Your value is an accrual of experiences! Embrace the good, the bad, the ugly and the downright complicated to awaken your joy!

– Mary Tess Rooney


Free Resource: Feel-Choose-Act Amplifier

Heart Value Practice

If you feel disconnected from your heart’s calling or confused about what lights you up, I have a valuable gift for you!

EP83: Where Do You Go From Here?

When we have our lows in life, we can actually use them to elevate to the next level. Since we don’t want to stay in the low for too long, how can we gain awareness to channel what feels aligned? This episode talks about accepting our low and moving in a new direction starting from this moment.

I’m hauling horses across the country currently! Getting away is my chance to decompress, process and gain awareness. I’ll be going with my Aunt Teeny, and I’ll be releasing all the distractions of life to focus on me while I take this trip.

I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP83’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. While still dealing with the death of a loved one, I’m figuring out where I want to go from this point. I feel we can all relate to times in our life that throw us an unexpected detour or redirection. For me, I decided to lean in towards the adventure of a new path.

On our Wise Walk, I share with you my thoughts on navigating out of a low with heart, reflection, space, and alignment. You can look at your current life and decide what’s truly important. I realized that heading in a new direction includes nourishing the resources and relationships that help you get where you want to go. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:

    • Where do you go from here?
    • Where have you experienced an unexpected detour or redirection?
    • Are you willing to explore a new direction?

Doing what feels aligned is part of self-care. Allow yourself to be free of the personal obligations that weigh you down, so you can freely drop into your heart.

Be willing to let go and trust your inner compass. You never know which new parts of yourself you will discover, or what serendipitous events could happen. Navigate your new direction with these Wise Walk questions:

    • What are the ways that you can remove distractions from your life and find a nurturing environment to drop into your heart?
    • If you’re not finding ways to do so, what’s stopping you? 

Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.


In this episode:

[00:23] – Welcome to the show!

[02:49] – Mary Tess shares her excitement of following her heart, and heading out to haul horses across the country with her Aunt Teeny.

[05:07] – Where do you go from here?

[07:26] – Mary Tess talks about removing distractions from her life to focus on freely dropping into her heart.

[10:19] – What is stopping you from giving yourself a nurturing space?

[11:14] – Say “yes” to opportunities that align with your heart.

[12:27] – Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “I want to be happy, healthy, whole, and I want to contribute.” – Mary Tess


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

Heart Value

EP82: How Lows Invite Expansion

Why do we experience pain in our life?

There can be physical pain or emotional pain, but either way we feel the pain on a deeper level in the middle of difficult times. This episode talks about how lows invite expansion.

Getting truthful about feelings is a vulnerable experience. I invite you to come along as we decompress and digest embracing the lows of our life as an opportunity to expand. It’s truly a chance to open our hearts. I’ll be sharing how I am managing the recent death of my aunt and honoring the bond between my aunt and I.

I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP82’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. My aunt is very inspiring to me. Her lively approach to life and being aligned to her values still gives me strength as I remember her. During my aunt’s journey with cancer, I became a supportive role for her. Watching how she dealt with her transition changed me forever.

On our Wise Walk, I discuss why lows in our life are an opportunity to expand. I reflect on how I processed the journey along the way. It was unpredictable and required me to stay attentive. I also share my perspective of handling the low moments, including when a transition can no longer be avoided. In those lows, I find that it means we are holding too tight to something that needs to expand and change. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:

    • When you don’t feel energized and happy with each and every step that you take, are you able to identify what you are feeling?
    • What is the feedback of that feeling?
    • Is there a transition of letting go you need to do to move forward?
    • What’s possible if you move forward?

Being honest about the pain we feel helps us learn to hold space in a different way. We need to allow ourselves to feel our lows.

Let’s have a new lens and perspective on life moving forward. Together, we can slow down, do some self-care, and open our hearts to let go of the grief. Expand from your low with these Wise Walk questions:

    • Where in your life can you embrace the energetic highs and the energetic lows?
    • Do you need to shift any of your goals?
    • Are you giving yourself the space and grace to pivot?
    • Where in your life can you open your heart and release some of the pain that you’ve been holding onto, so that you can transform and transition into something more beautiful and spectacular, and become more of who you were meant to be? 

Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.


In this episode:

[00:23] – Welcome to the show!

[02:25] – The Tale of a Vivacious Life.

[04:06] – Why do we experience pain in our life?

[06:34] – Mary Tess talks about her time of being a supportive role for her dear aunt’s cancer journey.

[08:15] – Learning to hold space in a different way.

[11:05] – Mary Tess reflects on how the year changed from what she imagined, and how she handles prioritizing what’s important as plans change.

[13:35] – Mary Tess talks about releasing emotions in the midst of a low.

[16:16] – Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “When our hearts are open, we will feel things in a much deeper way.” – Mary Tess
  • “Pain helps us transition; and we may not like where we’re transitioning to, but if we have faith and if we embrace the pain as part of our expansion, maybe we can make peace with it a little bit more.” – Mary Tess


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

Heart Value

EP81: Lead with Energy not Expectations

Depending on the situation, expectations can weigh us down, surface feelings of insecurity or disappointment can drain our ability to be fully present from our heart-center experiences. This episode talks about how to lead with energy not expectations.

Not long ago, two good friends came to talk with me about exploring relationships and love. They are thinking about what’s the best way to go about it. I personally have plenty of experience with dating, so this gave me a chance to reflect on what I learned about developing heart-centered relationships that feel aligned and mutually supportive.

I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP81’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. I realized that regardless of how you’re putting yourself out there, whether you’re trying to meet friends or a partner, when we have these opportunities of being vulnerable it can make us question ourselves. Not only that, these opportunities get us to create expectations that might be unrealistic and lead to disappointment. That’s why I prefer (and encourage others) to lead with energy.

On our Wise Walk, I discuss why expectations can block us from living fully, and how we can lead with heart-centered energy instead of expectations. Life is more enjoyable when you step closer to the energy of people, places, and experiences that are supporting you and calling you. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:

      • Where can you lead with energy and not expectations?
      • What about this energy or person is calling you to engage with them more on a deeper level?
      • With the experiences or people you come across, do they radiate good energy?
      • How do your interests align together in such a way that they’re going to support your own personal growth and development?

People who lead with expectation are usually too busy with judging the moment to fully appreciate the interaction happening. Rather than judging, be aware of how you feel in that moment. 

This week is your chance to put yourself out there and attract the energy that you seek. Start having authentic, memorable interactions with these Wise Walk questions:

      • Where in your life can you release expectations of how relationships are supposed to flow?
      • How can you remind yourself to not judge interactions, but be fully present instead? 

Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.


In this episode:

[00:23] – Welcome to the show!

[01:53] – Expectations, based on logic or overthinking, have the ability to disappoint us.

[04:35] – Don’t crowd your mind with “What if” when you could be living your life. 

[07:34] – Mary Tess shares the mindset that helped make her dating experiences much more enjoyable.

[09:53] – In the connections you make, are there areas that support your development and growth.

[12:46] – Be open to seeing where interactions go and how things evolve. 

[15:23] – Seek the energy that fuels you. 

[17:31] – Lead with energy, so you can move through life in a much more fluid way.

[19:58] – Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “Why waste anymore time on something that isn’t connected to your heart-center?” – Mary Tess
  • “The ‘worrying’ takes away from the experience.” – Mary Tess


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

Heart Value

EP 80: How to Laugh, Refocus, and Simplify

Are there moments in your life where you waste time on something that could be easy if you were a bit more organized and aligned with your vision? This episode talks about how to laugh, refocus, and simplify your alignment.

Honestly, I’m laughing at myself a little. I’m here encouraging Striders to create alignment with everything they want to manifest, but I can tell you I still have days where I find myself out of alignment. That’s why following your True Stride is a journey. Every conversation we have together is helping us build the resilience to get back into alignment from any unexpected detour.

I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP80’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. I need time to purge and reorganize the actions and systems I have in place for aligning with my True Stride. First, I start with a laugh. I view life’s detours as moments of learning, which are a “Gift” (my Word of the Year). Then, I take time to refocus and simplify how I am managing my energy and attention.

On our Wise Walk, I discuss ways to realign from the shifts and pivots that might take you too far off course. Come with me as we reflect on these Wise Walk questions:

      • Where can you simplify your processes, expectations, and environment to move through life more fluidly?
      • Which parts of your life contribute to the frustration or disappointment at yourself that may come up, and how can you shift that energy?

We should give ourselves grace and kindness as we find our way back into alignment. Pivots and detours are not uncommon. Celebrate that you noticed you need to slow down and check your reality.

Remember to laugh, refocus, and simplify. Use this time to reflect on your alignment and flow with these Wise Walk questions:

      • Where are you getting stuck?
      • Where are you getting distracted by other things, instead of what’s important to you? 
      • What actions can you intentionally include in your day to get more flow? 

Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.


In this episode:

[00:23] – Welcome to the show!

[02:56] – Mary Tess reflects on getting more organized to get back into alignment.

[04:18] – How can you choose differently to come back into alignment?

[06:16] – Give yourself grace in dealing with your pivots.

[07:37] – Mary Tess values these weekly conversations with Striders and makes time for it.

[09:45] – Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “Maybe you can relate to some of those sentiments? Priorities come up, and you need to shift and pivot to things that are definitely more important when you’re looking at the big picture.” – Mary Tess


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

Heart Value

EP79: Evolve to Your Highest Good

We don’t always have a plan that is going to be executed in a seamless way. Any misstep or unexpected change is an opportunity to align or realign with what matters most. This episode talks about the path to evolve to your highest good.

This is the second year that I am participating in the 100 Day Project. During my journey, I chose to create affirmations and reflection questions so that I can be more intentional and hold space in my heart. As I picked a card for the day, I got a simple, but powerful question: Where am I evolving towards my highest good? 

I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP79’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. I’m constantly evolving, and I don’t have it all figured out, but I can say I evolved further in my empathy. Remaining honest in how I emotionally and energetically connect internally and externally keeps me in my True Stride towards my highest good. It allows me to focus on what really matters in the moment. Do you know that feeling?

On our Wise Walk, I bring up questions that help us channel into our highest good. A moment to identify where we evolved into our highest good shows us how we are moving in the world. We need to give ourselves the space and grace to address our reflections before we are able to properly give that to others. Come with me as we ponder our experiences to reflect on these Wise Walk questions:

      • Where have you evolved into your highest good?
      • When you look at where you have evolved in life, what are you most proud of?
      • By doing these things how are you more present?

The path to your goals can evolve with you. While on this Wise Walk, you can identify your reflection as feedback on where to go next. Cherish new information you learn about yourself. It helps guide you on where to put your energy towards.

Find the time to get curious about reflecting on the ways you can allow yourself the space to evolve. Evolve into your highest good on a continual basis with these Wise Walk questions:

      • Where in your life are you giving yourself space and grace to evolve into your highest good, instead of judging it?
      • Where are you making choices based on your heart-center and coming from a place of love? 

Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.


In this episode:

[00:23] – Welcome to the show!

[03:09] – Where have I evolved into my highest good?

[05:23] – Mary Tess shares her thoughts on how she gives space and grace to the people around her. 

[06:59] – Focus on what really matters in the moment.

[09:47] – The path to your goals can evolve with you.

[11:26] – Ask yourself: “What will I regret more?”

[14:22] – Evolve into your highest good on a continual basis.

[16:50] – Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “I think that’s a gift I continue to give myself is to honor my emotional and energetic connection to myself and to others.” – Mary Tess
  • “I love that the Universe seems to be supporting me and giving me direction when I call upon it.” – Mary Tess


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

Heart Value


EP78: Listening to the Beat of Your Heart

No matter how quickly or forcefully the world moves, we have the ability to slow down and check our reality. When we stand tall, shoulders back, and drop into our heart, we can set the pace of our True Stride. This episode talks about listening to the beat of your heart.

Striders, I focus on giving quality content in how the podcast is presented. I curate the messaging of our weekly Wise Walks, but I also work with a support system for the technical side of podcasting. Today’s episode is inspired by an email I got from the vendor I work with, Pro Podcast Solutions. One question opened our conversation so that we were able to truthfully share our thoughts on our teamwork. Do you want to hear what the question was? 

I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP78’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. It’s time for you to slow down, ask questions, and listen to your heart. If you don’t, you might not learn and grow as an individual, or with your support system. When we ask the hard questions, we can grow together.

On our Wise Walk, I talk about how we are asking hard questions to ourselves and the people we’re in relationships with (whether business or personal). We should grow together and support each other in ways that are meaningful. Honestly, this is also a conversation I want to have with Striders, since I am sincerely invested in cultivating the relationship and community we share. Let’s check in with each other to reflect on these Wise Walk questions:

      • Where in your life are you slowing down and expanding your heart to notice the energetic and emotional connection/pull towards what lights you up?
      • Who are the individuals that you feel an energetic and emotional connection to? Have you told them lately?
      • Have you asked your mutual support if they are satisfied with the way you support each other to do your best work on this Earth? If not, what’s an area you think you can strengthen together?

When I slow down and check my reality on these Wise Walk questions, I feel an energetic or emotional pull in a certain direction. Give yourself grace and permission to do the same. Don’t feel pushed into a direction by something external, like society’s expectations, but allow yourself to be led by your heart. 

Energetic and emotional connections bring powerful exchanges that move you toward a bigger picture. Take actions that are heart-centered and aligned to where you want to go with these Wise Walk questions:

      • What relationships in your life do you share an energetic and emotional connection to? If you do have that, can you ask questions to grow together?
      • Where can you stand in your truth, bring your shoulders back and broaden your heart to feel your heartbeat and create connection to yourself and others?

Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.


In this episode:

[00:23] – Welcome to the show!

[02:09] – Mary Tess talks about holding grace while cultivating collaborative support with others.

[04:45] – Fellow Strider, Mary Tess is grateful for connecting with you every week.

[07:00] – Why are heartbeats the signature element for the True Stride podcast?

[08:39] – Follow where your heart is leading you.

[10:21] – Do you notice the people you have emotional and energetic connections to?

[12:33] – Mary Tess reflects on having truthful conversations.

[14:02] – Give yourself grace and permission.

[15:47] – Have you always noticed the heartbeats in this podcast?

[17:32] – Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “When we ask the hard questions, we can grow together.” – Mary Tess
  • “Where is my heart going to lead me today? Where do I feel that energetic and emotional pull, so that I am walking in my True Stride?” – Mary Tess
  • “We’re all evolving. We’re all expanding.” – Mary Tess

Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

Heart Value

EP77: Allow Your Weird with Shelley Brown

How can we balance our heart and mind rather than suppress our authentic selves? In this world, it is important to reconnect to your true essence. You may find this happens when you engage with something you liked as a kid, or when you have an Expansion Experience. By tapping into your authentic self, you fully express who you are and were meant to be. This episode talks about how honoring your weird will empower you to belong and feel appreciated.

Not long ago, I was self-reflecting about what’s my weird. After a conversation with my sister Heather, I realized my weird relates to my love of learning and teaching. For me, life is about nourishing growth and translating that to help others. I’m more inclined to seek those things out than others. That’s unique to me so it’s my “weird.” Today’s guest, Shelley Brown, challenges us to get comfortable and embrace our weird.

Shelley Brown is keynote speaker, artist, author, rock star mindfulness edutainer and creator of the W.E.I.R.D. process. A ball of positive energy, Shelley incorporates her own original pop artwork and speaks about allowing and amplifying your W.E.I.R.D. so audiences embrace individuality and land at a place of inclusion. She believes that the key to engagement is belonging, because when we get to be ourselves, we can bring our best to work, to school, and to the world.

On EP 77’s Wise Walk, Shelley and I exchange ideas on how to allow our weird so we can use it to serve ourselves and others. Shelley Brown is a self-proclaimed “weird girl.” In her eyes, we’re all weird, just different weirds. She speaks about cultivating our authentic selves to experience a sense of belonging internally and externally. Join this conversation to reflect on these Wise Walk questions and more:

      • What is your weird?
      • How did you decide it was weird?
      • How does it serve you?
      • How does it serve others?

Like most things, unraveling the tension around your weird can take time. There’s no need to immediately embrace all the things you think are weird about yourself. Shelley says there are steps between resistance and embrace. Getting comfortable with your weird requires grace and experiment.

If you are brave and bold about sharing your weird, you actually attract people that appreciate that. You can Activate Appreciation in a much deeper, more meaningful, connected way, so you can bring about a community that’s going to support you as you pursue your True Stride. Reconnect to your weird, authentic self with these Wise Walk questions:

      • Where are you suppressing your true essence?
      • How can you let your true essence shine?
      • What are you doing to cultivate authentic presence in your life?

Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.


In this episode:

[00:23] – Welcome to the show!

[02:35] – Shelley Brown says a sense of belonging is her #1 value.

[05:00] – People just want to connect.

[06:32] – Getting comfortable with your weird doesn’t mean you immediately embrace your weird

[08:37] – Shelley talks about separating from a part of who she thought she was to really explore her identity.

[10:44] – Reconnect to your truest essence with experiences that expand your perception of yourself.

[13:07] – Mary Tess gives an example of how Expansion Experiences continue to allow her to reconnect with the Heart Value she shares.

[15:36] – Shelley wants to make mindfulness accessible to those who think the topics are too “Woo-Woo”.

[17:31] – Mindfulness with music.

[20:10] – Shelley says that the nervous system can be reset to some extent.

[22:21] – Mary Tess talks about how, “Thoughts are things.”

[23:58] – How does Shelley use art to express herself and bring people into the world she is expressing?

[25:49] – Being your true, authentic self attracts the fitting people towards you.

[28:09] – Do you know which parts of you that you view as “weird”?

[30:15] – Shelley remembers being made fun of for her artist side, and now it’s such a huge part of her life.

[33:05] – Shelley encourages people to take incremental steps towards getting comfortable with their weird.

[35:12] – Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “Everyone wants to self-express and feel like they fit in with other people.” – Mary Tess
  • “I feel like my art is the embodiment of what I value, which is ‘welcoming’. When I do something with art, I’m welcoming others into this world that I expressed through that medium.” – Shelley 


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

Heart Value


Shelley Brown

Weird Girl Adventures

EP76: Breathing into Your Choices and Outcomes with Anna Tansley

Every experience invites us to be present and aware of our energy and emotions so we can make informed choices and take intentional actions. Often we want to support someone else, and show up for them, but we also have to be aware that they are managing their emotions and energy at that moment. When we feel unaligned (with ourselves or others), we need to pause, breathe and pivot to create connection within and notice our new choices. With reflection and awareness, we can avoid being so stuck or rigid that we don’t have the ability to pivot. This episode talks about breathing into your choices and outcomes for our highest good.

I remember helping out a friend with some housework and needing to breathe through a moment together when our perspectives didn’t sync. My friend is very exact about her vision of getting things done, which is fine, but her vision does not overthrow my commitment to honor my feelings. Breathing through that moment reminded me of today’s guest, Anna Tansley.

Anna Tansley is a kundalini yoga teacher and entrepreneur on a mission to inspire and help people recognize their sovereignty and their power. She does this through bringing awareness to our daily choices, getting clear on the direction we want to go, and aligning those choices to the outcome we ultimately want to experience. Her brand Choices + Outcomes shares yogic tools and technology to create an elevated, more fulfilling experience of life by adding more energy to the mind-body system, reprogramming the subconscious, and training the nervous system. She also has a clothing line in the works that will deliver the Choices + Outcomes mission through a new medium.

On EP 76’s Wise Walk, Anna and I explore why we consistently outsource our intuition to external perspectives and how we can honor what we feel inside. Anna is a person who walked this journey of giving herself the freedom to choose again and make different choices to get different outcomes in her life. Join this conversation to reflect on these Wise Walk questions and more:

      • What is truthful to you?
      • What is expanding in you in this moment?
      • What do you notice about what is revealed to you?
      • Is there something useful about the truth you noticed?

Anna achieved her dream life, then started to reflect on what her world had become. She decided that her life, though she achieved all the things she “wanted”, could have more fulfillment. Something pulled at her heart strings to discover more.

Breathing practices activate your heart and help you be present. Moments where you slow down provide a chance to regulate your own pace and experience. Taking time to breathe amplifies awareness, and awareness is a gift. Come back to yourself and your breath with these Wise Walk questions:

      • Am I making choices in the direction of my desired outcome?
      • As you look at today, in this moment, what have you done to connect with your breath?
      • What have you done to slow down and really drop in to activate your heart?
      • What practices are you willing to incorporate daily to come back to yourself?

Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.


In this episode:

[00:23] – Welcome to the show!

[03:22] – Anna Tansley’s childhood dream was to live in New York City.

[05:47] – What did Anna think after achieving her childhood dream?

[07:26] – Anna recalls a peer mentor’s career switch that shocked her. What did Anna think? 

[10:17] – When you feel something calling you, it is a service to yourself to follow it.

[12:38] – Practice slowing down the breath.

[15:05] – Mary Tess talks about slowing down to notice what comes up as you regulate your pace and experience.

[17:06] – Listen to Anna explain kundalini yoga. It’s the yoga of awareness.

[20:00] – Can yoga help you disrupt the patterns woven in your subconscious?

[22:42] – Most humans unknowingly breathe incorrectly.

[25:08] – Focus on moving to a more beneficial thought stream.

[27:52] – A breathing practice can help ground you again.

[29:37] – When you connect with your internal world, the external world will change to respond to you.

[32:27] – Which tools can help someone ground themselves during decision-making?

[35:14] – You need to do what’s right for you.

[36:59] – People will often give you advice based on their own lens, and sometimes that is not a good fit.

[38:51] – Wisdom comes from the experience of information. How can you use this to direct your True Stride?

[41:16] – There is space for people to merge their intuition with practicality.

[43:22] – Use your awareness to move you forward.

[45:05] – Do you want to try a kundalini practice?

[47:51] – Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “The more you have control and sovereignty over that internal environment, the external environment does have to change in order to respond to you.” – Anna 
  • “We are fully expressive individuals, and we don’t have to fit in some container. We don’t have to limit our expansion because of society’s constructs.” – Mary Tess


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

Heart Value


Anna Tansley


EP75: Heart Value Practice: Feel-Choose-Act Amplifier

Taking a Wise Walk allows you to look at your feelings. How do the feelings that come up make you feel? If they bring up undesirable feelings, how do you plan to replace the feelings with something closer to what you actually want to feel? As you let your feelings reveal themselves to you, you get to choose new actions. This episode talks about a Heart Value Practice called the Feel-Choose-Act Amplifier.

Recently, I spoke at the As Good As It Gets Summit hosted by Dawn Calvinisti. I’m in awe of the 29 other women who came to voice their value as speakers for the event. We all were standing firm in our Heart Value hoping to make a change in other lives. It’s a brave and worthwhile choice to truly show the world your Heart Value. 

I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP75’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. When I think of Dawn, I remember that she followed her heart to put together the amazing summit before she even knew what the full idea looked like. I admire her passion to bring her idea to life, and you can hear Dawn tell her story on the previous episode she joined us for, EP73. Dawn and I also talked about slowing down to check our reality with Wise Walks, which connects to the awareness of our feelings.

On our Wise Walk, I talk about how there’s so much power in our ability to feel. Building awareness around what you feel and how you want to move forward is a way you can grow into better alignment. That’s why today is all about a Heart Value Practice called the Feel-Choose-Act Amplifier. Open up a safe space for yourself and come with me to reflect on these Wise Walk questions:

      • In this moment, what activities feel aligned, and what’s calling you?
      • What feels good?
      • What choices are you making that please others, but make you feel drained or unfulfilled inside?

The Feel-Choose-Act Amplifier is a repeatable practice. Once you grasp the concept, you can use it over and over again whenever you need to slow down and check-in with your feelings. Make sure you are living your best life according to YOUR Heart Value goals. 

Your Heart Value is meant to be shared with this world. Get brave so that everyone can see more of you, and see your impact, and feel your impact in this world. Follow your heart with these Wise Walk questions:

      • What’s tugging at your heart strings?
      • What brings you joy?
      • What choices and actions can you take to feel more joy in life?

Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.


In this episode:

[00:23] – Welcome to the show!

[02:27] – Your Wise Walk is your moment to create a safe space, reflect and gain awareness on what matters most.

[05:26] – Are you opening up space for your feelings? How are you deciding actions to take on those feelings?

[08:35] – Make sure you are living your best life according to your Heart Value goals.

[10:38] – Create space to feel and experience joy.

[12:43] – Get brave and take small steps towards what is calling you.

[14:35] – Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “I really want to empower you to use your feelings to influence your choices and inform your actions, so that you can move forward in your True Stride.” – Mary Tess
  • “We have the ability, and we have the freedom, to choose again at any given point.” – Mary Tess


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


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Heart Value

EP74: Feel Good Finances with Tara E. Nolan

Everyone can follow their own idea of success to build a better relationship with money. It’s not uncommon to do what you’re “supposed” to do by society’s “standards”, and have things not go the way you expect. Creating your own path gives you the options that lead to a thriving life. This episode talks about feeling good in our relationship with finances.

Growing up, I constantly saw a theme of “Money is only as good as what it can do for you.” In this idea, the value of money is shaped by how you spend money, like spending money on experiences. Investing in experiences is a mindset I cherish. Now, a new phase in my relationship with money is developing. I’m exploring what money can do for me at this point in life, and today’s guest holds insight on making money work for you.

Tara E. Nolan is a money strategist who supports entrepreneurs and professionals, who have limited time due to business and family demands, achieve and retain the lifestyles they want. Since starting her company, she has been obsessed with helping people feel good about their finances. It’s hard when they are stressed about money, and she loves helping people find that good feeling in their belly when they are in control of their money situation. Tara combines finance, her background in strategic military planning and a focus on personal development to create transformational financial plans. She shares her philosophy and approach to money in her book, Money Moves: Change Where Your Money Lives and Change How Your Financial World Grows.

On EP 74’s Wise Walk, Tara and I discuss ways to gain clarity in your money relationship so you can start planning for how to make your money work for you and your life. Your money should have a job. We explore how you can be more intentional with your finances, and we connect it to a bigger picture. Join this conversation to reflect on these Wise Walk questions and more:

      • What do you really want, and how do you get clear on small steps to get there?
      • How does the vision from that clarity make you feel?
      • What are things you really want to invest in?

Tara believes in giving your money more than one job. There are strategies to help your money gain momentum. This can mean letting go of things that no longer serve you or building a team to amplify how your money works. Listen as Tara talks through examining your Financial Junk Drawer to get an overview of your current money and the possibilities of your future money.

Find what success is for you without getting caught up in what everyone “thinks” is success. Think of it as keeping yourself open so that as you evolve and change you can pivot your plans or visions to work for you instead of getting stuck. Begin a more fun and fulfilling money relationship with these Wise Walk questions:

      • What are things in your life you once deemed important, but no longer serve you?
      • What are things you can take off your list, so you can share your Heart Value in ways that matter most?
      • How can you start nurturing relationships so you can have fun in the process?

Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.


In this episode:

[00:23] – Welcome to the show!

[02:51] – Tara E. Nolan says that teaching is the common thread in the experiences that light her up.

[05:46] – Tara shares how she recognized the need to unlearn the scarcity mindset from her upbringing.

[07:54] – Get clear on what retirement looks like for you.

[10:31] – A vision helps you shift your preparation in an effective direction.

[12:14] – Tara talks through examining your Financial Junk Drawer to get an overview of your current money and the possibilities of your future money.

[14:40] – Money is not math; it’s all emotion.

[17:07] – What people really want is options.

[19:45] – Gaining clarity is an on-going relationship.

[22:07] – Abundance is much more than money.

[24:59] – Tara explains how to connect your money to a larger plan.

[27:44] – Good, bad, or ugly, it’s useful to be aware of your current money status.

[29:40] – Give your money more than one job. Tara talks about how to give your money momentum.

[32:34] – How does a team influence what you can do with your money?

[35:00] – Mary Tess talks about her mindset shift that she worked through with her financial planner.

[36:52] – Make sure the team you build energetically and emotionally understands you. That’s how everybody wins.

[38:57] – Tara calls for everyone to get honest in their relationship with their money.

[41:55] – Mary Tess says we become more authentic to ourselves if we’re paying attention to what we feel.

[43:48] – The amazing story of the aunt with a comical and timely money story.

[45:58] – You have permission to spend.

[47:37] – What prevents people from moving forward in their money relationship? How can people address that?

[50:06] – What is one of the first steps you can take in changing your relationship with money planning?

[51:46] – Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “It’s amazing how we get so wrapped up into measuring our success based on someone else doing what we ‘think’ it means.” – Tara
  • “When you feel like you don’t have enough money, you just need to make a better plan.” – Tara
  • “Your money can make money for you if you have the right investments, structure, and team to support you.”  – Mary Tess
  • “When someone says something, we have an immediate emotional or heart-centered reaction to it.”  – Mary Tess
  • “The more we work with people, the more we’re able to identify what it is in our heart that really speaks to us or that we have resistance in.”  – Mary Tess


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

Heart Value


Tara E. Nolan



True Stride, LLC was formed to empower each individual to honor their unique stride as they navigate life’s interesting, complex and eventful journey. When we take the time, reflection and attention to channel our true stride… we enjoy our truest ride.”

– Mary Tess Rooney

“Mary’s straight forward approach and authentic style inspires rapid results in individuals and teams alike.”

– Next Incredible Person
SVP Special Violet Petals

“The idea of having a personal vision map is exciting, and the way the True Stride team creatively crafted the exercise to connect and organize action items into digestible steps is priceless.”

– Leigh Farrow