Read the signs, direct your path and get your stride on!
Without emotional contrast, expansion rarely occurs. Embrace your highs and lows to expand your worth, health and strength!
— Mary Tess Rooney
True Stride Podcast
True Stride is that feeling you get when you are aligned with your heart in all that you do, and feel energized and happy with every step you take. This podcast offers thoughtful conversations to help you realize your True Stride at work, at home, during play and with your community.
Ways to Listen and Subscribe
Tune-in every Thursday for wise walks to get your stride on!
(Apple, Spotify, Amazon, Audible, Stitcher and Overcast)
With the idea that realizing your True Stride is a personalized journey, Heart Value expert and fellow Strider, Mary Tess Rooney connects listeners to elevate their value, relationships and joy.

Each weekly episode:
Takes Striders on a Wise Walk to self-reflect and surface their own feelings and beliefs on a topic
Offers stories, perspectives and practical ideas to encourage Striders to make choices and take action with intention
Highlights inspiration and anecdotes to activate more joy and appreciation in your life
Podcast Episodes
EP42: Appreciating Support and Paying It Forward
Walking in our True Stride with help from a support system connects to what we are saying “yes” to and what we are saying “no” to in everyday life. Discover what choices you can make to say “yes” to fully use and feel the help from your support system. When you do receive help, find ways to show gratitude, and pay it forward to someone else. Sharing will be natural, since you have more to give others when you are taken care of. What choices and actions are you making to move closer to what you’re dreaming of?
EP41: What Lessons Are You Discovering for Yourself?
Learning is a continuous process in life. In any given moment, we come across lessons that offer information or a mindset to guide us closer to our True Stride. When we go on a Wise Walk, we are discovering what we find to be true for ourselves. If we can be aware of this knowledge, we can apply the lessons into our daily life.
EP40: How Trusting Your Inner Compass Leads to Transformation
In this episode, I reflect on my own transformation, and why I started this podcast. I went from a successful corporate career to authentically sharing my value in a way that made my heart happy. In between reminiscing and being grateful, I also talk about what I’m most excited for going forward.
When I think about my life, my intuition around teaching and empowering those around me seems obvious. Inspired by my own transformation, I encourage you to honor your heart to rhythmically move forward in all that you do. We can all work on trusting our inner compass more. What transformation is calling you?
EP39: Release to Make Space for What You Want
For this episode, we’ll dig into moon cycles that can be a gentle reminder to us in our journey. I personally feel that engaging those cycles also reminds me of the way I intend to show up. I choose what to release and what intentions to set. Each month I make progress based on where I am in life, what I want, and where I want to go.
EP38: Ways to Align Your Thoughts to Experience More Energetic Highs
During our Wise Walk, we should be mindful of: Who and what are you inviting into your life, and how does that make you feel? What choices are you making to intentionally attract what you want? What actions support your energetic highs? What actions can you take today to share or appreciate someone else’s energy? How can we make energetic highs a consistent experience in our day?
Take time in your day to make the intention for the day. Stepping into that space is worth it as you build momentum, which makes taking action much easier. Think of what ways you are projecting and aligning yourself for the universe to provide what you imagine. Let’s be intentional in the energy we are engaging and exchanging.
EP37: Mid Year Check-In on Your Word for The Year
After the last episode about challenges, I realized that midyear is a great time to reflect on the word we set for the year to illuminate what was important and what we really wanted to accomplish by the end of 2021. As a reminder, my word for the year is Heart Vibe and our word serves as a mantra to realign and stay focused on how we want to show up for ourselves every day and month that passes in 2021.
EP36: What Challenges Support Your Goals, Wellness, and Dreams?
Today, we are talking about challenges, and I encourage you to explore and appreciate challenges in whatever form they take for you. So as we go on our Wise Walk, the questions on our minds are: Where in our lives are we selling ourselves short because we are doing challenges that are not branded? What’s a challenge that interests you right now that you can take regardless if anyone else is doing it? Where in your life can you make up your own challenge or find one on the world wide web that supports you in going after something really important to you?
EP35: Success On Your Terms
As we go on our Wise Walk today, the questions on our minds are: What does success on your terms feel like? Have you articulated success on your terms out loud so that a loved one can support your clarity and confidence to go after what you really want? What’s an action you can take to align with your heart and take one step forward to achieving success on your terms, even if it doesn’t make sense to anyone?
EP34: What Energizes Your Heart?
We have a special guest today on our Wise Walk, my momma C. Cullen Rooney, and the questions on our minds today are: As you lead with your heart and explore the paths or options in front of you, do you have the confidence to say “no thank you” to those opportunities that don’t feel right to you? As you gain clarity on what feels right and pursue that choice, what are the other aspects of your life that you need to nurture and honor to make your heart happy? If you are in an intense period of your life, how are you prioritizing fun and carving out time to recharge and fill your energy reserves to make memories that help you go the distance?
EP33: Happy Nurture & Grow Day!!
On today’s Wise Walk, we are thinking about: Where in your life do you show up in ways that matter, even if society doesn’t label you in that particular light? Where can you look past labels and see someone else’s ability to nurture and grow others? What’s something you want to nurture and grow in yourself or others that you will make a priority this week?
I believe that Mother’s Day should be expanded to anyone who gives, nurtures, and supports life because that is the most beautiful gift that we can offer each other. Do you know what the original intent of Mother’s Day was? Listen in to hear what I found out and I invite you to look past the label of motherhood to offer gratitude, and maybe we say to each other Happy Nurture & Grow Day instead of Happy Mother’s Day because it takes a village to help you and I be our best selves every day.