Your value is an accrual of experiences! Embrace the good, the bad, the ugly and the downright complicated to awaken your joy!
– Mary Tess Rooney
Free Resource: Feel-Choose-Act Amplifier
Heart Value Practice
If you feel disconnected from your heart’s calling or confused about what lights you up, I have a valuable gift for you!
EP128: Symbols of Transformation
Do you ever get the feeling the Universe is trying to tell you something? Perhaps you keep seeing the same numbers or hearing the same phrase said around you. You notice the consistency of these coincidences and they suddenly don’t seem like a coincidence anymore. This episode talks about symbols of transformation.
I live in a lovely beach town and have been living here the past five years. People see snakes, poisonous and non-poisonous, in the area all the time, but I’ve seen maybe five snakes at most since living here. Then, I encountered four non-poisonous snakes by my door this past week. It’s unique and rare for that to happen around me. So much so, that it feels like a message.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP128’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. Anytime something happens that’s out of sync with my natural rhythm, I pay attention. I hope you do too when those moments appear in your life. Symbols can be our first sign that a transformation is taking place soon, or that we’re on the right path for our transformation.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about symbols of transformation guiding us to the next step. I believe that the Universe sends us signals and helps us reground, pay attention, or get in touch with our inner wisdom at these moments of change and transformation. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- Are you receiving signals that are trying to get you to slow down and pay attention to where you are in life and where you’re going?
- Are you receiving more than one symbol or message that sparks your curiosity?
- As you get curious and dig a little deeper on the symbol’s meaning, what feels aligned that you can take away from this message in order to inform your present situation?
- If you haven’t had any symbols, can you go inward with this snake story Mary Tess shared?
- What are the things that come up for you as you step into all of your senses?
One great thing about symbols is that they recenter your focus. It’s like a reminder to watch where you’re going.
Symbols inspire me to reevaluate what feels aligned in life and choose what I’m letting into my life more intentionally. Notice your symbols of transformation with these Wise Walk questions:
- Where do you feel you can put more energy?
- Where do you feel you can release what’s not serving you?
- Do you miss having alone time and hibernation time to reflect?
- How can you reclaim that?
- As you reevaluate your priorities, how do you want to reinvent yourself?
- What’s really important to you right now?
- Where can you bravely accept vulnerability to listen to your senses?
- As you stay grounded, where can you embrace your inner confidence and celebrate your milestones?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[02:20] – “You’re healing.”
[04:27] – Mary Tess talks about how the signs of the universe have a sense of humor.
[06:34] – Are you receiving more than one symbol or message that sparks your curiosity?
[08:16] – How will you navigate forward and find your strength?
[10:24] – Where do you feel you can put more energy?
[11:52] – Mary Tess feels she is going through a transformation in more than one way.
[14:30] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “We’re not in this alone. We have guides on Earth and above that are always here to support us and help us move through these transitions.” – Mary Tess
- “I have the power to heal from within and emerge stronger.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP127: Reset with Love
Can you change your mindset to reset your experience with love? Taking a step back, and coming from a place of love, allows us to view situations from a different angle. We can usually find an angle that benefits us and works in our favor. This episode talks about how to reset with love.
I want to start by acknowledging the beautiful, heartfelt, and healing emails and feedback that I received from you, my fellow Striders. I’m so grateful you took the time to reach out and share your takeaways from the previous episode. It was nice talking about how we can ascend when we’re feeling down. I shared how I had to reprogram my awareness to look at the situation differently and in my favor.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP127’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. Among the messages I received, there is one email I want to share with you. A fellow Strider shared reflections on not only the importance of viewing things in a new light, but also a suggestion on how to do just that.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about how to approach experiences with a loving perspective. We can remove our limited view to build back something healthier and more useful to our journey. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- Where in your life are you struggling and what new perspective will help you reset your experience with love?
- How are you taking time to slow down and celebrate your accomplishments and how you show up?
- As you look at the things in life that you’re striding towards, are you building time in your schedule to reset with love?
Having a set time to rebuild your perspective gives you room to be more intentional. In this way, you get to be optimistic and realistic with your perspective through love, acceptance, and resourcefulness.
Each Wise Walk is a chance to ascend and love each other as we continue to elevate and grow together. Bring in the love with these Wise Walk questions:
- If there is an area of life you feel weighed down in, what perspective can you try on to reset with love and support?
- Can you see the opportunity to rebuild?
- What do you need to release?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[02:04] – Mary shares the words of a fellow Strider who shared his way to ascend is to focus on Love.
[04:52] – Can you change your mindset to reset your experience with love?
[06:50] – When do you take a break to reset?
[09:28] – Mary Tess shares why she isn’t the biggest fan of antibiotics, or at least, why they’re not her preference.
[12:30] – Choose to rebuild.
[14:00] – Resetting with love allows us to see new possibilities.
[15:59] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “We have to make sure that we create space to reset with love.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP126: Your Ascension Matters
It’s so nice to cruise through life, but life does have rough patches. Is there something positive to gain from moments where we feel down or frustrated? This episode talks about how to deal with descension, and why your ascension matters.
One of my all-time favorite things to do is walk down to the beach and watch the sun rise. No matter the weather, I really love the colors, the energy, and the differences from day to day. The ritual of walking and greeting the sun gets me into an energy of acceptance.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP126’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. I’m healing from an illness and still on the path to recovery. Recently, I received some medical intervention: antibiotics. The side effects aren’t my favorite thing in the world, but I know it’s necessary to get back to feeling better and doing what I want to do.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about embracing moments of descension so you can learn your lesson and ascend to higher heights. Being placed in these experiences can remind us of what is most important to us, or can be a chance to release undesirable energy before we enter a new level. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- When you experience moments of falling, descension, or frustration, do you seek help and support?
- As you get support, what is most important in the moment so that you can ascend?
- How are you going to help yourself move past the frustration?
- As you reflect on the last time you fell in life and had to refocus, what surfaced for you?
Of course, it’s okay to express frustration in these moments. These times can be draining. That’s why having support or having someone to vent to can make the transition easier on you.
Seek and accept the lesson in those moments of frustration or falling. When you fall, you can rise. Embrace lessons learned with these Wise Walk questions:
- What are the priorities and relationships that you will continue to invest in?
- What really matters to you anytime you do find yourself in that down state?
- What lights you up to bring you into the ascension state?
- How can you stay focused on them whether you’re in a down state or not?
- Who is that support person you can vent to without feeling judged?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[03:17] – Anytime Mary Tess gets sick she feels this particular emotion.
[05:45] – How are you going to help yourself move past frustration?
[07:28] – There’s always a lesson or something to take away in times of descension.
[10:01] – Reframe and reprioritize your focus to get back on track.
[12:52] – It’s okay to express your frustration.
[14:56] – Who do you vent to?
[16:44] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “Each time I fall, I gain better clarity on what really matters in my life.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP125: Listen to Your Signals
If your best friend came to you feeling down and tired, you’d tell them to take it easy or ask them what they need. Why don’t we extend the same grace for ourselves? This episode talks about listening to your signals.
I’m asking for grace and healing vibes today since I’m recovering from having a fever the past couple of days. I felt crappy and drained on top of having little appetite. Since I love the conversations we have, I pulled together enough strength to show up positively and interact with Striders.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP125’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. Honestly, I hold space for when I feel aligned and not aligned. In this episode, I’m not aligned with my body. You can use this as your reminder to check in with yourself, slow down, and listen to your signals.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about listening to your signals and learning to flow with your natural rhythm. Factors such as lack of sleep and stress can make it easy to get side tracked and miss the signals your body sends. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- Are you listening to your body?
- Are you honoring the signals your body sends to you on a daily basis?
- How are you holding space to stay nourished and aligned with your True Stride?
- What usually happens if you find yourself not listening to the signs, and do you want a different experience?
- Are you willing to make changes?
- Where can you release schedule limitations so you can have more time to respond to your signals?
Too many times we simply use our bodies as tools and push ourselves too far. Instead, let’s partner with our bodies that will be with us for the rest of our lives.
We can show up more fully when we intentionally listen to our signals. Be proactive with these Wise Walk questions:
- Can you figure out how to give yourself what you need?
- Can you honor yourself and your needs in a holistic way?
- Are you able to treat your body like you would a best friend?
- As you receive signals, are you listening intentionally?
- Are you prioritizing self-care with actions?
- What are you noticing in your body that you need right now?
- What are you giving it in this moment?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[01:55] – Are you honoring the signals your body sends to you?
[04:31] – Learning to flow with your natural rhythm.
[06:39] – Treat your body like a best friend.
[08:56] – As you receive signals, are you listening intentionally?
[10:52] – When it comes to your body, be a realistic optimist.
[13:02] – Our bodies are bound to need different things at different times.
[15:52] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “Are you able to treat your body like you would a best friend?” – Mary Tess
- “Our bodies may communicate different things based on the season or cycle they’re in.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP124: Love and Lower Your Walls
Life is like a game. We move through the game trying our best to protect ourselves while scoring big goals. What you think of it depends on how you view the game. Wouldn’t it be nice to play the game of life less on defense and more on offense? This episode talks about how to love and lower your walls.
Lately, I reflect on how love and bonds are formed. Love is like a balance of allowing it to come in and offering it. Bonds help us see we’re capable of sharing with others and ourselves. Honestly, it makes me think about times where I restricted my ability to give and receive love. I had walls up after some not-so-great relationships that altered how I interacted with love. It was easier to put up a wall than to be vulnerable, but I see things a bit differently these days.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP124’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. Love and walls are not only for romance, but also in our platonic relationships. Our vulnerability touches every part of our life where we interact with others. At this time, I feel open and free to give and receive love. While being with Striders and doing this podcast, I learned that true authentic bonds can form if I show up and share my experiences.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about nurturing our vulnerability. It’s okay to be vulnerable; that’s part of this human experience. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- Where in your life do you feel that restriction toward vulnerability?
- Do you feel like you are not fully letting love in?
- Is it possible that you’re holding onto an emotional wall or a limiting belief that is keeping someone that you want to connect with at bay or stopping you from approaching them?
- Are you holding onto an emotional wall to avoid looking deeper at why you feel the way you do?
- Can you find positives in a past experience or a lesson in it that makes you a more empathetic person?
- How can you get more comfortable with being vulnerable?
- As you learn to show and share your authentic self, how can you move past the fears and limitations?
Thank you for helping me move past my fears so that I can be more vulnerable and get to know my authentic self more. That’s a gift you gave me, and I hope you feel that reciprocal exchange of love and support on each episode.
Being guarded impacts you the most at a personal cost. Explore your vulnerability with these Wise Walk questions:
- Are the walls from those past experiences or traumas serving you today?
- If not, can you release them?
- As you lower those walls and let people in, can you be surprised with the beauty exchanged as you get to know each other?
- Can you take time to sit and appreciate those beautiful moments?
- Do you need to hire support to help you get over that initial hurdle?
- Are there groups, communities, or organizations where you can vulnerably share so that you can break down those walls?
- Are there opportunities to journal or use another medium to check in with yourself and express what’s going on?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[02:03] – Mary Tess feels open and free to give and receive love.
[05:40] – Mary Tess says she noticed a new connection while talking with an old high school friend. They’re both in similar parts of their journey.
[07:34] – “I’m getting more comfortable with talking about my interests.”
[09:25] – Being guarded impacts you the most at a personal cost.
[11:46] – Mary Tess says being vulnerable was difficult when she first started the podcast.
[14:13] – What did Mary Tess do to help herself be more vulnerable on the podcast?
[16:40] – “Vulnerability is the birthplace of joy.”
Memorable Quotes:
- “Every time we allow ourselves to lower our walls, true love can be exchanged.” – Mary Tess
- “Trust cannot be established if we have too many walls.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP123: Let Your Multifacets Shine!!
You might find yourself having a conversation, reading an old journal entry, or watching a movie when you remember something unique about yourself. A memory from deep within your Value Vault pops to the surface, sparking your curiosity. This episode talks about how to let your multifacets shine!
One unique aspect about myself is that I own a camper van. When getting into the lifestyle, I realized how much I liked the idea of having your basic needs met while traveling cross country and being surrounded by nature. There’s something I connect with in that experience, which is why I finally purchased a camper van in 2018. Since then, I’ve enjoyed the freedom to move around and the ability to disconnect from responsibility from time to time.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP123’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. Like many vehicles, my van needs some tender love and maintenance. I took it to the shop and got to speak with another van enthusiast who was also waiting. Our conversation brought up this idea of the different sides of self. Have you ever thought about how different people bring out different sides of you?
On our Wise Walk, I talk about embracing and appreciating all our different aspects. As multifaceted beings, we get to tap into the different versions of ourselves that carry various interests and talents. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- What are the multifaceted sides of yourself that you want to bring out?
- Who are the people that remind you of those hidden gems in you that deserve to shine?
- What ways can you bring out the different sides of yourself?
- Do you fully embrace and appreciate the multifaceted dynamics of who you are?
- Do you judge those sides of yourself?
- How can you playfully bring your different sides out and see who resonates with it?
Certain spaces help you tap into a special part of yourself more easily since it feels more comfortable and welcoming. You shine brightest when you nurture yourself and surround yourself with people who naturally create space for you.
Appreciating your gifts allows you to share them with others. Let your hidden gems shine with these Wise Walk questions:
- Are you taking time to nurture those different facets inside of you?
- Are you going after the things that light you up?
- Are you finding people that support you?
- How can you continue to bring these people into your life and see what blossoms inside of you?
- What areas of your life is there something that interests you that you can share with others?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[02:50] – What are the multifaceted sides of yourself that you want to bring out?
[05:11] – When you slow down and check your reality, you want to drop into your heart.
[07:53] – You don’t have to be perfect.
[09:53] – Embrace and appreciate your multifaceted nature.
[12:05] – How does Mary Tess explore the different aspects of herself?
[14:36] – Appreciating your gifts allows you to share them with others.
[16:22] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “There’s so much beauty and power in our heart.” – Mary Tess
- “You don’t have to be one way all the time.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP122: Hop Into Harmony
Are you ready to let go and embrace the next season of life? There is new energy waiting for you as the New Year is about new beginnings. You get to start fresh as a new moon. It is time for a clean slate. This episode talks about how to hop into harmony.
We’ve talked about it before, but 2022 was a challenging time for me filled with lots of heavy, frustrating, and icky feelings. When we ushered 2022 out and welcomed 2023 in, it felt like I was having that conversation with so many people who felt the same. Then, I recently talked with a friend who’s very attuned with Chinese traditions and metaphysics. She also agreed that 2022 was tricky and added that 2022 was actually a year of resilience and we’re going into a year of peace.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP122’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. My friend explained that 2022 was the Year of the Metal Tiger, which represents resilience. Now, we’re entering the year of the Water Rabbit, which is all about peace and harmony. It feels so natural for a time of perseverance to be followed by rest and harmony. You have this chance to slow down and truly align in a heart-led way.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about how the contrast serves us as we move forward. If we let go and let flow, we have more space to embrace this concept of peace and harmony. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- As you listened to the introduction of this episode, did you have an emotional reaction to the different meanings of the Metal Tiger and the Water Rabbit?
- What kind of reaction was it and what feelings surfaced?
- As you reflect on 2022, do you remember moments where you built resilience?
- Can you find gratitude for those moments?
- Where in your life do you see things that are holding you back?
- Where can you let go?
- Are there areas in your life where you see how the symbol of the Water Rabbit can soften you?
- Can it help you look at life and possibilities through a different lens?
Life is very different when you choose to drop into your heart and lead from there. Your heart has inner knowledge to help you bloom in this next season.
Before that, it’s important to check with yourself so that you don’t carry unnecessary energy from the Year of the Metal Tiger into the Year of the Water Rabbit. Learn from what doesn’t serve you with these Wise Walk questions:
- How can you honor all of the growth that you experienced and the awareness you gained?
- How can you channel that new awareness into the theme of the Water Rabbit?
- Can you take a moment to reflect on where you experienced some of your biggest regrets?
- As you look back on some of those moments, did you lead with your heart or your head?
- Did those regrets come from thinking someone else knew what was right for you?
- How can those regrets be used to build resilience and awareness so you don’t make the same mistakes in the Year of the Water Rabbit?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[02:21] – We’re in the Year of the Water Rabbit.
[04:44] – Do you have an emotional reaction to the different meanings of the Metal Tiger and the Water Rabbit?
[06:15] – Let go and let flow.
[07:56] – How can you honor all of the growth that you experience?
[09:47] – Mary Tess explains that her year started off hectic, so she plans on slowing down to really appreciate all that’s going on in her life.
[12:29] – Life is very different when you choose to drop into your heart and lead from there.
[15:04] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “Like these lunar cycles, we can watch the moon as inspiration, and set our intentions, and just say, ‘This is the New Moon. This is about new beginnings.’” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP121: Cherish Soulful Energies
Who in your life gives you energy? If you haven’t seen them in a while, is there a way to reconnect? This episode talks about how to cherish soulful energies.
My three sisters, my mom, and I got to spend time together for a weekend. We’re a close and big family, so I love when we have a chance to see each other. It’s beautiful that we can still connect and reminisce about life over the years. We can be ourselves and understand each other’s energies.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP121’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. Lately, I think about how I spend time with people I love. I want to carve out time to be present and cherish those soulful energies. This is similar to an earlier episode about my vision for 2023. I’m using this year to place more value on the relationships and mutual support I cultivate.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about which meaningful relationships I’m tending in 2023. You can think back on your network and family for which relationships in your life need tending. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- How do you intend to make time for the soulful energies that illuminate something in you that you need to see in yourself?
- Do you have relationships that support you through the flow of your life?
- If you can’t meet in person, do you have other ways to regularly check in with them?
- How can you express that they are someone you want to have a deeper relationship with?
We all crave relationships where we feel understood and supported. Intentionally nurturing bonds that help us remember our authentic selves are worth our attention.
People around us mirror ourselves or they help give us hints of where we want to go next. Be more present and engage with these Wise Walk questions:
- Where in your life can you carve out an intention for a relationship?
- Can you create structure so that it becomes significant in your life?
- Are there relationships in your life that you’re curious to see what’s possible?
- Is there an individual that comes to mind that you want to know or want to get back in touch with?
- Are there chances to rekindle old friendships?
- What does that look like and what’s holding you back?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[03:25] – How do you intend to make time for the soulful energies?
[05:08] – Mary Tess thinks about the people she wants more consistent connection with after not connecting often.
[07:00] – Where in your life can you carve out an intention for a relationship?
[08:46] – Can you get creative to keep relationships engaged?
[11:29] – What if you don’t have time to connect with everyone?
[13:54] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “You know those individuals in your life that bring you joy that make you feel very energized and happy.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP120: Share Appreciation & Inspire Connection
We as people always seek opportunities to feel connected and find commonality. It doesn’t matter if you’re super outgoing, really shy, or somewhere in between, everyone likes to feel welcomed. This episode talks about how we can inspire human connection in our life.
I recently got back from a magical trip to New York City! Thinking back on over twenty years of living all over the area, it was fun to visit again and buzz around the neighborhoods that hold so many memories for me. I got to see what changed and what stayed the same. When I noticed what’s different, I started thinking of how I also changed. What in my life shows my current changes and my past memories like how easily we can see the city’s changes and history?
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP120’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. We’re all looking for connection, meaning, purpose and opportunities to share our passions. At best, those heartfelt connections energize you and make you feel curious. Bonding with people you have a sincere connection with creates that sort of positive feedback loop between the two of you.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about the idea of sharing in order to connect with people. People find it easier to spot commonalities when you demonstrate and present what you’re interested in. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- What are the things you are sharing in your life or being vulnerable about that lead to unexpected connections?
- Where in life can you plant opportunities to put yourself out there in new ways so you can share and exchange in a meaningful way?
- As you reflect on how you show up in your interactions, do you have a way to physically indicate a connection, like brand merch or school merch?
- Are you minimizing a part of yourself (intentionally or unintentionally)?
- What are ways you can stimulate conversation through belongings that associate you with a community?
- Do you want to start investing in belongings that spark conversation and connection?
Sharing ourselves more and looking for opportunities to expand and invite people into our lives help us gain new perspectives and make new friends.
Explore the passions and curiosities in your life that signify what lights you up. Also, notice what the people around you are sharing as they show up in your life. Be present and share appreciation with these Wise Walk questions:
- Can you notice what people wear that may have significance in their life?
- Can you start a conversation or offer a compliment related to that thing?
- How does the interaction feel as the person brings up a memory they’re willing to share?
- How do you feel when you get to bring up a memory you’re willing to share?
- What can you notice to engage strangers in a friendly interaction?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[02:43] – Mary Tess recalls a funny story of finally buying NYU merch and the ripple effect of wearing her merch.
[05:08] – What do you have that sparks connection?
[07:41] – Mary Tess explores the different ways we present ourselves and our value by what we involve in our life.
[09:57] – Do you ever wear something that signifies a memory for you?
[12:07] – This one compliment started a full conversation while Mary Tess was on her trip in NYC.
[15:04] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “On some level, we all want to be seen, heard, and understood for who we are and what lights us up.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP119: Retreat and Renew in New Year
Before you run full speed ahead into the New Year, take one more moment of rest. You’ll need to care for yourself properly and plan rest to show up as your best self. This episode talks about how we retreat and renew in the New Year.
I’m so excited for 2023! This year represents a clean slate. It’s full of possibilities, and we can go anywhere from this point. As we embrace this reset, we get another chance to go inwards and remind ourselves of what really matters before setting out on this year’s journey.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP119’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. After a flurry of activity in my personal and professional life, I can slow things down and take more time for myself. I’m giving myself some needed self-care instead of rushing to meet life’s demand.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about how you can retreat and renew in the New Year. Each year you’re held accountable to a balance sheet of your goals. There’s no pressure. It’s more like you get to look at your progress and update how you manage your journey. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- What are you most excited about as you look at the year ahead and you see your year as this clean slate?
- What gets you excited and lights you up?
- Where do you want to go?
- What do you want to do?
- How do you want to show up for yourself?
- What goals are you going to set and how will you go after them?
- Are you taking time to slow down and go inward?
- Where is your heart calling you?
- Are you feeling energized to take on the year?
You get to start over and make something new this year. Since you are the CEO of your life, you get to consciously choose each intentional step of 2023.
Be okay with giving yourself time to rest. It could be one of the best decisions you make. Retreat and renew into the New Year with these Wise Walk questions:
- Where in your life can you take a metaphorical smoke break so you can take time to go inward?
- Where can you set intentional breaks?
- How can you step outside of your normal life to give yourself a retreat?
- Are you allowing yourself to detach from your to-dos and recharge your energy?
- Can you have a staycation if you aren’t able to travel far?
- Where can you enjoy the intention of a retreat?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[01:40] – Look at your year as a clean slate.
[03:24] – What is Mary Tess the most excited about?
[05:40] – What are ways you can take a break as you pursue your goals?
[08:28] – How can you step outside of your normal life to give yourself a retreat?
[11:00] – Where can you enjoy the intention of retreat?
[12:54] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “You can channel all of the goals and dreams and passions that light you up, so that you can live your best life in this coming year.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources: