Your value is an accrual of experiences! Embrace the good, the bad, the ugly and the downright complicated to awaken your joy!
– Mary Tess Rooney
Free Resource: Feel-Choose-Act Amplifier
Heart Value Practice
If you feel disconnected from your heart’s calling or confused about what lights you up, I have a valuable gift for you!
EP73: What EPIC Adventure is Calling You with Dawn Calvinisti
There’s a void we know that exists within ourselves. Yet, we push it off. We know that there is something there that is worth exploring, but because it’s a new muscle we haven’t exercised, we give into our excuses. What if we decide to move forward in our True Stride? This episode talks about what EPIC adventure is calling you.
For decades, I was in a corporate role that limited my ability to personally engage with social media. Once I started working for myself, I had the ability to reimagine my relationship with social media, but (like anything new) I had resistance because I have a lot to learn. Connecting with people who share similar interests or passions has been a wonderful case of why social media is an important tool for me to learn. For example, our special guest, Dawn Calvinisti, came across my book, Heart Value, and reached out to me via social media.
Dawn Calvinisti was gathering speakers for her upcoming summit and thought I would be a perfect fit. When I got a glimpse of her work, I realized we have a lot of alignment in the themes we discuss and explore. This is how I became part of Dawn’s As Good As It Gets Summit. Dawn is hosting this summit of 30 wonderful women speakers to help you break free from people-pleasing and the day-to-day grind to discover more meaning, connection and fulfillment in life.
On EP 73’s Wise Walk, Dawn and I discuss how we all have the ability to design our own EPIC adventure. The word E.P.I.C stands for envision, plan, implement, and cherish. We walk through each intentional step to understand what it means to go towards the purpose calling you. Join this conversation to reflect on these Wise Walk questions and more:
- What have you been pushing off?
- What is something that’s calling you… that you’re a little bit scared to start, or don’t know how to start?
- What are the things that light you up or used to light you up, and do they need to be investigated in a different way?
Dawn says that what lights her up is witnessing women realize that they are bigger than their imagined limits. She feels heavy when women disempower themselves. As a coach, she enjoys helping women step into their power through reflection, action steps, and community, which is why she is hosting this summit.
As we design our EPIC adventure (and adventures within adventures), it’s important to focus on the step you’re in to create little wins for yourself over and over again. Trust yourself and your courage in the process. Give yourself grace to take manageable steps with these Wise Walk questions:
- If you are ready to honor what you envision, what can you call in to support you?
- What are you cherishing about this experience?
- Is there someone to help hold yourself accountable in a realistic way?
- What are the things you don’t know that you need to learn?
- Where can you be receptive to taking your journey one step at a time?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[03:19] – Dawn Calvinisti shares her multiple interests around natural health and wellness.
[05:43] – We all have the ability to design our own E.P.I.C adventure in life.
[07:32] – Where did Dawn get an idea to gather women speakers for the As Good As It Gets Summit?
[10:31] – Do you ever get a feeling that something is missing? What do you do with that feeling?
[11:51] – Dawn shares the perseverance and numbers behind getting a summit together.
[14:32] – Trust your process. You don’t have to force things to happen.
[16:33] – Striding is forward momentum. Use realistic steps to get tasks completed.
[18:24] – Create little wins over and over again.
[20:20] – Dawn talks about the format of the As Good As It Gets Summit. Is the schedule flexible for attendees?
[22:59] – Community is part of the summit experience. Dawn shares her hopes for the community of women connecting for the summit.
[25:43] – Dawn feels fulfilled seeing the summit come together and knowing she is cultivating support for women.
[28:15] – Here’s a sneak peak of the conversation themes for the As Good As It Gets Summit. Which ideas stand out to Dawn the most?
[30:57] – Don’t push aside what’s calling you into the light.
[33:13] – Mary Tess and Dawn discuss questions for this Wise Walk.
[35:13] – Mary Tess reminds everyone to give themselves grace with manageable expectations.
[36:49] – Dawn reassures people that you can shift as you feel through your journey.
[39:35] – Keep moving towards what is aligned to your True Stride.
[42:37] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “Often, we either think we ‘can’t do it’ or ‘maybe that calling’s for someone else.” – Dawn
- “For every ‘No’ I get, I’m one step closer to a ‘Yes’.” – Mary Tess
- “If you know you’re called somewhere, put the feet in front because something will appear.” – Dawn
- “We build this muscle memory, and even if this is the first time we’re doing something, and it’s scary, we have the ability to design something completely E.P.IC. and unique based on our own heart-centered alignment.” – Mary Tess
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EP72: Remembering to Focus on What Lights You Up
When you view life with a lens of self-awareness, you discover a fully expressed version of yourself. With each aha, it becomes easier to embrace discomfort and look at situations from a growth perspective. How can you use moments of resistance to pivot and adjust to what lights you up? This episode talks about looking at life through a self-reflection lens and being able to laugh when transition falls upon us.
I recently went through a time of having one of my routines disrupted. I personally like having a ceiling fan in my room to keep the space slightly chilly and cool enough to fall asleep under some blankets. A few months ago my ceiling fan wasn’t quite working, and the reason why is hilarious. Get ready to listen to what happened with my ceiling fan and a light switch as I share what the experience taught me about life views.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP72’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. Moving so fast in life, we may skip or ignore details. It’s that we aren’t fully paying attention to the moment. From my experience, that’s how we sometimes add unnecessary resistance in our lives. It’s an important chance to give our attention to life. We can take those instances where we can’t seem to break through resistance to ground ourselves in what lights us up.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about the times we don’t fully pay attention to life and viewing resistance as a moment to adjust ourselves. Rather than being consumed by disruptions in life, I suggest you stay connected to your heart center. Notice the gift that exists inside of the disruption. To embrace the gift adjusting to what lights you up, come with me to reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- Are you grounded in what lights you up?
- Is there a metaphorical light switch in your life that you enjoyed throughout your life?
- Where in your life have you tried to flip a switch and you didn’t get the outcome that you wanted, but maybe a different life lesson came your way?
- What was that life lesson, and what did you learn about yourself through every detour?
- Are you staying fully present in this growth mindset and not getting frazzled, but adjusting to the present moment?
- Are you staying present in the troubleshooting as you pivot?
Looking back, I think there are many times in our life where we think we’re flipping ON a metaphorical switch, only to realize we didn’t show up fully to complete the task. An absent mind means we need to find what to focus on for us to realize what will really light us up, and light the path of moving forward.
Through all this, I find myself coming back to the power of humor. Laughing at the little disruptions and detours can get us past discomfort. Not the nervous kind of laughter, but the laughter where we appreciate life lessons as they come our way. Explore a growth mindset to take a look at your life’s metaphorical light switch with these Wise Walk questions:
- What in your life are you able to flip the switch and turn ON in yourself to fully express and appreciate yourself?
- What in your life is currently in the OFF position, and not because you don’t want it, but because you’re not fully present with that thing?
- Where in your life can you really laugh at yourself, or at the situation, when you find yourself not fully expressing what lights you up?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[02:23] – How often are we not fully present?
[04:08] – Times of discomfort are moments to ground yourself in what lights you up.
[06:37] – Mary Tess considers questions for reflecting on the metaphorical light switch in life.
[08:28] – The power of humor.
[09:54] – What are Mary Tess’ two big takeaways from dealing with discomfort?
[11:36] – Mary Tess reminds you to stay present with what lights you up.
[13:24] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “I think the more we stay present, and really can honor what lights us up, and what doesn’t and release it, and what turns us ON or turns us OFF, then the more we are going to energetically vibrate at this really high frequency.” – Mary Tess
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EP71: Ways to Be Ebb and Flow with Ron Rothberg
Society feeds us a dream of “streamlined everything.” We are so used to this idea of having a vision, filling a task list, and executing it seamlessly that we can miss our present moments being too caught up in what’s “next.” This episode talks about ways to be more present in the ebb and flow of life with today’s special guest Ron Rothberg.
Personally, one of the times I feel most present is when I’m visiting National Parks. Out in nature is where I can stop the mind chatter, and be in awe of the beauty around me. It’s those moments that I really reflect on the “being” state versus the “doing” state. Ron is a longtime friend, and we watched each other evolve. He went on a 9 month road trip to be more present, while he started a new business and enlisted community support.
Ron Rothberg is the founder of the electric bike rental service Art Bikes Jax, which is a fleet of electric bikes available to rent so people can explore public art, historic neighborhoods and beautiful parks in and around Jacksonville’s urban core. Ron is also the co-host of Swan Dive podcast alongside his friend Stu Sheldon. At the end of 2019, Ron decided to look more into his passion outside of the corporate world. His search took him on a 9 month RV road trip with his wife, Christine. Ron launched Art Bikes Jax while on the road trip connecting with people nationwide. His passion attracted a community wherever he went, even being awarded the Cultural Council of Jacksonville 2021 Art Innovator Award.
On EP 71’s Wise Walk, Ron and I discuss why it’s such a challenge to stay focused on the present without getting distracted by what’s “next.” No one can escape the realities of life; that’s why staying present is a gift. The “doing” state is based on muscle memory we built by the patterns in the past, but with focus and practice, we can create more “being” muscle memory. Constant fast-paced living can make it difficult to slow down. Join this conversation to reflect on these Wise Walk questions and more:
- What do you stand for?
- What do you need to release to be more present?
- What “long game” is calling you?
After traveling across the country Ron says people often asked him: “What’s it like to live the dream?” The dream was freedom and travel, but that dream also came with ebbs and flows. Would everyone be willing to accept the dream fully as it unfolds and pivot along with it?
Listen as Ron and I try to pinpoint the moments we give ourselves permission to just “be” in the present. We discuss growth-mates versus soulmates, finding community, and unlocking the gift of life with these Wise Walk questions:
- What is something you can take off your plate that you only hold onto worrying about external expectations?
- What are the communities that you can connect with that will bring you closer to that space?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[02:41] – Ron Rothberg thinks you don’t need a blueprint to follow passion, just the courage to take the first step.
[05:10] – Ron and his wife spent 9 months on the US Roads in an RV. What was it like?
[06:46] – The challenge is to be present without too much focus on what’s “next”.
[08:44] – Ron describes the inevitable spontaneity of finding places to stay for his RV trip and the beauty of the country.
[11:25] – Ron talks about his way of slowing down to quiet the mind chatter.
[12:59] – What about the days where you can’t quiet the mind chatter?
[14:28] – Muscle memory helps us develop that sense of peace and quiet, but it can also do the opposite. Can you change your muscle memory?
[17:19] – Ron says that his business started and evolved while on the RV trip.
[19:37] – What’s the lesson of building a business with your own vision?
[21:51] – Mary Tess talks about not forcing anything in the ebb and flow of navigating life.
[23:49] – What happens if we don’t honor the signals our body sends us?
[26:16] – Sometimes we all get caught up in our mind chatter, labels, and the world around us.
[28:10] – Make sure you have the flexibility to pivot, even when the situation is not ideal.
[30:45] – How did Ron find balance individually while taking such a long trip with his spouse?
[33:00] – Mary Tess and Ron share thoughts on the ebbs and flows in relationships.
[35:54] – Identify your triggers to shift your perspective.
[38:05] – The Universe is placing events together and giving you a gift.
[40:13] – What do you stand for?
[42:48] – Give yourself grace in the marathon of life.
[44:10] – Find ways to get closer to the true essence of alignment by connecting with communities.
[47:05] – Your journey may take you to places better than you ever expected.
[49:15] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “I don’t think you need a full blueprint, but you need to take that first step.” – Ron
- “Sometimes our mind chatter gets so caught up in what we think they expect of us or what we think is the ‘right’ thing to do. When it comes down to it, I always go back to: If I don’t have my health, if I can’t be fully present in this body that the Universe has gifted me, and if I don’t take care of that, then what’s the point?” – Mary Tess
- “You are going to ebb and flow into ideal situations, but sometimes you won’t, and that’s okay.” – Ron
- “As you look at your calendar, your week, or even your day, is there something you’re doing… not because it lights you up, but because there is this external pressure that you feel, and you think it’s just ‘easier’ to go along with versus honor whatever resistance you feel within yourself?” – Mary Tess
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EP70: Keys to Your Own Wise Walk Reflection
Your senses are constantly absorbing information. Externally, you try to make sense of the energy around you, pulling you, and requesting your attention. Internally, you try to balance and navigate thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that you experience. You don’t need to absorb all the information presented to you. This episode talks about having the keys to your own Wise Walk reflection.
Every time you hear the phrase “Wise Walk”, what do you think of? It dawned on me that we could talk about the meaning of our Wise Walks with more context. Actually, one of our fellow Striders even asked about how Wise Walks started, so I will share the origin story of our weekly time of slowing down and checking our reality.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP70’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. Let’s go back to my childhood for a moment. I was that kid that wore their heart on their sleeve. I had no poker face. If something was bothering me I carried it not only internally, but externally. The good thing about my heart on my sleeve is that I didn’t go around harboring suppressed feelings. I could express all that I felt, and on some level that’s a gift. It’s a superpower.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about the core components that are the keys to your own Wise Walk. I am a sensitive individual, so I pick up on the energy of people’s actions, words, and emotions. Do you know that feeling? I try not to base how I move forward in my reality on external factors, but rather, I drop into my body to feel things on a cellular level. To drop into your heart and body, come with me to reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- Where in your life can you give yourself that alone time to check-in with yourself?
- How does it feel in your heart and your body on a cellular level when you stop and slow down?
- What comes up and can you courageously accept your feelings without judgment?
Knowing how to drop into your heart and body allows you the chance to be aware of where you are in your current reality. Whatever is not aligning can be addressed in that moment as you consciously open up, and you can reconstruct how you are processing your internal and external world.
A Wise Walk creates a safe, open environment for you to process your feelings. What are the things that are going on as you process whatever questions, or situations, or circumstances are in the present moment?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[03:11] – Mary Tess talks about her mom’s attentive nurturing of how Mary Tess processes her feelings and thoughts.
[04:38] – Give yourself alone time in a nurturing environment away from external noise.
[06:14] – Gather the courage to seek answers to the heartfelt, cellular level questions.
[07:22] – Don’t forget the allowance and acceptance of non-judgement.
[08:14] – Make time for a Wise Walk, and trust your inner compass.
[10:12] – Allow yourself to notice what your heart is feeling.
[10:45] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “When I am feeling unaligned, that is when I need to go inward and figure out what the crux of the issue is.” – Mary Tess
- “Engage your inner compass to feel, choose, and act with intention.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP69: How Intention Creates Our Reality with Leigh Farrow
What is possible with 10 minutes a day for 100 days or a word intention? What might you experience, create or receive? Imagine if you had a chance to create each day, and transformed the way you connect with the world. This episode talks about how committed intention can change your worldview with today’s special guest Leigh Farrow.
This year feels like a clean slate and full of possibilities. People are still pivoting in life, but finally becoming stronger, more resilient, and more comfortable with processing and navigating their reality. When we take time to set our intentions and commit to showing up, we can shift our reality of what’s possible. Small, consistent acts add up and shape our present and future. Our guest today will help us discover how we can do just that without burning ourselves out.
Leigh Farrow, author of Leadership Nuts and Animated Wisdom speaker, is a creative powerhouse. Leigh is a friend and fellow Strider who is back again to talk about setting consistent intentions.
On our Wise Walk, Leigh and I share thoughts on committing to an intention, and we explore how to experiment with that commitment. Most of this episode talks about the Word of the Year and the 100 Day Project as tools we can use to playfully align with our True Stride. Likewise, we discuss giving ourselves grace between letting go of negative feelings and addressing negative feelings. Join this conversation to reflect on these Wise Walk questions and more:
- How committed are you to intentionally living out your word?
- Did you thoughtfully choose how your word will add to your life?
- When will you use your word throughout the day?
- Is there a feeling you are hoping to create by being aware of this word?
Our body is meant to be in alignment, so it’s only right that we cultivate a world around us that supports us. Honoring creativity and intentional effort can open a path for you to step into your True Stride. How do you envision your new self growing and evolving as a result of your word and your commitment to yourself?
Everything that we do is a creative expression. As we discuss allowing creativity to unfold organically, and deciding to commit to an intention, ask yourself these Wise Walk questions:
- What creative talent do you want to exercise and make stronger or bring to light in a new way?
- What and how are you being playful with your discovery process?
- Is there anything interesting to you that you want to learn?
- How are you carving out time to make space for your creative gifts and abilities?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
You can listen to previous conversations with Leigh Farrow in Episode 18 and Episode 56.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[01:22] – Leigh Farrow says that we get stronger and more resilient as we get more comfortable with how we process and navigate our reality.
[03:37] – Mary Tess and Leigh reflect on doing another round of the 100 Day Project during this year.
[05:17] – What is Leigh’s Word of the Year?
[07:28] – Mary Tess and Leigh discuss giving yourself grace between letting go and addressing negative feelings.
[09:46] – People, by nature, lean towards the negative. How can we be more aware of this?
[12:22] – Mary Tess shares with Leigh why she chose the word “Gift” for this year and the results so far.
[15:14] – Since no one is a mind reader, opt to give people grace and space.
[17:45] – How did Mary Tess let go and give grace in a situation that was one bad thing after the other?
[20:44] – What is the 100 Day Project?
[22:51] – Leigh shares her previous 100 Day Project that became a wall art installation and how she pivoted during that time.
[25:16] – Everything that we’re doing is potentially a creative expression.
[27:36] – What is Leigh thinking of doing for this year’s 100 Day Project?
[29:41] – Mary Tess explains why it can be helpful to have a broader aim that you can sustain for the 100 Day Project.
[32:20] – What is Mary Tess thinking of doing for this year’s 100 Day Project?
[34:07] – Leigh explores how people from all over the world can connect through sharing and witnessing the 100 Day Project.
[36:59] – Mary Tess talks about using daily intention in showing up for the Word of the Year.
[38:30] – Leigh gives her thoughts on how to incorporate the Word of the Year into your life regularly.
[40:26] – Continue to be you and show up.
[42:50] – How are you evolving with your Word of the Year?
[45:23] – Mary Tess and Leigh discuss choosing to commit to an intention and what it means to try on intentions like clothing.
[47:39] – Explore yourself and your creativity.
[50:20] – What different ways can you honor your creativity?
[52:55] – Don’t judge yourself or your creativity too strictly.
[54:54] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “Some of the things that worked for us in the past, are not working for us in the present. It is upon us to recognize that trigger or recognize that feeling.” – Mary Tess
- “I think we’re in this constant evolution where we have to acknowledge and we have to be willing to release anything that’s not serving us. That’s the only way we can make space for the things that really do light us up.” – Mary Tess
- “None of us see or experience other people’s work the way they do. It’s all a unique journey.” – Leigh
- “Take time to invest in yourself and to figure out what your value in this world is that you see and how you can reflect it back into the world either through your own personal work or through some creative aspect.” -Leigh
Links and Resources:
#The100DayProject Official Page
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EP68: How a Navy Seal Mindset Supports Your Life with William Branum
Are you fully addressing yourself as you are? When you can take a look at your habits, your challenges, and your truth, you can conquer what lies ahead of you. Like a Navy Seal, you can perform no matter the resistance that comes your way. This episode talks about how a Navy Seal mindset supports your life with today’s special guest William Branum.
Health and wellness is extremely important, mentally, physically and environmentally. In my own journey, I constantly seek what will support my overall well being, even if I must consciously choose to explore options outside of what is presented to me. William is someone that shares the belief around taking care of our minds and bodies. He consistently strives for high-performance and has discovered what works best for him and many others.
William Branum, retired Navy SEAL and former SEAL Sniper Instructor, is the founder and CEO of Naked Warrior Recovery. Naked Warrior Recovery aims to develop high quality CBD products to support physical and mental recovery through innovation and excellence. William uses his knowledge of health, wellness, and CBD to provide options that can help people address mental and physical concerns. One of Naked Warrior Recovery’s major efforts is to create products that can supply mental and physical assistance to veterans and first responders.
On our Wise Walk, William and I share thoughts on the mindset that can get people to do the work and take the actions that are necessary to do the work. William brings his lessons from dealing with his own baggage and trauma to help people “Get N.A.K.E.D!” and live more authentic lives. Join this conversation to reflect on these Wise Walk questions and more:
- How are you choosing to support your body and mental health?
- What habits and actions deliver the lifestyle and high-performance you seek?
- Are you honoring that you are the expert on you?
William is a true advocate for taking action when you see opportunity. It’s a way to give yourself small victories to stay grounded and inspired.
Listen as William speaks on health and wellness, the transition from Navy Seal to civilian, trauma management, and habit development. Recognize your habits, the good and bad, to learn how to better handle how you show up for yourself and others with these Wise Walk questions:
- What are your habits, whether good or bad?
- What new habit do you want to create?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[03:20] – What lights up William Branum?
[04:57] – William shares the early backstory of his journey from Navy SEAL to founder of a CBD company.
[07:49] – William gives an example of taking an opportunity when you see it, instead of letting it pass by. Why is it important to voice your value?
[10:19] – Everyone has baggage. William expresses his thoughts on dealing with baggage and trauma.
[12:24] – William talks about exploring new methods for addressing his baggage to transition out of relying on alcohol.
[14:48] – What made Willliam want to learn more about CBD?
[17:11] – What conversation inspired William to start his own company?
[19:36] – William discusses the hemp plant in relation to the body, health, and wellness.
[21:36] – What does CBD do inside your body?
[24:10] – Mary Tess explores the importance of product quality, accountability, and transparency.
[25:46] – William explains why his company values testing and ensuring high quality products for consumers.
[27:36] – Mary Tess says she is always looking for what will support herself.
[30:00] – William shares how CBD benefited his life. How does CBD impact his day to day?
[31:57] – William talks about sleep, health, and wellness.
[34:05] – Can CBD be used in energy drinks?
[36:41] – William shares real stories of people that also benefited from CBD.
[38:31] – How are you taking care of yourself?
[40:46] – William highlights the skill of acknowledging habits that help or hurt you and how to better manage life.
[42:26] – Mary Tess encourages everyone to be kind to themselves in the process of addressing old habits and baggage.
[44:08] – Improvement is incremental and so is healing.
[45:55] – What does William think about transitioning from the military to becoming a civilian?
[48:44] – How can people prepare for these major transitions in life? Plan, discuss, and practice the transition before executing the plan.
[50:03] – Naked Warrior Recovery aims to support veterans and first responders in terms of mental and physical health.
[00:51:35] – Never quit on yourself, and give yourself small victories.
[00:54:16] – Be ready to Accept failure. Failures build a foundation and help you expand.
[00:57:10] – Step away from and Kill mediocrity. Expose your fear and Do the work. That’s the NAKED Mindset.
[00:59:43] – What did a friend of William’s say that might help people deal with fear?
[01:01:09] – Do the work, and take the action that is necessary to do the work.
[01:02:35] – What happens when you take action and are honest?
[01:04:54] – Mary Tess reflects on the power of getting the tools to better communicate your truth.
[01:07:24] – William lives by the principles he is encouraging others to adopt. What are his fears?
[01:10:08] – What was Will’s solution to his fears? Listen to how he crushed his fears after exposing them.
[01:13:08] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “We all have ‘baggage’. It doesn’t matter if you’re a trained hardened warrior, a single stay-at-home mom, or a real estate agent. It doesn’t matter. We all have baggage.” – William
- “We all intuitively know that our body is calling for something that would benefit from more nourishment, or more space to heal.” – Mary Tess
- “Create small victories in your life. Every time you create a small victory, it’s going to help you in your mind, and also in your heart, because you just won for the day.” – William
- “Our minds are powerful, and data and strategy is powerful, but all of us have this heart that is central to everything we do. If we take the time to listen to it, and we take the time to really follow it, then there is really not as much fear.” – Mary Tess
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EP67: How Your Mindset Enhances Your Experiences
As 2022 starts up, take time to think through what you really want this year and what you are trying to manifest. No matter how the year unfolds, you can navigate anything you weren’t expecting. You only have to slow down, check your reality, and open your heart and mind to new possibilities. This episode talks about how your mindset can enhance your experiences.
I challenged you to choose a Word of the Year. Have you chosen one yet? A Word of the Year gives us an anchor that mirrors what can support us to be the best version of ourselves. Think of your word as support for when you feel some friction in whatever direction you’re going. Your Word of the Year can help you positively change your point of view.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP67’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. I can say I started the year off strong and set an intention of gifting myself a Wise Walk with solo meditation. At least, that was the plan. Listen with a smile as I tell you a story of friendly strangers, a clever shirt design, and a Wise Walk. One thing I learned: Each and everyday, you have the power to maneuver the way life unfolds.
On our Wise Walk, I talk about understanding how a Word of the Year can guide us to see unexpected things in a new light. My word for this year is “Gift”. In this episode, I share all the ways this word is already benefiting my year. As we take on this year with gusto and enthusiasm, come with me to reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- What is your Word of the Year?
- How will your Word of the Year enhance your feelings, choices, and actions with everything that you do?
- How does your Word of the Year empower you to walk in your True Stride and help manage any trigger responses that traditionally come up for you?
I encourage you to remind yourself that you are the expert on you. Be open to support in whatever forms that come your way. Have fun, and prioritize fun. Reflect as you align with your heart towards a direction that is truly calling you.
Open your mind to enhance the new experiences that help you grow in your True Stride. Check where your mind is at with these Wise Walk questions:
- Where are you excited to receive surprises?
- Where are you willing to let go of your plans if the universe has something better in store for you?
- If you ever felt alone, are there opportunities where you can open up your heart? Can you welcome whoever enters as a gift instead of an intrusion?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[00:48] – Mary Tess is already feeling the benefits from her Word of the Year: Gift.
[03:13] – Why did the first Wise Walk of the year not go the way Mary Tess planned?
[05:53] – Mary Tess shares how she found the gift in the spontaneous moment when her plans changed.
[07:14] – Each and everyday you have the power to maneuver the way life unfolds.
[09:45] – The universe sends the interactions we need to evolve and grow closer to alignment.
[10:39] – Are you willing to open yourself up to new possibilities and gifts from the universe?
[11:37] – Mary Tess says she is grateful that she flipped her mindset to enhance her experience.
[13:29] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “The universe is going to be sending us people to help us evolve and help us really tune-in to our feelings so that we can make aligned choices and actions that really resonate with our heart.” – Mary Tess
- “Be open to support in whatever forms that come your way.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP66: Practicing Reflection and Intention
Let’s reflect on all that last year offered, and let’s envision a new year bringing us more alignment. This episode talks about practicing reflection and intention.
Around this time, I’m feeling energized and happy as we wrap up the year. Are you excited for next year? A reflection process helps ground me in what my heart feels, including how I am in alignment or if I’m not in alignment with the life I want to design. Learning to be present with that awareness of alignment allows us to make new choices and take different actions in the upcoming year.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP66’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. I’ll tell you the many staple moments that embodied the meaning of True Stride over the past year. Listen as I share memories like celebrating one year of this podcast, pivoting during the 100-day challenge I took on earlier this year, and welcoming Trooper to the family.
On our Wise Walk, I suggest ways for you all to reflect on your year. From there, we can take a new path to a different vision for where we are headed. Curiosity and exploration open us to new experiences that can fill the next year with support that helps fuel our journey. To honor the lessons we learned over the past year, come with me to reflect on these Wise Walk questions:
- What experiences do I cherish at this moment?
- As we bring this year to a close, and start to look ahead, what are things we want to experience next year?
- As you look back on this past year, and all you’ve experienced, how did those experiences make you feel?
- How did you use Wise Walks in order to drop into your heart and make your choices and actions very intentional?
- What was really good that showed up for you?
- How have you focused on thoughts to create a reality that aligns with who you are and where you want to go?
I always want to be mindful of aligning with my heart, so when something feels unaligned I want to be able to give myself grace and permission to release it. I talk about this, alignment, letting go and making new choices based on what is currently resonating.
Since this episode is all about practicing reflection and intention, each question is particularly special. Let’s step into a brand new year with these Wise Walk questions:
- As you look ahead to the New Year, what are you really excited about?
- What are the experiences you want to embrace to create the expansion that you seek?
- What is calling you, and how do you want to show up every day?
- How do you want to experience this great adventure that we’re on each and every week?
- What gifts are you going to give yourself in the coming year?
- How are these gifts going to make you feel?
- How do you envision 2022 supporting you and your Heart Value?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[01:20] – What 2021 moments stand out for Mary Tess? She discusses the podcast and Heart Value.
[03:31] – Mary Tess talks about learning from the experience of welcoming Trooper to the family.
[05:17] – This is what Mary Tess noticed as she explored new experiences interacting with a wide range of places, people, and more.
[07:30] – How can we find balance in new interactions and new dynamics?
[09:43] – Mary Tess reveals her plans for next year that will help her take on new challenges that are in alignment with what will serve her journey.
[11:12] – As you reflect on this past year, explore these questions.
[12:57] – Did Mary Tess choose a Word of the Year yet?
[15:05] – Mary Tess already has a list of activities she wants to explore. What’s on her list?
[16:56] – Mary Tess encourages everyone to reflect on last year, envision a new year, and pick a word to anchor yourself through the year.
[19:16] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “Everyone in life mirrors where we are in life.” -Mary Tess
- “I always want to be mindful of aligning with my heart, so when something feels unaligned I want to be able to give myself grace and permission to release it.” -Mary Tess
- “I encourage you to really hone in on your practice for taking Wise Walks with yourself, and figuring out how to better drop into your heart on a daily basis, or on a minute by minute basis, because you have all the answers inside of you. You are the Heart Value expert on you.” -Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP65: What Gifts Are You Ready to Receive?
Are there times you feel resistance to receiving gifts, or do you ever feel unworthy of receiving gifts? This episode talks about consciously reminding yourself that you are worthy without doing anything special.
There’s a story about gifts, occasions, and worthiness that I feel called to share for this episode. Honestly, it’s a story from years ago that I always find myself telling since it’s such a good way to shift perspectives. Let me tell you what happened when I thought I was not ready to receive a beautiful gift from a friend.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP65’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. When it comes to receiving gifts, people can feel awkward about giving themselves permission to accept the gesture. What could possibly be holding someone back? There are moments where that awkwardness is actually resistance to celebrating worthiness.
On our Wise Walk, I emphasize the lesson that we are worthy without any particular requirement. People can talk themselves out of receiving gifts, but nothing is needed to celebrate worthiness. You might also deal with thoughts of not feeling worthy, so this episode is one reminder that you are very much worthy just as you are.
You don’t need to do anything special to be “enough”, you’re already enough. If you feel awkward about receiving gifts, love, compliments, or celebration, come with me to reflect on this core Wise Walk question:
- What gifts are you ready to receive? (in whatever form)
While looking at your own experiences, you might notice how often you resist gifts that appear in life. You deserve those gifts! Take time to reflect on accepting the gifts you receive, and remind yourself that you are worthy.
Allow yourself to receive gifts, and give yourself permission to celebrate your worthiness. If you are ready to take a step past your resistance, tune in to hear this core Wise Walk question:
- Are you willing to open yourself up and be vulnerable in a different way, and just give gratitude?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[00:54] – Mary Tess recalls when she turned down a gift. What happened?
[02:09] – May Tess explains why she was shocked at the response she got when she turned the gift down.
[04:00] – As you receive gifts, what are you feeling?
[04:58] – Mary Tess shares why she enjoys retelling that story of turning down a gift from a friend.
[06:47] – You’re worthy exactly as you are.
[07:34] – You give a gift by receiving a gift.
[08:33] – Mary Tess encourages everyone to give unexpected gifts.
[09:46] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “I am worth receiving love of any kind. It doesn’t have to be monetarily based. It could be just the gift of someone’s presence, or the gift of someone’s care, or the gift of someone looking after me, or having a laugh with me.” – Mary Tess
- “Apply whatever gift you receive in your life, so that you’re consciously reminding yourself that you are worthy, and just because you are who you are. You’re worthy exactly as you are.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources:
EP64: How to Align with Your Word for the Year
If you want a powerful compass to guide you through 2022, choose a word for the year that’ll remind you on where to go. This episode talks about how to align with your Word for the Year.
Lately, I’m reflecting on what word will embody the upcoming year, 2022. Since 2010, I chose a word every year to anchor me as I move forward. It’s like a mirror that I want to see in myself, and that I want to carry with me in everything that I do. Choosing a word allows me to explore the intention I’m creating for myself.
I’m here to spend quality solo time with you for EP64’s Wise Walk as we discover our True Stride. For 2021, my Word for the Year was “Heart Vibe”. I don’t choose a word of the year immediately; instead, I follow a process to fully feel through, try on, apply the word to examine how the word resonates.
On our Wise Walk, I take everyone through the process of choosing a word. Exploring what resonates for the upcoming year is important before committing to a Word for the Year. Listen as I guide us through this relaxed and joyful process of picking a Word for the Year. Sometimes words match, but don’t resonate with what you want moving forward. You’ll be glad you took time to clarify what you envision through this episode.
To make things more relatable, I share which words I am considering for my 2022 Word for the Year. I’m checking out the areas of my life to reflect on these Wise Walk questions and more:
- What intention are you creating and manifesting for yourself?
- What’s the support that you need, and what word comes up as you consider this?
- When you try on the word, what do you feel and what comes up for you as you experiment?
Get ready to explore the 4-step process mentioned in the episode on how to align with your Word for the Year. How are you stepping into the words you are considering to discover what does or doesn’t resonate? There’s no rush. Don’t be afraid to ditch what doesn’t work to come up with something better.
If you want to get a solid start on improving your upcoming year, start with getting clarity around your anchoring intention. As you join today, tune in to hear these Wise Walk questions:
- What are the possible applications of this word that you envision for your life?
- How do those applications and using that word make you feel?
- How can you playfully try on the word you are considering?
Join this inspiring community to uncover a new sense of freedom, and be sure to follow and review the True Stride podcast as we continue to exchange our light and Heart Value with each other.
In this episode:
[00:23] – Welcome to the show!
[01:24] – What was the first Word of the Year Mary Tess chose back in 2010? What was this year’s word in 2021?
[03:22] – Mary Tess uses four areas of focus as she goes through a word to consider.
[05:09] – Mary Tess explains how to explore the feelings brought up when considering a word.
[07:32] – Mary Tess was considering the word “Less” for 2022.
[09:25] – The word “Less” didn’t fully fit in with what Mary Tess wanted after she checked in with herself. Here’s why.
[11:15] – Explore synonyms of words that hold the desired intention.
[13:27] – Choose words that bring joy and playfulness into the pursuit of your Heart Value.
[15:01] – Heart Value’s feature in a local publication turned into a mishap. Is there something good within the mishap?
[16:55] – Mary Tess reflects on how she turned a mishap into a brighter experience.
[19:10] – Through the book-name-mishap, Mary Tess says she found a “Gift”.
[21:45] – Follow your Heart Value to really try on an intention before committing.
[24:20] – Thank you for listening!
Memorable Quotes:
- “Each time I put myself out there, I know that the Universe is lining up the things that need to come my way.” – Mary Tess
Links and Resources: