are supported by the universe and those around you?

Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.


In this episode:

[00:23] – Welcome to the show!

[01:36] – Take what lights you up to another level.

[03:18] – What ‘s the meaning of 111 in terms of the universe?

[06:16] – Mary Tess shares the highs and lows of book publishing. How did she manage the process?

[09:16] – You get to reinvent yourself and your vision as you learn and grow.

[12:01] – Repeated numbers are a signal to wake up with a new awareness. What new awareness are you facing?

[13:46] – Mary Tess talks about areas in her life where she stepped into a new awareness.

[16:40] – Mary Tess is glad to see you pursuing your dreams.

[18:36] – Mary Tess reflects on reaching new milestones and learning more about herself.

[20:52] – Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “When we’re able to look at each experience as an accrual of value, that’s just a huge win because we don’t really have anything to lose at that point.” – Mary Tess


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

Heart Value

EP110: Your Path Without Comparison

We can get caught up in wishful thinking when we enter a crisis. We compare ourselves to those around us wishing things could be different. In the middle of wishing, we can’t know what someone else’s path actually looks like and we can’t appreciate our own path. This episode talks about embracing your path without comparison.

A friend is going through a major life change similar to a situation I had in my journey. This lovely friend shared on social media that she is dealing with a health crisis. After seeing her post, I reached out to offer support in various forms, including listening and sharing my experience since I could relate to some of her situation and expressed concerns. 

I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP110’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. For over two decades, I have managed my medical diagnosis by trying holistic and medical healthcare that align with my needs. Even thinking about it today, it was a process and journey to relearn my body. What I know now is that so much of life is about the mindset of embracing information without judgment.

On our Wise Walk, I talk about how to “be you” on your path. You should accept your baseline before creating a plan to move forward. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:

    • Where in your life are you attached to being “normal”, and are you hard on yourself when you fall short of these standards?
    • When you need to make changes for a goal, are you being kind to yourself in that process?
    • Are you too focused on comparison to the point you don’t appreciate where you are?
    • Are you acknowledging your baseline?

There’s no need to place unrealistic expectations on yourself. There’s also no need to rush results or beat yourself down for not getting the results you want. It takes consistent, kind, incremental effort to get to where you want to go.

Go inward, figure out your baseline, and then choose a direction from that starting point. Invest in knowing yourself and your baseline with these Wise Walk questions:

    • Can you look at your life as a garden that you are tending?
    • How are you going to make this experience your own?
    • Can you eliminate your need to compare yourself to others since your life circumstances are different?
    • Will you encourage yourself to make incremental shifts?

Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.


In this episode:

[00:23] – Welcome to the show!

[02:29] – Mary Tess talks about managing a disease for over two decades in a way that aligns with her needs.

[04:03] – What is MDS?

[06:24] – Mary Tess talks about the highs and lows of relearning her body to deal with her medical diagnosis.

[08:47] – How do you find your “normal” after a crisis?

[11:13] – Stop comparing yourself to others.

[13:58] – Are you still processing what’s going on with you?

[16:27] – No two journeys are the same.

[19:09] – You may get frustrated from time to time.

[21:50] – Mary Tess encourages you to share with the support around you.

[24:25] – Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “No two journeys are the same. No two individuals are the same.” – Mary Tess


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

Heart Value

EP109: Be YOU and Express Your Needs

You learn more about yourself every day. The knowledge you have of yourself and your needs is what helps you build a more aligned experience of life. When we know ourselves, we can share it lovingly with confidence. This episode talks about knowing how to be you and express your needs.

I had a dear friend stay with me for a visit. We see each other once or twice a year, but we remain fully invested in each other’s lives. That’s how our beautiful friendship evolved over the years. During the visit, my friend opened up about being excited to get together, but also shared her needs and tendencies so we can find our harmony.

I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP109’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. My friend and I are two different people. There are places where our needs overlap and other places that don’t. Gratefully, we are both willing to communicate our needs and figure out what’s best for both of us, even if we must do things separately.

On our Wise Walk, I talk about how to invest in your highest good by expressing your needs. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:

    • Are you investing in your highest good?
    • Are you communicating your needs and desires with the support around you?
    • Do you know what you need?
    • Do you make sure you don’t overwhelm yourself?
    • Do you give yourself room to pivot or change your mind?
    • How often are you getting to know yourself and proudly sharing your attributes?

As people, we can lovingly support each other even if our needs are not the same needs. Since we understand each other and give context on where we are in life, we’re able to be more flexible with each other.

Embracing the flow of our needs allows us to support each other in new dynamic ways. Find out how you can communicate your needs and support the needs of others with these Wise Walk questions:

    • If you struggle to communicate what you need, have you considered doing personality evaluations (like Myers–Briggs)?
    • How do we interpret the way others communicate their needs and desires?
    • Are you accepting yourself and others as you all evolve?
    • Do you know you can’t expect others to intuitively know where you are and what you need?

Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.


In this episode:

[00:23] – Welcome to the show!

[02:55] – Do you know what you need?

[03:49] – Do you allow yourself to change your mind?

[06:41] – When we know ourselves, we can share it lovingly with confidence.

[08:55] – Do you know how to communicate your needs?

[11:17] – How do we interpret how others communicate their needs and desires?

[13:45] – Embrace freedom and acceptance as we each evolve as people.

[16:42] – Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “When we reach our highest good, we all win.” – Mary Tess


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


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Heart Value

True Stride, LLC was formed to empower each individual to honor their unique stride as they navigate life’s interesting, complex and eventful journey. When we take the time, reflection and attention to channel our true stride… we enjoy our truest ride.”

– Mary Tess Rooney

“Mary’s straight forward approach and authentic style inspires rapid results in individuals and teams alike.”

– Next Incredible Person
SVP Special Violet Petals

“The idea of having a personal vision map is exciting, and the way the True Stride team creatively crafted the exercise to connect and organize action items into digestible steps is priceless.”

– Leigh Farrow