Your value is an accrual of experiences! Embrace the good, the bad, the ugly and the downright complicated to awaken your joy!

– Mary Tess Rooney


Free Resource: Feel-Choose-Act Amplifier

Heart Value Practice

If you feel disconnected from your heart’s calling or confused about what lights you up, I have a valuable gift for you!

EP38: Ways to Align Your Thoughts to Experience More Energetic Highs

The most abundant energy that you project, whether positive or negative, attracts more of the same. I notice that thoughts and feelings impact how the world around me unfolds. More than that, energy is transferable, so I stay mindful about who and where I share energy.

For this episode, we’ll discuss living in better alignment with our True Stride and learn how to bring more consistent energetic highs. Last episode, I took time to acknowledge my awesome friend Ryan, who later messaged me, and his energy gave me a boost. I’ll share with you how that interaction was a good example of the way energy is exchanged.

Not everyone is familiar with vibrations and frequencies, so I share a few examples to help everyone be on the same page. I share Jack Canfirlde’s description of how your thoughts and feelings act like radio signals to help you tune into the energy you want to align with. The universe pays attention to what you project the most frequently, whether negative or positive, and gives you more of where you focus your attention on.

During our Wise Walk, we should be mindful of: Who and what are you inviting into your life, and how does that make you feel? What choices are you making to intentionally attract what you want? What actions support your energetic highs? What actions can you take today to share or appreciate someone else’s energy? How can we make energetic highs a consistent experience in our day?

Take time in your day to make the intention for the day. Stepping into that space is worth it as you build momentum, which makes taking action much easier. Think of what ways you are projecting and aligning yourself for the universe to provide what you imagine. Let’s be intentional in the energy we are engaging and exchanging.


In this episode:

[00:23] Welcome to the Show!

[02:09] I thank Ryan for sharing his contagious good energy.

[03:43] How can feelings help you to align with an intentional life?

[06:07] Scary movies and the news drain my energy, and since I know this, I am mindful of how I interact with both.

[08:57] I am grateful for the things that remind me to cherish the moment.

[10:50] If you need insight on frequencies and vibrations, I recommend picking up The Success Principles by Jack Canfield.

[12:32] When we are projecting our thoughts and feelings the universe doesn’t understand the difference between what we want and don’t want.

[13:22] Affirmations and mindfulness are two ways to give evidence to the universe of what we find important.

[15:23] Where can you share your energetic highs with other people? 

[15:58] How to find ways to make energetic highs a consistent experience in our day.

[16:23] Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “We really need to protect our thoughts, and we really need to invite in more experiences that build us up instead of tear us down.”
  • “Through my thoughts and feelings, I can control the experience, and I can control what I can attract into my life.”
  • “The universe just picks up the signals we’re sending at the regular.”
  • “The energy we exchange with others … it is contagious.” 


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


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EP37: Mid Year Check-In on Your Word for The Year

After the last episode about challenges, I realized that midyear is a great time to reflect on the word we set for the year to illuminate what was important and what we really wanted to accomplish by the end of 2021. As a reminder, my word for the year is Heart Vibe and our word serves as a mantra to realign and stay focused on how we want to show up for ourselves every day and month that passes in 2021.

On this Wise Walk the questions on our minds are: Are you still focused and committed to the intention (word for the year) that you set for yourself in the beginning of 2021? How is it supporting you and what choices and actions are you making in order to show up with that focus and commitment every day? And if the word isn’t resonating with you any longer, can you give yourself the freedom to choose again?

Some of the things that spark my Heart Vibe are the combination of physical activity, nature, and the outdoors. So for me I need to make sure I get movement and outdoor activity every single day, and that invigorates my heart. So six months into 2021, I’m pretty happy with my word choice of Heart Vibe and I’m happy with my focus and commitment to living it and being mindful of it. Spending time with Katie last week sparked my Heart Vibe because of our soulful connection and the laughter that we shared. Nothing energizes me more than that one to one quality time with an individual that I have a Heart Value relationship with. 

If your word for the year is not resonating any longer, give yourself the freedom to choose again. We are all working to align with our True Stride and there is no judgment here, just awareness. Whatever that something is that’s calling you give yourself permission and motivation to go after it because you are worth it. Every single day that you have with yourself and those that you love around you, you deserve to have the experience and create the life that you really want.

Thank you for listening every week and supporting me as I pursue my word for the year. The accountability that I have with you has been extremely important; that I get to show up with you and have these conversations on our Wise Walks. Your emails spark my Heart Vibe. I can’t even tell you how important they are to me. So you are awesome and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!


In this episode:

[00:23] Welcome to the show!

[02:30] I share two things that have made challenges effective in my life.

[04:02] Since we are in June, I thought we could check-in and see how our focus and commitment are on that word of the year we chose.

[05:48] Are you still focused and committed to the intention that you set for yourself in the beginning of 2021?

[05:59] How is it supporting you and what choices and actions are you making in order to show up with that focus and commitment every day?

[06:16] If the word you set isn’t resonating with you any longer, can you give yourself the freedom to choose again, and in what ways do you want to change your word?

[06:46] My intention for the year is all about my Heart Vibe.

[08:01] Here are some things that spark my Heart Vibe.

[08:57] I’m mindful that there is an ebb and flow of everything we do.

[11:37] If your word isn’t resonating any longer, give yourself the freedom to choose another one.

[12:55] Getting Trooper is one of the best things that has happened to me and Cali this year.

[14:03] Working on my book is another Heart Vibe high for me.

[15:10] My ability to work on my relationships is another high for me in 2021.

[16:44] Six months into 2021 how are you feeling?

[18:40] Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “I want to take the time to center on my Heart Vibe so that I can lead with my heart.” 
  • “I am mindful that there is an ebb and flow to everything we do.”
  • “There are so many facets to me. I can say yes to different things.”
  • “I am always, constantly focused on this ebb and flow of keeping my Heart Vibe high.”
  • “Setting a word for the year’s intention is a little bit like a challenge.” 


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


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EP36: What Challenges Support Your Goals, Wellness, and Dreams?

Knowing what success on my terms looks like helped me ground and get clear before I huddled with JT and Katie, my good friends who are also in the business of helping me launch my book Heart Value. We spent two full days brainstorming, strategizing, and talking about all the opportunities before and after launch.

Today, we are talking about challenges, and I encourage you to explore and appreciate challenges in whatever form they take for you. My friend Ryan participates in the #75Hard challenge, and if you remember, my good friend Leigh and I took part in the #the100dayproject. These programs and others have been created to encourage people to try new things and have fun doing something they love in community.

So as we go on our Wise Walk, the questions on our minds are: Where in our lives are we selling ourselves short because we are doing challenges that are not branded? What’s a challenge that interests you right now that you can take regardless if anyone else is doing it? Where in your life can you make up your own challenge or find one on the world wide web that supports you in going after something really important to you? 

Another good friend, Joey, is committed to finishing his book, so he has challenged himself to write every single day at 10 a.m. Challenges can take a very broad form. Open up your mind to the possibilities and think about where you challenge yourself to see what’s possible. If we would define challenges as something that makes us realize what we are capable of, we would all see that challenges happen as a part of our everyday life.

Challenges in our lives can be health-related, financial, spiritual, or mental. It can be whatever your heart desires. How can we all think more expansively about how we step into our power, reclaim it, and encourage others to do these challenges. And if it’s important to you, how can you share it?


In this episode:

[00:23] Welcome to the show!

[02:46] Today, we are talking about challenges. 

[04:53] Where in our lives are we selling ourselves short because we are doing challenges, but they are not branded?

[05:04] What’s a challenge that interests you right now that you can take regardless of anyone else doing it?

[05:16] Where in your life can you make up your own challenge or find one on the world wide web that supports you in going after something really important to you?

[08:40] Another good friend Joey has challenged himself to write his book every day.

[10:04] A book by Susie Orman, The Nine Steps to Financial Freedom, challenged me to write down every penny spent so I could see where my money was going.

[11:11] Reading Mariel Hemingway’s book, Healthy Living From the Inside Out, I learned the effects of caffeine on the body.

[13:38] What is something you have already done that you can pat yourself on the back for?

[14:20] What’s a challenge that interests you right now?

[15:57] When I say I’m going to give my body a break, it means being mindful, slowing down, and consuming things my body can break down and digest easily.

[17:48] It’s been over a year since I’ve been able to do yoga, so I am challenging myself to get back to yoga.

[20:47] How can we all really think more expansively about how we step into our power and reclaim it?

[21:34] Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “I have been doing challenges since a very young age.”
  • “Open up your mind to the possibilities and think about where you challenge yourself, to see what’s possible.”
  • “This Striders community means so much to me.” 
  • “There have been so many opportunities for me to see what’s possible in my own life.” 
  • “The word challenge or challenges can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people.” 
  • “We are doing challenges in our everyday life but we are not giving ourselves credit for it.” 


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


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EP35: Success On Your Terms

I’ve been listening to other authors about success goals for their books. This made me pause and think about my book goals, which aren’t tied to quantity or ranking. 

As we go on our Wise Walk today, the questions on our minds are: What does success on your terms feel like? Have you articulated success on your terms out loud so that a loved one can support your clarity and confidence to go after what you really want? What’s an action you can take to align with your heart and take one step forward to achieving success on your terms, even if it doesn’t make sense to anyone?

Success to me with this podcast and my book is all about making an impact on an individual’s life. I look forward to hearing from humans who resonated with parts of my book and learning what feelings, choices, and actions they’re taking on their journey.

I just wanted to share how success on my terms is resonating with me in this present moment. Hopefully, you can use these questions to reground on what matters to you in your present moment so that you define success on your terms and move forward in a way that aligns with your True Stride.


In this episode:

[00:23] Welcome to the show!

[02:28] My book Heart Value, which will be published this fall, is all about following your heart to unlock the value inside you.

[04:30] I had to pause and reground myself on my own goals with my book.

[07:01] I will try my best not to get caught up in the pressures of sales or rankings to define Heart Value’s success.

[08:43] What does success on your terms feel like?

[09:03] Have you articulated success on your terms out loud so that a loved one can support your clarity and confidence to go after what you really want? 

[09:16] What’s an action you can take to align with your heart and take one step forward to achieving success on your terms even if it doesn’t make sense to anyone?

[11:26] Hearing from you really lights me up.

[12:40] On your Wise Walk, think about what you are working on.

[14:09] Gaining awareness of how you define success on your terms is one thing, but having the courage to tell someone you love is where magic can occur.

[16:08] I’ve always loved quality over quantity of time.

[16:38] Success on my terms means quality connection, not quantity.

[18:57] If numbers and rankings matter to you, that is great. Be true to yourself.

[20:01] I look forward to next Thursday’s conversation. See you then.


Memorable Quotes:

  • “I have to follow my heart and trust my inner compass and listen to myself about what’s important.” 
  • “Success on my terms feels very personal to me.”
  • “I find that gaining awareness on how you define success on your terms is one thing, but having the courage to tell someone that you love is where magic can occur.”
  • “Success on my terms means quality connection, not quantity.”


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


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EP34: What Energizes Your Heart?

Since our last episode, I took a road trip to Miami with my parents to celebrate my nieces’ graduations. Two of my nieces, Krissy and Dana, graduated from the University of Miami with Nursing Degrees. My niece Lauren graduates from the Mayo Clinic this coming weekend as a Doctor, and she is super excited to start her residency that will ultimately lead her into the field of Neuroscience. We could not be more proud of them, and it was an amazing weekend. These three ladies are so inspiring, and it will be fun to watch them as they pursue careers that light them up.

We have a special guest today on our Wise Walk, my momma C. Cullen Rooney, and the questions on our minds today are: As you lead with your heart and explore the paths or options in front of you, do you have the confidence to say “no thank you” to those opportunities that don’t feel right to you? As you gain clarity on what feels right and pursue that choice, what are the other aspects of your life that you need to nurture and honor to make your heart happy? If you are in an intense period of your life, how are you prioritizing fun and carving out time to recharge and fill your energy reserves to make memories that help you go the distance?

We had so much fun celebrating Lauren, Krissy, and Dana. They brought awareness to certain energies and choices that are important to us on our Wise Walks, including having the confidence to know what you want and being willing to say “yes” to the things that light you up and “no” to the ones that don’t. Also, the need to mindfully prioritize fun before, during, and after the intense periods and to make and cherish memories that energetically carry with you through life.


In this episode:

[00:23] Welcome to the show!

[03:34] All three of my nieces have chosen careers that align with their Heart Value.

[05:26] As you lead with your heart and explore the paths or options in front of you, do you have the confidence to say no thank you to those opportunities that don’t feel right to you?

[05:42] As you gain clarity on what feels right and pursue that choice, what are the other aspects of your life that you need to nurture and honor to make your heart happy?

[05:58] If you are in an intense period of your life that is demanding, how are you prioritizing fun and carving out time to recharge and fill your energy reserves?

[07:34] “The key number one thing is having confidence in yourself and your abilities.” 

[10:20] Krissy started painting again, which helped her refocus her energy while studying.

[11:00] Mom shares the things she believes Striders should think about because you have to nurture all aspects of your life.

[13:32] What impressed me about my niece Lauren is how she lights up when she talks about the residency program she is entering.

[15:28] Mom, what should we think about when we come out of a very demanding period and come up for air and can enjoy our time off?

[18:09] We all need to recharge and make memories.

[20:13] Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “I really admired their clarity, confidence, and commitment to who they are and what lights them up.” Mary Tess Rooney
  •  “The key number one thing is having confidence in yourself and in your abilities.” C. Cullen Rooney
  • “Each step that you take forward will get easier and easier.” C. Cullen Rooney
  • “Know what lights you up on a personal level and fuels your passions.” Mary Tess Rooney
  • “Take the time to appreciate all of your hard work; no one gets there freely.” C. Cullen Rooney
  • “For every life that you live, don’t be afraid to take time for yourself.” C. Cullen Rooney


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


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EP33: Happy Nurture & Grow Day!!

I spent Mother’s Day with my mom, my hero, and the aunts and sister who live nearby. Some of them are mothers in the traditional sense, meaning they birthed humans into this world, but some are like me without kids but show up in motherly ways. For example, I got to celebrate with my Aunt Caron, who, even though she doesn’t have children of her own, embodies, nurtures, and grows love all around her. So it was fun to be with the traditional and non-traditional mothers in my life and take a moment to honor them and give gratitude for all that they’ve given me.

On today’s Wise Walk, we are thinking about: Where in your life do you show up in ways that matter, even if society doesn’t label you in that particular light? Where can you look past labels and see someone else’s ability to nurture and grow others? What’s something you want to nurture and grow in yourself or others that you will make a priority this week?

For the record, all mothers are amazing; I am continually in awe and impressed with the qualities they exude and what they stand for. Mothers accept their roles or choose to support others they care about because the exchange of energies that they offer is unlike any energies on this earth. All mothers, biological, adoptive, and childless moms, offer those mother-like qualities regardless of when or how they get that honorary mom title because of the sacrifices they make to nurture life.

I believe that Mother’s Day should be expanded to anyone who gives, nurtures, and supports life because that is the most beautiful gift that we can offer each other. Do you know what the original intent of Mother’s Day was? Listen in to hear what I found out and I invite you to look past the label of motherhood to offer gratitude, and maybe we say to each other Happy Nurture & Grow Day instead of Happy Mother’s Day because it takes a village to help you and I be our best selves every day.


In this episode:

[00:23] Welcome to the show!

[02:35] As we age, our perspective changes on motherhood.

[04:41] I don’t have kids, but I have the heart of a mother.

[05:21] Where in your life do you show up in ways that matter, even if society doesn’t label you in that particular light?

[05:32] Where can you look past labels and see someone else’s ability to nurture and grow others?

[05:44] What’s something you want to nurture and grow in yourself or others that you are going to make a priority this week?

[07:17] Adoptive moms are amazing and fierce because they commit to showing up for that individual, whether good or bad.

[09:10] I am a mother to my dogs, Cali and Trooper.

[11:33] What becomes possible if instead of saying Happy Mother’s Day we say Happy Grow and Nurture Day instead?

[13:07] How do we honor the sacrifices you make day in and day out?

[15:38] I am stepping into my mother-like qualities with Trooper and taking him to train.

[17:40] I hope what you take away from this episode is that no one can be the sole source of the motherly love we need to reach our full potential.

[18:55] I look forward to next Thursday’s conversation!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “I love the idea of honoring and giving gratitude to the females in our lives.” 
  • “As we age our experiences continue to shape our perspectives on motherhood.” 
  • “I have the heart of a mother that loves and sees potential in all living things.”
  • “I think we should expand our thinking to say that to mother means to nurture and grow any living thing.” 
  • “Motherhood is a state of being that provides any living thing with compassion, guidance, strength, and unconditional love.”


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


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EP32: Create Awareness Not Judgment

The purpose of our Wise Walks is to create a self-reflection for the purposes of awareness not judgment. If you graded yourself on our last Wise Walk around Energetic Hygiene and were surprised by your answers and low scores in an area, give yourself some grace. Let’s make a pact right here and now and say that this True Stride podcast is a judgment-free zone.

On today’s Wise Walk, we discuss what we can do to create more awareness in our life and dismiss that judgment. As we stride together, the questions on our minds are: In what ways can grading systems support or harm your mindset? When you have a judgmental thought about yourself or others, what choices can you make to shift that perspective? And if you feel your energetic self-care practices are not where you want them to be, what’s one action or step you’re going to take to move forward in the direction you want to go?

Let’s talk about dreadful grading systems that create judgment instead of awareness. I am personally not a fan of something that makes you or I feel bad about ourselves. I am sorry if the last episode caused any unnecessary negative self chatter in yourself; that was sincerely not my intention. I only used a grading system with you to illustrate that recently I had not been focused on daily practices that energize me, and I momentarily lost sight of that awareness.

When I think back to where I needed more awareness, not judgment, I recall a conversation with one of my medical doctors Dr. Patel. At that time in my life, my clean eating regimen had gotten a little too hardcore, and Dr. Patel told me that a plateful of frank and beans served with love is much healthier than an organic salad served with stress and anxiety. Frank and beans, in terms of clean eating, are like a major no-no, but I had to learn to move my mindset from judgment to awareness. Judgment creates stress, which is worse for us than clean eating.

So as you think about our conversation for this episode, how you feel about the choices and actions you’re making, it is going to affect your whole body and energy, so where in your life can you be kind to yourself as you evaluate any recent experience and then how can you take them all in stride?


In this episode:

[00:23] Welcome to the show!

[03:14] After my last episode on Energetic Hygiene, I heard from some Striders that could relate, and their scores weren’t that great either.

[04:50] In what ways can grading systems support or harm your mindset?

[04:58] When you have a judgmental thought about yourself or others, what choices can you make to shift that perspective?

[05:08] If you feel your energetic self-care practices are not where you want them to be, what’s one action or step you will take to move forward in the direction you want to go?

[05:56] I have learned the practice of focusing on awareness, not judgment, over time.

[08:31] I realized I couldn’t view my doctor’s visits as a test or a grade.

[10:02] Stress is not good for any of us, and judgment usually leads to stress.

[12:03] Our thoughts and mindsets are very powerful.

[14:18] What’s one step you are going to take to keep a positive mindset?

[15:09] I look forward to next week’s conversation.


Memorable Quotes:

  • “Negative self talk or chatter is a choice.” 
  • “Stress is not good for any of us, and judgment usually leads to stress.”
  • “Frank and beans served with love is much healthier than an organic salad served with stress and anxiety.” 
  • “The purpose of our Wise Walks is to create awareness not judgment.” 
  • “Grading systems create judgment instead of awareness.” 
  • “I take really good care of myself 80% of the time, so I have to give myself grace for the 20% of the time I don’t.” 


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


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EP31: The Importance of Energetic Hygiene

I just got back from a 1300 mile road trip with my Aunt Teeny, her three horses, and a donkey. My Aunt needed help to haul her horses from California to Florida, so I met her halfway in Oklahoma City. It was a new experience for me hauling equines any distance, and with any new experience, I learn a lot, laugh a lot, and grow. So on this episode, I thought I’d share what I learned about myself over this week-journey.

While driving, I called my friend Erin because I needed to reschedule plans and while on the phone, I complimented her because she has been really looking great lately; I mean glowing. I asked her what she has been doing differently, and Erin said the only new thing in her life is that she is more consistently practicing energetic hygiene. She’s lost over 25 pounds by focusing on how she energetically cares for herself day in and day out. I know how important energetic self-care is, but lately, I haven’t been focusing on it like I should, so I was happy to be reminded of the benefits.

So as we stride together, the questions on our minds are: For you, what are the benefits of energetic self-care of hygiene? In what ways do you practice energetic hygiene? And when you feel yourself in an energetic slump, how do you recharge yourself? 

During this last week with my aunt, I’ve had some energetic highs and lows, and I’m still feeling sluggish because it was a lot. It was fun, and I am glad I did it, but now I am having a little trouble re-acclimating myself here at home in St. Augustine.

When I was thinking about how I care for myself and the energetic self-care components that are important to me, nine key factors stand out and energetically make a difference. In no particular order: food, sleep, exercise, alone time, laughter & joy, nature, meditate, contribute, and reflect. Listen, and I’ll give more content on each one, and you can see how these things apply to you or how they don’t, which is fine too.

We met some really sweet people on this journey, like Mike and Joanne in Alabama, that let us use their farm as a pit stop for the horses and Isabella the donkey so they could stretch their legs. We also met the agricultural police when we got pulled over because I didn’t see the sign in Florida that you have to stop with animals. He was really great as well.

I always enjoy our Wise Walk together because you always help me reflect and look at the experiences I have and what I’m missing or what I want more of, or what has been meaningful and important to me. So I’m going to keep having these Wise Walks together and thank you all for that.


In this episode:

[00:23] Welcome to the show!

[01:55] My friend Erin is consistently practicing energetic hygiene.

[03:15] We need to be mindful of everything we do and the people, places, and things we expose ourselves to.

[03:47] For you, what are the benefits of energetic self-care or hygiene?

[03:57] What ways do you practice energetic hygiene?

[04:04] When you feel yourself in an energetic slump, how do you recharge yourself?

[05:01] Nine key energetic self-care components stand out to me.

[06:07] Food is really important to me and that I eat cleanly.

[08:50] I am an eight hours a night girl, and my immune system breaks down if I don’t sleep for extended periods.

[10:06] Exercise is something I need, and while we were away, I only ran once.

[10:40] Space and alone time were very sparse on this trip.

[11:45] Much laughter and joy were abundant on this trip with my aunt.

[13:09] Nature is so important to me, and I appreciate all the beauty that is in the world.

[13:42] Meditation was something I wasn’t able to do on the road.

[14:03] Contribution is another need of mine, and I was able to contribute by helping my aunt, who wouldn’t have been able to do this on her own.

[14:33] I like time to reflect, and I was able to reflect some in the car.

[17:29] What are your top energetic hygiene practices?

[18:08] Thank you so much for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “Everything is made up of energy and has the power to either light us up or drain us or deplete us.” 
  • “Think about the things that energetically light you up.”
  • “Whenever I talk about frequency or vibration, I’m talking about that energy exchange.” 
  • “The exchange of energy that is important to us and that we need to pay attention to.”
  • “With any new experience, I tend to learn a lot and laugh a lot.”


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


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EP30: Honoring What Is Visible To You

As I reflected on last week’s episode and took a Wise Walk with myself, I realized that at this moment in time, I feel seen and understood by most people in my life, but I’ve worked really hard for this moment in time. I’ve had to make some tough decisions along the way to stay aligned with feeling seen, heard, and understood.

As we Stride together, the questions on our minds are: Where do you take pride in being visible to yourself, for yourself, without needing anyone else to praise or recognize you? Is there a way to increase your visibility to stay motivated, accountable, or get encouragement? Where in your life do you want to take a quality that already exists inside you and make it more visible?

Those conversations where you feel invisible or realize whoever you are talking to or hanging out with are too consumed by their reality to understand what you are trying to accomplish can be very disappointing. But it would be more disappointing if you gave into their limited thinking of what was possible and what was visible in our hearts. For me, it’s about observing and appreciating my internal visibility for myself first and foremost.

My good friend Katie is a fellow Strider, and she posts these great Instagram stories about her daily runs. Her simple and consistent posts are a way that she shows up for herself to be visible for herself and others that matter, like her three amazing boys. Katie’s act of self-care and willingness to share motivates others to get their stride on too. I’ve learned that it is so important to tie your need for visibility back to your feeling goals and what lights you up.

As this podcast airs, my Aunt Teeny and I will be in a massive white truck hauling a six-horse trailer from Oklahoma to northern Florida. We are relocating my Aunt Teeny’s three horses and donkey from California to Florida. My Aunt made the brave choice to relocate herself and her animals to St. Augustine, Florida, to be closer to family, and I agreed to help her because I know it will be an adventure. I am thankful to my sister Heather, who is taking care of Trooper and Cali, so that I am free to support my Aunt.

I am very excited to have this topic of what is visible to me front and center as I make the drive across the country. I want to see the countryside complete with the horse accommodations with fresh eyes. I’m going to be present with my feelings that influence my choices and my actions, and I’m going to look forward to telling you about it.


In this episode:

[00:23] Welcome to the show!

[02:01] Where do you take pride in being visible to yourself, for yourself, without needing anyone else to praise or recognize you?

[02:19] Is there a way to increase your visibility to stay motivated, accountable, or get encouragement?

[02:35] Where in your life do you want to take a quality that already exists inside you and make it more visible?

[02:59] I dated a guy who thought writing my book was a hobby, and his thoughts came out in many ways.

[04:43] I am so proud of myself for not letting his undermining comments change my course.

[06:36] Being an author is way hard, but I feel led to do it.

[07:40] You can recognize and be visible for yourself.

[08:03] Where in your life are you doing something people don’t get, but it doesn’t matter?

[09:53] What I’ve learned is that it is so important to tie your need for visibility back to your goals and what lights you up.

[10:44] Honor what is visible to you, and don’t worry about what others think.

[12:01] As this podcast airs, I will be in a big white truck hauling horses and a donkey from Oklahoma to Florida.

[14:10] As you observe and appreciate your visibility, where are you infusing external visibility to support you?

[15:37] Thank you for listening!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “Honor what is visible to you and don’t worry about what others think.” 
  • “Tie your need for visibility back to your feeling goals and what lights you up.” 
  • “It was visible to myself and that was enough.”
  • “I don’t let negative nitwits who don’t get me or take an interest in my dreams derail my progress.” 
  • “Your energy is too valuable to waste on trying to persuade anyone of what you already know to be true for you.”


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

EP29: Ways To Increase Your Visibility

I am delighted to tell you that I have hit another major milestone in my life that I want to celebrate with you. As you recall, from an earlier episode, I invited a small group of advanced readers to read my book Heart Value, and I got tremendous feedback. I incorporated some of their suggestions, and then I just sent my completed manuscript off to my developmental editor for one more final pass. The other thing that has been so wonderful for me is meeting so many amazing authors in this space. My guest on today’s Wise Walk is one of those phenomenal authors Susan M. Barber, and together we are going to talk about ways to increase your visibility.

Susan M. Barber, I’m going to call her Sue because we are buds, is a certified executive coach, a consultant, and an author. Her love for people’s development and her passion for helping companies solve business challenges is what lights her up; this is her Heart Value. She transforms clients to stand out, receive recognition, and reach their ultimate career goals. Her decision to stop playing small in her life led her to write her book, The Visibility Factor, which will be out in the fall.

As we walk together, the questions on our minds are: Where in your life do you feel invisible? What are some choices that you can make right now or down the road to become more visible in the areas that are most important to you? What’s one action you are going to take this week to get whatever you want on someone else’s radar, or maybe just your own radar?

Sue shares how her lack of visibility inspired her to write a book and why helping others step into their power became a passion for her. She believes people discount the importance of being recognized and visible. She shares an example of what happened with a client who decided he wanted to be bold and gain confidence. Sue also discusses different client experiences on her blog.

Sue shares some things Striders can do to be in a more visible space. For example, take time to understand your work culture, observe others, and learn how to stand out as the person to solve the problem. Get help from people you trust in the organization, people who are willing to give you feedback, because those are the people who are in meetings with you, the people who can help you see what you are doing and how you can shift it. 

Because you can also feel invisible at home, Sue wants everyone to use their voices and share what they feel and what they think about. Keeping that stuff in is just a lot of negative energy, and eventually, it will come out somehow, whether you react to something or physically by getting sick. Once she started talking about what was going on, she says her relationship with her children and husband changed dramatically.

Sue, thank you for sharing the stories and your perspective on how visibility has impacted you and all the clients you work with.


In this episode:

[00:23] Welcome to the show!

[02:47] Where in your life do you feel invisible?

[02:54] What are some choices that you can make right now or down the road to become more visible in the areas that are important to you?

[03:08] What’s one action you are going to take this week to get whatever you want on someone else’s radar, or maybe just your own radar?

[04:51] Thank you for being on the show, Sue!

[05:22] What was it about visibility that inspired you to write a book and help others step into their power?

[08:10] Sue discounted the importance of being recognized for what she did and feeling visible.

[09:25] Sue gives an example from one of her coaching clients. How he wanted to show up made him more confident and changed how people saw him.

[12:13] “Ultimately, it’s about visibility, creating a different kind of visibility.”

[12:58] Sue discusses the other emotions or experiences that bring people to her to help them with visibility.

[14:29] Sue speaks about a client that gained visibility by getting more involved.

[16:07] Sue talks about some questions she asks clients to find out where they want to go next.

[17:59] Sue discusses some things that the Striders can do to help them step into a more visible space in their world.

[20:49] Sue speaks about adding value and showing up the way you want to be seen.

[21:37] Listen as Sue shares how some people can feel like they aren’t visible at home, just like they do at work.

[24:04] Sue talks about how her ah-ha moment and using her voice changed her life at home and in her marriage.

[26:21] What is your why, and why do you want to increase visibility?

[28:29] Sue, thank you for being on the show!


Memorable Quotes:

  • “I discovered that I was being invisible myself in my corporate job.” Susan M. Barber
  • “It’s much easier to get visibility than you realize.” Susan M. Barber
  • “Ultimately, it’s about visibility, creating a different kind of visibility.” Susan M. Barber
  • “Use your voice; please say what you think about, share what you feel.” Susan M. Barber
  • “If we feel like something is missing, the answers are inside of us; we just have to take the time to dig deeper.” Mary Tess Rooney
  • “If we’re encountering a struggle or opportunity at work, it mirrors our home life too.” Mary Tess Rooney
  • “By being vocal you give the people that really need to hear what you have to say the opportunity to get to know you.” Mary Tess Rooney


Links and Resources:

Mary Tess Rooney


Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram


Susan M Barber Coaching & Consulting LLC

True Stride, LLC was formed to empower each individual to honor their unique stride as they navigate life’s interesting, complex and eventful journey. When we take the time, reflection and attention to channel our true stride… we enjoy our truest ride.”

– Mary Tess Rooney

“Mary’s straight forward approach and authentic style inspires rapid results in individuals and teams alike.”

– Next Incredible Person
SVP Special Violet Petals

“The idea of having a personal vision map is exciting, and the way the True Stride team creatively crafted the exercise to connect and organize action items into digestible steps is priceless.”

– Leigh Farrow